
The Mainless Character

A Simple Guy brought on upon a New world filled with Magic, a system and unforgettable characters. Start its way as a person who will live life to its Simplest, For Simple is Best. But is soon meet with a path needs to be crossed by a King. Will he become a King to Rule his people? or will he live his live as intended by his choices. Bitch, he chooses to be a King.

Simple_Thought · 都市
136 Chs

How should I go on with this? chapter 2

***Catherine's POV:

as I kneel right in front of St. Cathelyn's holy figure, praying our customary tradition of Faith and Belief, when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the Chapel's door.

"....That's weird, the visitors should be arriving an hour later, who could that be?"

I approached the door calmly, maybe expecting a delivery of some kind or maybe even yet a generous donation from one of the kind people of Fester but as I opened the door, I was met with a boy slightly exhausted, he was gasping from running. He had slightly blue eyes and Black hair, a simple normal looking boy you can find anywhere in this town.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Um, hi, are you sister Catherine?"

"Yes I am." I replied.

"Great!" his reaction towards my answer was a bit odd, since no one is usually that ecstatic by just knowing someone they first meet. Unless they admire that person.

The boy was strange. The moment I affirmed my name to him, he stood there for at least two minutes, his eye's weren't directed towards me no more but instead he looked at the ground with a complicated face. He began to pale and cold sweat was dripping from his face, it was as if he was going through a tough moment in his life, or that he was holding in a dump.

It was awkward, but I stood there and waited until he finally spoke again

A minute passed again but this time, the boy just looked at me, his expression changed, it was cold and calculating, as if he was going to do something, something that I must be wary of.

*** Third person POV:

Normally people would just dismiss the reaction of the cold look on the boy's eyes but it was different for Catherine. She was no normal Nun who managed the Chapel, she was special, she was cautious, she had experience.

She slowly reached out for the necklace placed one her neck while looking at the boy cautiously. The necklace had the shape of a Cross with a crescent moon on the center, signifying that it was the symbol of Saint Cathelyn's Insignia.

With her hand ready on the cross, she waited on what the boy was going to do, a Golden aura was slowly seeping out of the cross.

She waited

And then the boy pulled out something from his pocket, the Nun expecting a Gun or some kind of weapon, the Aura around the cross began to fervently glow, but its was at a point still not noticeable by normal people.

But unexpectedly, the boy brought out of his hand a wallet, and as he check through it, the nun noticed the boy's expression slightly becoming grimmer, she noticed the boy pull out something out of this, and as it came to full view, she saw money in place on the boy's hand.

The Boy gave an awkward smile at her and talked.

"I'm sorry, this is all I have for the moment."

As he handed the cash towards me, I received the money and was quite surprise of the amount.

'It's 270 ence' She thought.

'Ence' was the Currency of this World, it had the value where 100 ence was enough to buy a Happy meal from McDouglas. so having given 270 ence, it was enough to buy three set meals.

She looked back at the boy and saw the boy awkwardly smiling at her.

The boy spoke. "This is my offering for St. Cathelyn. I hope you could accept this as a way for accepting me."

The nun looked at the boy and finally realized his intentions. Usually offerings would be done inside the chapel as a way to Glorify their beliefs on St. Cathelyn church and in return they would receive a bit of blessing, either by a simple healing spell or a buff spell, but if not done on the usual day of their mass, this simple offering like what the boy did could still be somewhat acceptable and in its return was the simple healing spell.

'I see, he must have needed me to heal him. It wasn't that rare for people to come here and be cured of their sickness, so he might be sick as well.' Thought Catherine.

She smiled at the boy, knowing she realize the misunderstanding between her and the boy. She folded the Offering in half and walk inside the Chapel.

"Come inside."

As she invited the boy inside the chapel, she walked right in front of the altar and bowed as she placed the offering inside a small box.

As she regained her posture back, she looked back at the boy who was standing right behind her and slowly placed her palm in front of the Boy's chest.

"So what kind of blessing are you here for in receiving?"

"...A simple buff spell is fine, more specifically on my stamina if you would."

The boy took a little time deciding on what spell was needed to improve on himself and he decided on his lacking stamina.

The nun looked at him, stared into the center of his body and emitted a faint white glow.

"Now I should remind you, what I'm giving you right now is a simple boost on your stamina only. It depends on how different our capabilities are on how it'll affect you."


"I'm not trying to sound arrogant here but you seem a bit weaker than most people I know of, so the Blessing I will give you might be more potent. Well, I'm sure you'll realize once were done.

As she finished her explanation, her hand began to emit a yellow aura. As she touched boy, the spell was underway.

*** Hamil's POV:

'What is this?'

'Why does it feel so warm?'

'I feel lighter'

As I opened my eyes, I saw sister Catherine right in front of me, smiling as she felt satisfied with the blessing she gave me.

"Good, were done."

"Thank you sister Catherine, if ever I would need a blessing again, I'll come visit her."

"You're welcome, feel free to do so. St. Cathelyn will always welcome you with open arms."

I nodded my head and began to leave, as I walk out of the chapel, I look back to sister Catherine and waived Goodbye. She waived back.

I headed my way back home.

***Catherine's POV:

"Well I should get ready, they'll be here any minute now."

I grab the candle stick in one of the stands I ignited it and slowly ignited the other candles placed in each corner of the chapel.

~A few minutes pass~




'Oh, looks like their here.'

As I opened the door, I was met with four people, all wearing a clad of white armor with a Symbol of a Cross with a Crescent on its center.

They had this intimidating aura around them, indicating that they had Authority no normal person could ever attain.

"Please, come inside."

"Thank you Sister."

As they walk inside the chapel, they sat on the benches of the church and took of their helmets.

One of the visitor's spoke.

"Well now, let us begin. The Grand Knights of the Service Moon will now being it's Meeting on how to handle the event towards the Arrival of the 3rd prince of the Kastelyst Kingdom , Avelor Winstone."

*** Hamil's POV:

As I sat in front of my desk, looking at the Profile of my Character. I was amazed, my stamina did Grow.



Name: Hamil Crux

Occupation: None


God's followed: None

Mana: 10

Strength: 5

Luck: 0.5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5.5 (+0.5)

Intelligence: 7

Looking at the Profile, I realized that to look at my profile, I would only to think of What my Character Profile is and the Screen in front of me would pop out.

As I sat in my chair, admiring the System. A squeaking noise was heard right by the door of the room. I turned my direction to that and saw a new mail was lying on the floor.

"What's that?"

I picked up the mail and look at the front of it.


"It's from the Royal Academy."

The Royal Academy, Located in West side of the Kastelyst Kingdom, it acts as the Educational institution of all children with ages starting from 16 to up. With mainly Sovereign people attending its System of education. With a span of 4 years for a person to fully graduate from the Royal academy. Although Kastelyst Kingdom serves under a Monarchist type of livelihood, and even though the Royal academy is part of the kingdom itself, its also accepts people with Talents, People like the Main character of these novel. The Royal Academy is the Setting where almost half of the development in the novel happens. It is where most of the Characters were introduced.

So for having to receive such a letter was a surprise if nothing else.

"I wonder whats written inside."

As I opened the envelope and pulled the letter, a golden piece of round object fell to the ground. I picked up the Object and was gasped by what it was.

"A Golden Pin Badge!..does that mean.."

I read through the contents.


To: Hamil Crux

From: The Royal Academy

Dear Mr. Crux

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that I inform you of your Acceptance to The Royal Academy. You have been given this opportunity to in recognition of your Scholastic Achievements in passing the Written Examination.

With the contents inside along this Letter, this Badge proves and recognizes your Talent in the Scholastic Curriculum. Although, you will be given another chance in Proving us your Practical capabilities. You must attend another Practical Examination a week before the Starting of the new Semester.

If you are to pass the Practical Examination, your application for the Scholarship will be accepted by the Academy.

Sincerely the: The Royal Practitioner


'So I passed the Written exam?'

As what was written in the letter, it confirmed that I Passed the Written exam or to be more precise, Hamil did. But I don't remember taking the exam…wait, this explains my Character Profile, why my Intelligence stat is still at 7, if it was the Original Hamil, it would have been a lot higher than it is, knowing he passed the Written Exam. I replaced Hamil Crux Profile with my Profile, leaving only his name as my whole identity in this world.

Knowing I passed the Exam, Knowing that this is the novel 'The Royal Mystic Life' and knowing the dangers ahead in this world. What should I do? What can I do?

My only objective is to Survive…but I'm powerless….I'm weak. I'll probably fail the Practical exam and all of this chance given by that man will be for nothing.

"What should I do?"

'The Practical exam is a week before the start of the School semester, When is that?'

I look to the Calendar and saw the date today.

"June 6, 2045….wait, 2045?"

"The novel should have started at 2044, I'm a whole year late from meeting the protagonist…Wait, I failed at the first Examination, that's why."

'lets see, what Arc happens in the summer before the start of the 2nd year arc?'

Staring deep into the calendar, I tried to remember the events happening before the start of the 2nd year arc.

".….A summer event….A Beach episode…"

".….Theme park arc…it might as well be but this wont help m- "

"A gate opens…not just any gate but a Hero's Gate!"

This is the event where the Protagonist find's his second Form of ability, another hero will meet with him.

This World is a place where 'Gates' open around the World, inside those gates are Monsters of Cataclysmic levels of danger, to Counter those gates, the People use Abilities where they go under the blessings of Ancient heroes and Gods. An Example of this is Sister Catherine, she Worships St. Cathelyn, the God who handles the Crescent Moon shine of this World. A being who helps those people who are lost in the dark by shining her Crescent moonlight upon them.

There are many ways to attain an ability, one is to worship a god, another is to be taken interest by a God, there are also Artifacts and Historical challenges being held by heroes and if Acknowledged, you gain those abilities. But the rarest form of obtaining an Ability is by the Hero's Gate, it randomly occurs around the world and by entering one, you are set to meet your fated partner in forming your Ability. The Gate challenges you as Heroes and Gods watch you take on the Challenge, and as you complete that Challenge, you will meet an ability you yourself can call your own.

"I need to find that Gate."

Hmmm, I'm craving for Watermelons right now. anyway read and pls comment how you feel about this novel...im going for the direction of Hamil being a 1st year while the OG characters are already 2nd years.

Simple_Thoughtcreators' thoughts