
Harry Potter: The Magnus Riddle story

After an epic battle against the formidable Goblin Ranrok, Magnus Riddle, a half-blood wizard, falls into a deep magical coma. His body remains motionless for 100 years, while the magical world continues to turn without him. When the first rays of sunlight touch the Great Hall at Hogwarts, something extraordinary happens. Magnus awakens, confused and disoriented, in the same year that Harry Potter enters the school. The world he once knew has changed dramatically, but his thirst for knowledge and unwavering determination remain intact. Magnus is more powerful than any wizard ever seen. He has achieved unimaginable levels of mastery in spells, potions, herbology, transfiguration, and the dark arts. Ancient magic flows through his veins, and he becomes a legendary figure—both feared and respected. As Harry and his friends unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts, Magnus becomes a prominent presence. He mentors young witches and wizards, challenges the boundaries of knowledge as a professor, and acts as an older brother who protects and guides. Even Dumbledore regards Magnus with respect, acknowledging his unparalleled expertise. Yet, the Ministry of Magic also fears him. Magnus is an unpredictable force, capable of tipping the magical world's delicate balance. He must choose whether to wield his power for good or evil. And at the heart of this decision lies a disturbing family secret. The Magnus Riddle story is an epic journey where past and present intertwine. Magnus Riddle is poised to redefine Hogwarts' history and, perhaps, save or condemn the magical world. The choice rests in his hands.

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Chapter 3: "The Legacy of a Hero: The Magical World After Magnus's Sacrifice"



At Hogwarts, Magnus' absence was like a palpable void, a shadow that hung over the hearts of his friends.

Sebastian Sallow , Magnus's loyal friend, was unrecognizable. His face was marked by pain and anger, his eyes filled with a cold fire. He isolated himself from others, absorbed in his own pain. He couldn't accept that Magnus was gone, and his mind was consumed by the idea that he could have done something to stop him.

Natsai Onai , the wise Gryffindor , was overcome with overwhelming guilt. She blamed herself for not being able to help Magnus to the end, for not finding a way to stop his sacrifice. His mind was constantly haunted by the moments when he could have done more, said more, fought harder.

Poppy Sweeting , the mischievous Hufflepuff, felt as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest. She was in love with Magnus, although she never had the courage to confess her feelings. His departure left a painful void in his life, a wound that would not heal easily.

Ane Sallow and Omnis Gaunt , lovers who shared a love story as intense as it was tumultuous, were mourning the loss of their friend. Ane clung to Omnis for comfort, her tears mixing with his as they tried to find a way to move forward.

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the empty seats where Magnus used to sit were a constant reminder of his absence. His friends looked at them with longing eyes, remembering the happy moments they shared with him.

Director Phineas Nigellus Black gave an emotional speech in honor of Magnus Riddle , reminding everyone of the courageous sacrifice he made for the good of all. His words were like a balm to the broken hearts of his friends, reminding them that Magnus will always be remembered as a hero.

As the wizarding world mourned the loss of Magnus Riddle , his friends vowed to honor his memory. They knew that although he may be gone, his spirit would forever live within them, guiding and inspiring them to do what was right.

And so, as the sun set over Hogwarts and the stars twinkled in the night sky, Magnus's friends rallied in his memory, promising to never forget the sacrifice he made and the legacy he left behind. For although Magnus Riddle may be gone from the physical world, his spirit will never be forgotten. He will live forever in the hearts of those who loved him and called him a friend .

While Hogwarts was in mourning, Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black called an urgent meeting with the Minister for Magic, Adrian Everhart . The principal's office was imbued with a solemn aura when the minister entered, his serious expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

The tension in the principal's office was palpable as Phineas Nigellus Black and Adrian Everhart faced each other in a battle of wills.

"Director Black, I understand your indignation," the Minister of Magic began, adjusting his glasses with a heavy sigh. "But we need to consider all perspectives. The goblins' situation is not as simple as it seems."

"I am not seeking simplicity, Minister. I am seeking justice," Black responded, his voice ringing with authority. "The goblins invaded Hogwarts, attacked our students and caused chaos. Magnus Riddle gave his life to protect us. We cannot ignore this."

"Director Black," the minister began, "our reports indicate that the goblin rebellion has finally come to an end. They have been defeated, but at what cost?"


Black raised an eyebrow, his expression impassive. "At what cost, indeed. Hogwarts suffered significant damage during the goblin attacks. And Magnus Riddle 's sacrifice cannot be ignored."

Everhart nodded, but his eyes remained wary. "I understand your position, but we need to remain calm. The goblins have already suffered significant losses during the rebellion. A hasty approach will only result in more conflict."

"Conflicts that they themselves caused!" interrupted Black, slamming the table hard. "We cannot allow acts of violence against Hogwarts and its students to go unpunished. We need to show that we are capable of protecting our school and our community."

Everhart nodded grimly. "I understand your concern, Director. But we must remember that the goblins have also suffered losses."


"Self-inflicted losses," Black retorted. "They invaded our school, caused destruction and death. We cannot allow this to go unpunished."


The minister pondered for a moment before responding. "I understand your position, Director. But we cannot take hasty action. Goblins have rights and we must act prudently."

The minister took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure in the face of the director's obvious anger. "I understand your concern for the security of Hogwarts, Director Black. But we cannot act out of revenge. We must follow the protocols established by law and diplomacy."

Black let out a low growl of frustration. "Laws and diplomacy will not bring back Magnus Riddle . I will not allow his sacrifice to be in vain. The goblins must pay for what they have done."

Black fixed his gaze on the minister, his voice icy. "Elves have rights, yes. But they also have responsibilities. They must pay for what they did to Hogwarts and for Magnus Riddle 's sacrifice ."


Everhart took a deep breath, aware of the director's determination. "I will take your concerns into consideration, Director. But we must proceed with caution."

Everhart tilted his head in acknowledgement, but his eyes remained steady. "I will consider your words, Director. But be careful not to let your determination become an obsession. We must find a balance between justice and reason."

"We will proceed according to the law, Minister. But we will not let Magnus's sacrifice be in vain," Black stated, his voice echoing with authority.

"Director Black," the minister, with a voice that reflected his concern, "the recent events involving the goblin rebellion and Magnus Riddle 's sacrifice have been truly shocking."

Black nodded solemnly. "Indeed, Minister. The situation at Hogwarts was an unprecedented tragedy. Our students faced terrible dangers, and Magnus Riddle 's sacrifice cannot be underestimated."

The minister pondered for a moment before responding. "I understand your position, Director. However, we must consider the reasons behind the goblin rebellion. They have legitimate grievances that need to be addressed."

"Claims that do not justify their acts of violence and destruction," interjected Black, with a firm look. "Hogwarts is a sacred place, and those who attack it must face the consequences."

Everhart took a deep breath, aware of the director's determination. "I understand your perspective, Director. However, we must act prudently. Taking hasty action could result in more conflict and bloodshed."

"I do not intend to act impulsively, Minister," Black stated, a controlled intensity in his voice. "But I will also not allow Magnus Riddle 's memory to be tarnished. He sacrificed his life to protect our school and our students. We must honor that sacrifice."


The argument continued for hours, each side defending their views fervently. But it was clear that Principal Phineas Nigellus Black would not allow Magnus Riddle 's memory to be tarnished. For, to him, Magnus was more than just a Slytherin student . He was a symbol of power, greatness and sacrifice - and that would not be forgotten. With arguments being exchanged on both sides. In the end, it was clear that the decision regarding the goblins' fate would be made with caution and consideration, but the firm voice of director Phineas Nigellus Black would resonate as a constant reminder that Magnus Riddle 's sacrifice would not be forgotten. Although the minister expressed concerns about the headmaster's approach, it was clear that Magnus Riddle 's memory would not be forgotten and that the sacrifice he made would not be in vain. Director Phineas Nigellus Black was determined to ensure this.



In the Teachers' Lounge, Principal Phineas Nigellus Black and Deputy Headmistress Matilda Weasley were sitting in their armchairs, in front of a roaring fire. The atmosphere was filled with tension, reflecting the gravity of recent events.


Matilda Weasley fixed his serious gaze on Black. "The situation is intolerable, Phineas . The goblin rebellion was a disaster and the loss of Magnus... well, that only makes things worse."


Black nodded, his expression grim. "I couldn't agree more, Matilda . The Ministry of Magic has failed to protect our people. Their incompetence is unacceptable."


Matilda pressed her lips together firmly. "We must take drastic action. The goblins cannot go unpunished for their actions. They nearly destroyed Britain and Western Europe."


Black nodded, his expression hardened with determination. "I am willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the goblins pay for what they did. And Magnus… his sacrifice cannot be in vain. We must ensure that his death is not forgotten."


Matilda nodded, her eyes shining with resolution. "I completely agree, Phineas . Let's pressure the Ministry to act. We cannot allow this tragedy to be ignored."


And so, amid the grief of losing Magnus and anger at the Ministry of Magic's incompetence, Director Black and Deputy Director Matilda Weasley devised plans to ensure that justice was served and that Magnus's sacrifice was not forgotten.


Slytherin dormitory , Ane Sallow and Omnis Gaunt sat side by side, sharing a heavy silence. The green curtains moved gently in the night breeze that filtered through the half-open windows.


Ane held Omnis' hand tenderly, her eyes expressing gratitude and sadness. "Magnus has helped us in so many ways, Omnis. He cured my curse and gave you back your sight. Without him..."


Omnis gently squeezed her hand, sharing her grief. "I know, Ane. Without him, we wouldn't be here together now. He sacrificed so much for us."


Ane looked down, a tear escaping her eyes. "I miss him, Omnis. I can't imagine Hogwarts without him."


Omnis pulled her into a comforting hug, feeling her sadness echo in his own heart. "I miss him too, Ane. We all do."


Meanwhile, Sebastian Sallow sat in his own dark corner of the dorm, his face obscured by shadow. He held Magnus' Wand in his hands, lost in his own dark thoughts. Magnus's departure had left a void in his heart, a void he didn't know how to fill.


Sebastian couldn't accept that Magnus was gone. He felt helpless, consumed by guilt and grief. The glow of hope that Magnus had brought into his life had dissipated, leaving only an oppressive darkness in its wake.


Ane and Omnis watched Sebastian with concern, silently sharing their anguish. They knew it wouldn't be easy for Sebastian to get over the loss of Magnus, but they were determined to be there for him, just as Magnus had been there for them.

Sebastian Sallow sat alone in the Slytherin Common Room, holding Magnus Riddle 's wand reverently. Their thoughts were immersed in memories of the battle against the troll in Hogsmeade Square , a moment that would change their lives forever.


He closed his eyes, reliving the fight scene. The passersby running in panic, the wild troll roaring with fury, and he and Magnus, side by side, facing danger together. It was there that Sebastian first witnessed Magnus's incredible ability to manipulate ancient magic, an ability that left him both amazed and a little afraid.


Sebastian remembered how Magnus channeled ancient energy with stunning ease, casting powerful spells that seemed to defy the laws of modern magic. It was a moment of revelation for Sebastian, but also a source of concern, as he knew this ability came with a price.


The memory of the battle was mixed with a sense of gratitude and regret. Magnus had been more than a friend; he had been a mentor, a protector, a source of inspiration. He cured Sebastian's sister, Ane, of a curse that had afflicted her for years, and was always there to help and guide.


But now, with Magnus gone, Sebastian felt an overwhelming emptiness. He gripped his wand tighter, wishing he could see Magnus once again, hear his wise voice and feel his comforting presence. But he knew that would never happen again, and the reality was almost unbearable.


Sebastian knew he had to find a way to move forward, honoring Magnus's legacy and fighting for the ideals he represented. But for now, he allowed himself to become lost in his memories, recalling the moments of courage and camaraderie he had shared with his friend. And as silent tears streamed down his face, he promised himself that Magnus would never be forgotten.

He knew he had to find a way to honor Magnus's legacy, but he also knew that carrying his wand wasn't the right way. Magnus wouldn't have wanted him to be stuck in the past, after all.

With a heavy sigh, Sebastian stood up and made his way to Director Black's office. He knew it was time to give Magnus' wand back and face the reality that his friend was gone forever.

Upon entering the office, Sebastian found Director Black sitting behind his desk, a grim expression on his face. He handed Magnus his wand with a silent wave, and the two men exchanged a meaningful look.

"Director Black," Sebastian began, struggling to control his emotions, but Director Black interrupted, "Mr. Sallow , I know that Magnus meant a lot to you, as well as to me. I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry for your loss."

Director Black looked at the wand for a moment before responding. "Magnus was an extraordinary wizard," he said, his voice thick with regret. "He left a legacy that will be remembered for generations to come."

Sebastian nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I know I can't change the past, but I promise I will do everything in my power to honor Magnus' memory. He deserves it."

Director Black nodded, appreciating Sebastian's words. "You have Magnus's respect, Mr. Sallow . Don't let anything stop you from achieving the greatness he saw in you."

Sebastian said goodbye to Director Black and left the office, feeling a heavy weight in his heart. He knew he had a long journey ahead, but he was determined to move forward, keeping the flame of Magnus' legacy alive.

As he walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, Sebastian reflected on what the future held. He still felt deep anger towards Ranrok and Victor Rookwood , those responsible for Magnus' death, and knew he had to continue the fight against their followers. The battle was not over yet, and he was determined to ensure that Magnus' sacrifice was not in vain.

Arn , Magnus Riddle 's trusted elf , entered the gates of Hogwarts with determination. He had an important mission to fulfill, a promise made to his friend before his final departure. With purposeful steps, he headed towards Director Black's office, carrying a sealed envelope with him.


Upon entering the office, Arn found Director Black sitting behind his desk, reviewing some documents. Wasting no time, Arn walked over and handed the envelope to the director.


"What is this, Arn ?" asked Director Black, raising an eyebrow curiously.


"A will," Arn replied , his deep voice echoing through the office. "It's by Magnus Riddle ."


Director Black raised an eyebrow, his expression becoming serious. "A will? What does that mean?"


Arn explained the situation, detailing how Magnus had amassed a great fortune by defeating the Ashes, Hunters, and Ranrok 's supporters , as well as his Hogsmeade shop and the profits from it. He emphasized that Magnus fully trusted his friends to manage their affairs and look after each other in his absence.


Director Black listened intently, his expression softening as he understood the depth of Magnus' trust in his friends. He accepted the envelope reverently, promising to fulfill Magnus' dying wish.


"Please convey my thanks to Arn ," Director Black said sincerely. "This is a gesture of great trust and friendship."


Arn nodded respectfully and left the office, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew his friends would be happy to know that Magnus had chosen them to take care of his business and keep his legacy alive.


As Arn left Hogwarts behind, he felt a hint of hope in the air. Magnus Riddle may be gone, but his spirit and determination still echo in the halls of the school and in the hearts of those who loved him. And with the will in hand, his friends would find comfort in the knowledge that Magnus would return one day, to claim his inheritance and reunite with those he considered family.


Magnus' friends were called to a meeting by Director Black. As they walked through the corridors of Hogwarts towards the headmaster's office, their voices echoed softly, mixing with the sound of footsteps echoing through the empty corridor.

Sebastian, Natsai , Poppy , Ane and Omnis walked together, engaged in their own reflections on what was to come. Magnus's absence hung over them like a shadow, and the prospect of managing his affairs and maintaining his legacy left them anxious and insecure.

Sebastian, the most affected by Magnus's departure, His eyes were clouded with sadness, and he could barely contain the emotions that were boiling inside him.

Natsai walked beside him, a serious expression on her face. She thought of all the times Magnus had encouraged and supported her, and now she felt the responsibility of honoring his memory weighing heavily on her shoulders.

Poppy was quiet, her brown eyes shining with a deep sadness. She has always had feelings for Magnus, although she never had the courage to confess her true feelings. Now the thought of never seeing him again left her heartbroken.

Ane and Omnis walked hand in hand, sharing the weight of the loss of their friend and mentor. They remembered with gratitude how Magnus helped them in times of need, curing Ane of her curse and restoring Omnis's sight. Now, they wondered how to move forward without him by their side.

As they approached Director Black's office, a mix of emotions enveloped them. They knew they faced difficult challenges ahead, but they also took comfort in the knowledge that Magnus had chosen them to continue his legacy. And together, they would face the future with courage and determination, in honor of the friend they had lost.


In Director Black's office, Magnus' friends were greeted with solemn expressions. The director invited them to sit down and, seriously, began to share Magnus' last wishes, as expressed in his will.

"My dear students," Headmaster Black began, his voice filled with respect and admiration, "Magnus Riddle left clear instructions regarding his wishes upon his departure. He has entrusted you with the responsibility of managing his store and part of the profits."

The eyes of Magnus's friends widened with surprise and gratitude upon hearing about their friend's generosity and trust.

"Furthermore," continued Director Black, "Magnus expressed a desire to ensure the financial well-being of Ane and Sebastian, given the difficult circumstances facing their families."

Ane and Sebastian exchanged emotional looks, their hearts full of gratitude for Magnus's care and concern.

"Therefore," Principal Black concluded, "it is up to you, my dear students, to honor Magnus's memory and ensure that his wishes are carried out. I have complete confidence in your ability to manage this responsibility with integrity and dignity."

Magnus's friends nodded with determination, ready to take on the legacy left by their friend and mentor. Although his absences were deeply felt, they found comfort in the opportunity to keep Magnus' memory alive and continue his work for the common good. Together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, strengthened by the bond of friendship and the promise to honor their dear friend's legacy.

In Director Black's office, the atmosphere was charged with emotion as he shared yet another revelation about Magnus' plans before his departure. When you are leaving the main office.

"My dear friends," Director Black began, his voice resonating with gravity, "In addition to the instructions regarding the management of the store and the financial care of Ane and Sebastian, Magnus also left a message of hope."

The eyes of Magnus' friends turned to the director, eager to hear more about what their friend had planned.

"Before leaving, Magnus instructed Arn to deliver his will to me," the director continued. "And in it, Magnus made it clear that the store was not inherited. This means that although you are the designated administrators, Magnus was fully convinced that one day he will return."

A murmur of surprise and admiration echoed through the room. Magnus's friends couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"He may not return immediately, it may take years," the director explained, "but Magnus left a message of hope for all of us. He firmly believed his return was possible."

The hearts of Magnus' friends were filled with joy and optimism at this revelation. Although Magnus's departure was a painful loss, the thought that he would one day return brought comfort and renewed determination.

"Your wishes will be respected, Director Black," Sebastian said in a firm voice, representing the sentiment shared by everyone present. "We will continue to look after the store and keep hope alive that Magnus will return."

Director Black nodded solemnly, impressed by the strength and devotion of Magnus's friends. Together, they were determined to honor their friend's legacy and keep the flame of hope alive until the day Magnus returned.

He will someday come back.