
The Magus

______________________________________________ This book concludes its updates here. If you desire to delve further into the story, you may continue your reading journey in its newly christened title, "The Magus: Echoes of the Forgotten." ______________________________________________

elbas · ファンタジー
16 Chs

The Gift of Knowledge

As time flowed steadily, the day of Elyon's first birthday arrived, filling him with an exhilarating revelation that birthdays held significance in this new realm.

Even though the celebration was attended solely by his beloved nana, a feeling of joy enveloped him. The sight of numerous gifts bestowed upon him brought contentment to his heart, knowing that he was cherished and celebrated in his own humble way.

Asselin's cheerful voice reverberated through the room, enveloping the atmosphere with warmth as she joyously proclaimed, "Happy birthday, young master Elyon!" Elyon acknowledged her greeting with a subtle nod, his expression guarded and inscrutable.

Sensing his reserved demeanor, Asselin calmly inquired, "Would you like to open your presents now?" Her unwavering composure mirrored her understanding of Elyon's temperament, neither surprised nor disappointed by his reaction.

It had long been an intriguing observation that Elyon, since the day his mother passed, had never shed a single tear as a baby, and even now, at the tender age of one, he remained untouched by sorrow's embrace. Instead, his eyes reflected a profound sense of detachment, as if grappling with a weariness and isolation beyond his years.

"Sure," Elyon responded, his voice void of any discernible emotion. Even in the simplest of exchanges, his words resonated with a blunt and indifferent tone, revealing a glimpse into the enigmatic depths of his inner world.

A palpable air of intrigue surrounded this enigmatic child, leaving his emotional landscape shrouded in mystery, an enigma for all to ponder.

Asselin, undeterred by his aloofness, proceeded to open the presents on his behalf, her excitement undiminished.

"Oh my, these are all for you from the duke, young master, and this seems to be..." Asselin's voice trailed off, her words dissolving into a hushed murmur as she observed Elyon's underwhelmed expression.

A tinge of disappointment flickered across her face, but she swiftly regained her composure, knowing well the enigmatic nature of the young boy.

Elyon, true to his character, maintained his customary indifferent demeanor, refusing to betray any flicker of excitement or gratitude. He had mastered the art of concealing his emotions, reserving their unveiling solely for moments when he achieved something he deemed worthy of pride.

His scrutinizing gaze roved over the pile of presents before him, his heart sinking with each mundane appearance.

Mostly toys, with a few mysterious items sprinkled among them, they elicited only a fleeting curiosity that was quickly extinguished as Asselin dutifully explained their purpose.

The young master's disappointment weighed heavily upon him, his emotions carefully concealed behind a mask of stoicism. Though his heart ached with the absence of loved ones on his birthday, he harbored no blame or resentment towards them.

"I do not care," Elyon murmured softly, his voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. His thoughts drifted to the painful memory of his mother's passing, the void she left behind still fresh in his mind.

As the anniversary of her death coincided with his birthday, conflicting emotions flooded his being. He couldn't help but question his own existence, contemplating the possibility of an alternate reality where he had never been born. The weight of guilt burdened his soul, as he believed his very presence had caused his family immeasurable loss and suffering.

With a deep sigh, Elyon allowed himself to be consumed by his introspections. The bittersweet remembrance of his mother's fleeting presence intensified the ache in his heart. Despite having met her only once, the void left by her absence was inexplicably profound, an enduring pain that defied explanation.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Elyon pondered, his voice filled with genuine confusion. The inexplicable longing for a mother he barely knew tugged at his soul, a constant reminder of the profound impact she had on his life, even in her absence.

Waking Elyon from his stupor Asselin tenderly nudged Elyon's slumbering form, gently bringing him back to the waking world.

He was presented with a silver box, elegantly adorned with black jewels, each situated at the four cardinal directions.

Curiosity flickered in Elyon's eyes as he beheld the mysterious gift. As if able to read his thoughts, Asselin spoke, "This is a gift from Lord Marduk, young master."

As soon as those words left Asselin's lips, Elyon's interest was piqued. His heart quickened with anticipation, for he knew that the man who had rekindled his spirit would not gift him with a mere child's toy.

Indeed, the silver box adorned with black jewels held the promise of something extraordinary. Elyon trusted Asselin, and he knew that whatever lay within the box would be nothing short of spectacular.

A little smile played at the corners of Elyon's lips, and his eyes shone with eager anticipation. Asselin was taken aback by the sight, for she had seldom seen Elyon display such unbridled excitement.

The young master's eyes appeared to sparkle like a child's, and the sight was nothing short of enchanting. It was as if a fairy tale had come to life before her very eyes.

Elyon's fingers danced over the intricately carved box, but its lid remained stubbornly shut. With a playful glint in his eye, he whispered, "As expected of him."

A quiet chuckle escaped him as he infused the box with a surge of mana, hoping to unlock the mystery within.


but to avail nothing happened.

Elyon's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the stubborn box before him.

"Oh, I see," he muttered, a hint of frustration in his tone.

With a snort, he placed his fingers on the black jewels that adorned the four cardinal directions of the lid.

Pouring his mana into the jewels, he focused his energy on unlocking the secrets hidden within.


Once again, Elyon found himself stuck, nothing having happened despite his efforts. Frustration mounting, he paused to contemplate his situation, searching for any overlooked detail.

Suddenly, inspiration struck like lightning, and he could hardly contain his excitement. 'What have I been missing?' he wondered aloud, before the answer came to him in a flash. Without hesitation, he put his new solution into action, confident that this time, he'd be successful.

With steady hands, Elyon gently touched the four black jewels positioned at each cardinal direction, readying himself to inject them with mana once again. However, this time, there was a noticeable difference.

He wasn't drawing from the world energy like before. Instead, he was tapping into his own reservoir of pure mana, known to some as the elusive seventh element, spirit magic.

With a deep breath, he began the intricate process of channeling, directing and molding his own mana towards the jewels, eager to see the results of this new approach.

"After infusing the box with spirit magic, it opened slowly and unremarkably. Disappointed, he couldn't help but let out a hollow laugh. 'I suppose I was expecting something more flashy, but alas,' he thought to himself with resignation. Despite his disappointment, he couldn't deny the thrill of anticipation that had consumed him just moments before.

With his disappointment quickly fading, Elyon calmly inspected the contents of the box. And to his delight, he found a book inside.

'A book!' he thought to himself with excitement. 'It's just what I need right now, how fortunate.' Elyon couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected surprise that had come his way.

He was filled with a restless curiosity, yearning to comprehend and decipher the written language of this realm with the same ease as he had mastered its spoken tongue.

In a momentary glimpse, he effortlessly absorbed the words presented to him, just as he had envisaged. All was proceeding as intended.

"Ah, how fortuitous," Elyon exclaimed with a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "This is undoubtedly a favorable sign. I won't have to dedicate precious hours to mastering the intricacies of reading and writing. While it wouldn't have posed a significant obstacle, it certainly would have consumed valuable time that I could better allocate to honing my magical abilities. Such an inconvenience could have hindered my essential training. What a weight off my shoulders!"

Elyon released a long, contented sigh, his thoughts finally finding a resolute conclusion. He allowed himself a moment of gratitude for this unexpected stroke of luck, recognizing the newfound freedom it bestowed upon him.

Asselin, taken aback by the sudden shift in his demeanor, furrowed her brow and asked, "Is everything alright, young master?" Mistaking his sigh of relief for one of disappointment, Asselin looked on with bewilderment.

"Eh, where had all that happy-go-lucky attitude gone?" Asselin pondered, still perplexed by the sudden change in demeanor.

"It's nothing," Elyon replied nonchalantly, unaware of Asselin's furrowed brow and the genuine concern etched across her face. He mistakenly believed that Asselin's curiosity was solely directed towards the book he held in his hands.

A palpable tension settled between them, casting an uncomfortable stillness in the room. The silence seemed to stretch on, wrapping around them like a dense fog. Asselin couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was awry, a subtle unease gnawing at her senses.

Nonetheless, Asselin chose to respect Elyon's silence, refraining from probing further. Elyon, in turn, kept his thoughts guarded, closing the book with a wistful sigh, leaving the enigma within its pages unresolved.

In a tone tinged with melancholy, Elyon whispered to himself, "Well, today marks my birthday. Happy birthday to me."

As he carefully sealed the box containing the mysterious book, Elyon couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and anticipation. The gift he had received from his enigmatic uncle Marduk on his first birthday held an air of profound significance, an intangible treasure that surpassed material value. Little did he know that this book would become the key to unraveling the secrets of his "past" and shaping his "destiny" in ways he couldn't yet fathom.

Within the pages of the book, Elyon discovered not only a wealth of general knowledge about the world but also invaluable insights that would shape his very existence. Concepts vital to his survival and the pursuit of a prosperous future unfolded before his eyes.

This priceless treasure, carefully bestowed upon him, served as a constant reminder of the immense power held within knowledge itself. It was a potent force that could be harnessed for both benevolent purposes and catastrophic consequences, depending solely on the individual who wielded it.

Elyon, recognizing the weight of this responsibility, made a solemn vow to use his newfound knowledge "judiciously". With each turn of the page, he felt a growing sense of determination, understanding that the choices he made and the wisdom he gained would determine his path and the impact he would have on the world around him.

Despite having everything he could have ever wanted, Elyon knew that knowledge was the one thing he lacked the most.

The book he received from his uncle Marduk on his first birthday was a true blessing, providing him with the knowledge to unlock his potential.

How he would wield that power was a mystery that only time could reveal.

After the birthday party came to an end, he couldn't resist the temptation to dive into the pages of the book his uncle had gifted Amidst the abundance of material possessions that adorned his life, Elyon remained acutely aware of the one invaluable treasure he yearned for the most: knowledge. It was the key that could unlock the depths of his potential and pave the way for his remarkable journey.

The book bestowed upon him by his uncle Marduk on his first birthday was a rare and cherished gift, a gateway to enlightenment that held the power to shape his destiny. Within its pages lay the secrets and wisdom of ages, waiting to be unraveled by his eager mind.

As the festivities of the birthday celebration gradually faded, Elyon's anticipation grew, his fingertips tingling with an insatiable curiosity. With a sense of quiet reverence, he cradled the book in his hands, feeling the weight of its importance. In that moment, he made a silent promise to himself: to delve into its contents and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

In the solitude of his room, illuminated only by the soft glow of a solitary candle, Elyon gently opened the book, its pages rustling like whispers of hidden knowledge. As his eyes scanned the first lines, he felt an electric surge of anticipation course through his veins. The mysteries that awaited him within those ink-stained confines held the potential to reshape his entire existence.

In that hushed moment, Elyon embraced the uncertain path ahead, ready to absorb the wisdom, to question, and to forge his own unique destiny. The journey into the boundless realm of knowledge had begun, and with every word he devoured, Elyon knew that his life would never be the same again.

The night passed by in a blur as he devoured every word, his curiosity fueling his voracious appetite for knowledge. The book had him so engrossed, it felt like time had come to a standstill.

Happy birthday Elyon

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