
The Magnificent God of War

Fifteen years ago, he was an abandoned son of a wealthy family and lived on the street. A little girl gave him her candy. Fifteen years later, he is the No. 1 God of War in the East, with unparalleled power and wealth! The return of the king, willing to be an older son-in-law, only for the kindness of that candy, when I hold your hand, no one in this world dares to bully you anymore.

Kysiu · 都市
53 Chs


"Auntie, what are you talking about with my mom?"

Jiangning asked.

The neighbor aunt blushed and waved her hands again and again: "Nothing, nothing."

After    finished speaking, she ran away in a desperate manner. She originally wanted to ridicule the Su Mei family for a few words. Who told them to refuse the boy she introduced and made herself despised, but where would she dare now?

The boy who works as a errand in the yamen earns four to five thousand wages a month. I am afraid that he will not be able to drive such an expensive car in his life!

Su Mei stood there, already stunned, Lin Wen also opened his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

They really can't believe it.

"This car..."

Su Mei took a deep breath. She thought Lin Yu was really joking.

She doesn't think Jiang Ning can afford it, and she also knows that Lin Yu can't afford it.

"Where is your electric car?"

Lin Wen discovered that Lin Yuzhen's electric car had disappeared, and asked quickly, it was bought for more than two thousand yuan.

"4S shops do activities, trade the old for the new, we will change it."

Lin Yu was really blushing, she really wouldn't lie, but Jiang Ning's expression was natural, and she answered directly.

She almost did not fall.

Whose store trades an old for a new one, and can trade an electric car for a BMW?

Lin Wen didn't believe it, Su Mei didn't believe it, they were not fools.

"In fact, there is a lottery..." Lin Yuzhen thought in her mind, how to make up more like the truth, but she really can't lie.

"Jiang Ning bought it!"

She exhaled, still telling the truth easily.

Su Mei looked at Jiang Ning suspiciously, and there was a bit of faith on her face.

This door-to-door son-in-law, from the first day he entered his house, surprised her.

Not to mention that Zhang Yi came out to protect herself. She slapped Lin Feng and protected their family from beginning to end. Although she did not accept Jiang Ning, her heart always grew.

"Okay, no need to explain to us."

Su Mei didn't care, anyway, seeing that annoying neighbor aunt shut up, she felt more comfortable.

She took a serious look at Jiang Ning, did not speak, pushed Lin Wen, and returned home.

"My mom believed her?"

Lin Yu really asked in a low voice.

"Is it important?"

From a distance, he saw the aggressive look of the neighbor's aunt, naturally he would not be polite, and wanted to help Su Mei to win her face.

Your own mother-in-law should not be bullied by anyone either.

Jiangning said, "Let's go, go home for dinner."

Su Mei's cooking skills are very good, at least Jiang Ning thinks so.

He has traveled all over the world and has eaten all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. He has eaten millions of meals in one meal, but he has never eaten home-cooked dishes.

Seeing Jiang Ning as if an evil spirit reborn, Su Mei's eyebrows couldn't help but jump up, and he thought to himself, is it really so delicious?

"Jiang Ning, let me ask you a question."

For a long time, Lin Wen still hesitated and said, "That car, did you really buy it?"

He still can't believe it, nearly half a million!

"Well, it's just a car, don't make a fuss," Jiang Ning didn't lift his head, "I will buy you another one when your legs and feet recover, Dad."

His words suddenly made the whole room quiet.

Jiang Ning raised his head and saw a trace of helplessness and loneliness flashed across Lin Wen's face, and Su Mei's eyes were red, and even Lin Yu really sighed, full of sadness.

"My legs and feet..." Lin Wen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Where is there a chance to recover, he is now a useless person and will be there for the rest of his life.

"I know a doctor who is a top expert in this area. He should have a way."

Jiangning made another sentence, causing Lin Wen to raise his head abruptly.

Soon, he reacted again, Jiang Ning is a tramp, who can he know? This guy looks quite honest, just like bragging.


Lin Yu really couldn't help asking.

She knew that Jiang Ning was not an ordinary person. Although she had only known each other for two days, Jiang Ning did not hide everything from her, and at least showed some strength.

"Of course, he is busy in foreign countries now. When he is finished, I will let him come to Donghai City." Jiang Ning said casually.

"Really, really?" Lin Wen said eagerly.

Jiangning nodded: "Don't worry."

Lin Wen suddenly became a little excited, Su Mei patted his hand lightly before he calmed down.

, can you believe me, the son-in-law who just came here?

After dinner, Lin Wen went back to the house, Lin Yuzhen went to the room to prepare materials for the afternoon, while Jiang Ning sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV.

"Jiang Ning, come here for a while."

Su Mei called to him.

Jiang Ning walked to the kitchen and saw Su Mei holding a knife in his hand. His face was calm, with a slight smile.

"Mom, are you looking for me?"

Su Mei didn't care what Jiang Ning called herself.

She stared at Jiang Ning, and said seriously: "Who are you? What is the purpose of approaching Yu? If you want to hurt her, I will die and I will fight you!"

Su Mei is not stupid, Jiang Ning does not look like a tramp at all, much less like a wasteful son-in-law in his impression.

On the contrary, Jiang Ning is very strong, even domineering! Nowadays, I just bought a car worth hundreds of thousands at random. Could this be a tramp?

"Mom, I can assure you that I don't have any ill will towards Yuzhen, or Mom and Dad."

Jiang Ning said calmly, "I came to Yuzhen, just to protect her from being bullied by others."

Su Mei stared at Jiang Ning, and did not speak for a long time.

"Why?" After a long time, she asked.

"She saved my life."

Jiangning took a deep breath, and his thoughts drifted back to fifteen years ago, "There are things I can't tell you now, but please believe me, the time is right, you will know everything."


The door of the house opened, Su Mei quickly put away the knife, and said in a low voice: "I believe you for the time being, but you are not allowed to touch Yuzhen, you can't ruin her!"

Jiangning nodded.

"Have you got the information?"

Jiangning walked out of the kitchen, "Let's go, I'll take you to the company."

, he pushed Lin Yuzhen out and drove her to the Lin Group.


Lin Group, President's Office.

"Did you find it clear?"

Lin Qiang asked with a cold face.

"It's clear." Lin Feng sneered, and it took a price of 500,000 yuan to get the answer from Huang Yuming's men.

"Before Huang Yuming started his family, he was also a homeless man. He almost starved to death. It was Jiang Ning who shared half of his buns and saved his life. The two lived under the bridge together. They were kind of friendship. Huang Yuming was just paying him back. Favor."

He is not reconciled.

is also difficult to accept, the truth is not because Lin Yu really betrayed his body, but because of Jiang Ning's useless door-to-door son-in-law!

"I didn't expect to see who you chose!"

Lin Qiang scolded.

Jiang Ning was chosen by Lin Feng. He deliberately chose a tramp who was mentally ill.

Where did I think that Jiang Ning had such a relationship with Huang Yuming.

"Dad, don't worry, Huang Yuming, a person like Huang Yuming, even his brothers can get rid of it after his fortune. Jiangning is a homeless man, and he is gone!"

Lin Feng said viciously, "After Lin Yuzhen runs out of their favor, who else can help them?"

Lin Qiang's eyes shrank. Huang Yuming knew people like Huang Yuming too well, and he was cruel, but he had to do a good job on the face, and paying back the favors of this wandering period would make his reputation better.

But that's all.

Jiangning and the others humiliated themselves, but now they have to double back!

"Are everything arranged on the factory site?"

"It's arranged!" Lin Feng sneered, "Lin Yuzhen, she will definitely regret it, she will continue to take over this project!"