
Chapter 38: Dear Jane

After a whole month and still no sign of Julien, I knew Albert wasn't lying, I was stuck with him. I decided to take my mind off escaping and rather focus on my health and baby. After a few days, my baby kicked, making me sure that he was okay and my initial fears subsided.

Albert made me sit with him at the dinner table each day like we were a couple and he'd often ask me how my baby was doing. I was bitter because I didn't want to be like that with him, I longed to hear Julien's voice again, I wanted him to ask me those questions. And Arthur... He must be so sad. I wanted to get back to my family, but I had no way of doing so.

I spent nearly every minute of everyday in Albert's library, reading different books as they helped me escape from my reality. When I wasn't reading and I wasn't sleeping, I was talking to Alexa; she was really sweet and kind and she treated me like a sister.