
The Magnificent God of War

Fifteen years ago, he was an abandoned son of a wealthy family and lived on the street. A little girl gave him her candy. Fifteen years later, he is the No. 1 God of War in the East, with unparalleled power and wealth! The return of the king, willing to be an older son-in-law, only for the kindness of that candy, when I hold your hand, no one in this world dares to bully you anymore.

Kysiu · 都市
53 Chs


  Lin Yu really finished the meeting and let out a long sigh of relief.

Even she herself did not expect it to go so smoothly.

The previous few times, these people in charge all seemed to ignore them.

She glanced at Jiang Ning who was standing at the door. Jiang Ning must have scared them just now.

"Here you stare, if you have any situation, please give me feedback in time."

After Lin Yuzhen gave an explanation, he walked out.

Seeing Jiang Ning had been staring at her, she couldn't help blushing, and then returned to the shyness of a little woman.

"Why are you looking at me all the time."


Jiangning Road.

Really, is this uncle's exaggeration so straightforward?

Are you homeless guys so glib that you can get food?

"Ring Ling Ling..."

Lin Yuzhen's phone rang suddenly.

She picked it up and saw that it was Su Mei calling.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

As soon as she spoke, she heard a cry of grievance from the other side, and her face changed suddenly, "Mom! What happened? Who beat you? I'll be right there!"

Lin Yu really red eyes: "My mother was beaten!"

Jiangning frowned suddenly: "Get in the car!"

rumbling —

BMW seemed to be angry, the engine roared, suddenly turned around, and headed directly towards the bank.

Along the way, Lin Yu couldn't help crying.

"My mother has never been wronged like this, she is such a strong person..."

Su Mei was caught by the bank and said she was stealing things. How could this be possible?

Even if her family died of poverty and starvation, they would never do such a shameful thing.

"My dad is not willing to scold her, others dare to beat her."

Jiangning didn't say a word, just stepped on the accelerator deeper and deeper.

Bank, general manager's office.

Su Mei's hair was a bit messy, and the five-fingerprints on her face hadn't disappeared. After she finished the call, she didn't say a word, but tears couldn't help streaming down.

"If your family does not explain clearly, then we can only call the police."

The general manager said coldly.


Just after he finished speaking, the door of the office was kicked open, almost bursting!


When the two security guards saw that the visitor was so violent, they immediately pulled out the electric baton.



Jiang Ning was not at all polite, slapped two slaps, and directly flew the two security guards out.

The general manager and the teller turned pale with fright: "Security! What about the security! Call all the security guards to come in!"

Jiang Ning was not at all polite, and went straight forward, grabbing the general manager's collar, his face was full of frost: "This is my mother! You dare to fight!"

The general manager shivered, wondering how this aunt's son was so irritable.

"Your mother stole things, and you dare to hit people! Call the police, quickly...ah!"

The teller didn't finish her words, Jiang Ning slapped her again, and directly drew her mouth full of blood!

That fierce appearance made the general manager tremble all over!

"Steal something?"

Jiangning glanced at the card in the general manager's hand, isn't it his own?

"You said this card?"

The general manager's apple slipped and nodded.

"I used to buy her vegetables, is there any problem?"

Jiang Ning said, the general manager could not help but sneer: "Do you know what kind of card is this? Buying vegetables? Nonsense!"

This kind of customized card has a minimum storage limit of hundreds of millions, and hundreds of millions of bank cards are used to buy food?

Is this the general manager of the bank really doing it for nothing?

Jiangning released his hand, took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed a foreign number, and soon there was a voice.

"Let your bank union president answer the phone!"

Soon, the phone was connected, and Jiang Ning sneered: "Hughes, the bank card you sent, it seems that I am not qualified to use it? The little one who joined the bank manager, dare to question me?"

Hearing Jiang Ning's words, the foreigner on the other side of the phone trembled all over, and hurriedly made a gesture to locate Jiang Ning's cell phone signal.

"Dear Jiang! Sorry! I will deal with you immediately!"

Jiangning directly hung up the phone and walked to Su Mei's side.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I was wronged."

Su Mei still said nothing.

Lin Yu really panted and ran in. Seeing Su Mei crying and red eyes, he felt distressed and hurriedly hugged her.

"Mom, it's okay, it's okay!"

Outside, dozens of security guards have surrounded the manager's room.

"Manager, call the police! Call the police to catch them!"

The teller covered his face and screamed.

But the general manager is ashamed.

He just saw the number that Jiang Ning dialed with his own eyes. It was the VIP customer service number of the Global Banking Union...

"Ring Ling Ling!"

Soon, the office phone rang, and the general manager trembled!

He glanced at Jiang Ning, but Jiang Ning ignored him at all.


The general manager was a little nervous to connect, and his face turned pale for an instant, "President of the President!"

"You're **** blind? You dare to question the distinguished guest of the banking alliance? Do you want to die, don't kill me! I am about to retire, and now you have caused me to be expelled directly! I am **** your mother! "

over there, yelled angrily, "If you don't handle this matter properly, I will kill you!"

Just hanging up the phone, the head of the branch called again, and he was also annoyed. He wanted to get out of the phone and kill himself alive!

The general manager can no longer hear what he is scolding at all, his entire head is blank, and there is a ring of tinnitus.

Guest of the Banking Union?

Jiang Ning just said, is the card that the president of the alliance personally gave him?


He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and coughed violently.

It's over!

He knew he was done!

"Manager...Do you want to call the police?" The teller was still encouraging.

"Call the police?"

The general manager turned his head abruptly, and suddenly slapped his face severely, and slapped the teller on the face, "The policeman who reported to your mother! Did you treat bank guests like this!"

The teller screamed, and fell to the ground again, a tooth flew out, but he did not dare to make another sound.


The general manager knelt down directly: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my fault! Everything is my fault!"

"I have eyes but don't know Taishan, but my dog ​​eyes look down on people!"

He slapped his face, "I hope you forgive me, forgive me!"

Jiang Ning still ignored, the frost on his face made the general manager cold!

He knew that if this aunt didn't forgive herself, he might die here today!

VIPs of the banking alliance, even the cards handed out by the president himself, this kind of person, looking at the world, no one dares to offend it.

"Auntie, it's my fault, I apologize to you, you can beat or scold you, please give me a chance, please!"

The general manager walked to Su Mei on his knees, and bowed his head respectfully, with blood all over his forehead.

"Auntie, please forgive me. I have many seniors and minors. I really can't have any accidents. I will bear all the responsibilities. Please forgive me."

Su Mei looked at the extremely miserable general manager, just now, he was not like this.

She is very tired and uncomfortable. She has never been so humiliated as she is today.

"Yuzhen, I want to go home."

"Mom, I will take you home."

Lin Yu really took a look at Jiang Ning, and saw that he nodded and left with Su Mei in his arms.

The security guard at the door immediately gave way, not daring to stop at all.

Who dares to stop?

Their general manager is kneeling on the ground!

"Just now, who slapped my mother."

Lin Yu really they went out, Jiang Ning only then spoke.

The security guard who just got up, his face suddenly turned pale, and he felt that his heartbeat was about to stop!

"Which hand hit it, I broke it by myself, lest I do it."

Jiangning glanced at him, ignored him, turned and left.

As soon as he walked out of the office door, there was a click inside, and immediately, there was a heart-piercing scream...