
The Magicless Mercenary in Another World: DC x Jujutsu Kaisen

Toji thought he was dead. Instead, he finds himself in a new world filled with heroes and villains. It doesn't bother him, however. As long as there are people who needed killing and people paying, he'd be just fine. Note: Although, I said its a DC x Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic, it's really just Toji who goes to the DC universe. **Please understand, as a fanfic I will change the character to better work with the plot. He won't be exactly like his manga counterpart No harem. Maybe romance, not the focus though.

theGoldenGrin · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

17. Reasons

Flash looks at the document with amazement. "Are you sure this is?"

Batman nods so the Flash reads the Meta Killer's DNA results again. "What is it, Barry?" asks Superman. 

"He's a human", answers Flash. "No meta gene. No power formula. Nothing". 

"So, he's a human. His abilities come from training. So what?". 

Flash shakes his head. "No. I mean he's a pure human. Normally, even ordinary people have dormant meta genes. But this DNA is pure. Untainted. It doesn't even have any hint of magic. We've theorized about this for years but to see it in person is just amazing".

It was Wonder Woman's turn to talk. "But we've seen him do extraordinary things. Normal humans don't get thrown through a wall and just walks away from it". 

"That's what I'm saying. He's not a normal person. These genes are like- He's like-". Flash tries to find the words but can't.

"Hyperhuman", says Batman. "Simply put, his abilities come from the fact that he's the purest a human can be. Like Flash said, there's been theories saying that human cells and the meta gene aren't compatible which ends with the cells trying to fight the gene like its cancer. The few cases that they are is when the person gains abilities therefore becoming metahuman. Toji, or the Meta Killer as we all know him, doesn't have that problem. His human cells are able to function at full capacity which gives him his abilities". 

"Fine", says Superman. "He's a pure human. A hyperhuman, as Bruce called it. What does the Light want with that". 

Flash and Batman looks at each other, both knowing the consequences of this falling into the wrong hands. Flash looks at the group gravely. "It could be the end of the Justice League. Think about it. Toji"s DNA holds the key to erasing the metagene as a whole. With it, they can take away our powers, even yours, Clark".

Batman continues. "At worse, they could develop a weapon that can eradicate all other lifeforms in the universe, leaving humanity as the only survivor. These are unprecedented findings. The possibilities are endless". 

The whole group grows silent, tension slowly brewing. "So, what happens now?", asks Wonder Woman. 


Batman had an hour drive leading to a backwater town. He looks at his tracker and eventually enters an old empty bar. The bartender studies him before pointing at the back door. The hero opens it and enters. Inside, he sees a room, its proportions unnatural to that of its outside counterpart. Rows of books lined the walls and a fireplace burns on the other end of the room.

"Batman", greets the man sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. 

"Fate", says Batman in return. 

"So, it is done", says the man with the golden helmet. "The man from another world has chosen a side". 

Batman nods. 

"Then I believe your part in this story is done. And yet you still have concerns". 

Batman looks at him, contemplating. "Did we- did I do the right thing?"

Doctor Fate gestures his friend to sit as he pours him a cup of tea. "For months now, you've tried to take action both for and against the other-worlder", says the doctor. "All of them failed, either because the timing wasn't right or because of strange events so very unlikely that the chances of it happening should have been impossible. You cannot deny these to be mere coincidences".

Batman furrows his brow, remembering all those times he tried to make a move on the Meta Killer. 

"You already know this, Bruce. The hands of fate have brought Toji to this world for a purpose. And it will not let you or anyone to interfere unless that purpose is fulfilled". 

"I've left far too much to chance", says Batman. "What happens if I lose Dick or Barbara or any of the kids. Anything could have gone wrong. There has to be a setup. There has to be fallout plans". 

"And there are. Only, they are not decided by us. A power far greater than ourselves watch over these events. We are simply a piece in their machinations".

Batman sighs. "So, what happens now?"

"You have done your part. You have led the boy to the right path. Now, it is up to me to keep him there". 

Batman stands up and heads to the door. "Then good luck", he says before closing the door behind him.


Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage stand side by side as they watch the night lights of Metropolis, a glass of whiskey in their hands. "So, the Assassins are lost to us now. That would take over a third of our forces", begins Luthor.

"Yes", responds Savage. "This would make future endeavours much more challenging. That's why I've made arrangements to ensure that the League of Assassins remain on our side". 

"I see. And what do the others think of this?" asks Luthor curiously.

"Does it matter. None of them knows what's really going on". 

"That's true. Still, Ra's al Ghul was too hasty. I told him to wait for the right moment. His absence brings with it many problems we're not equipped to handle", says Luthor. 

"Perhaps. We have lost a valuable card in our arsenal. But he's done everything according to plan. And that's all that matters". The two villains' smirk as they continue to observe the night lights of Metropolis.




Hi all thanks for reading this story. And thanks for all your support so far. I hope you enjoyed my work.

This was originally meant to end here, with Toji turning into a hero and finding a "purpose". But people don't want that. They want the gloomy, brooding person who kills people just because. I hear you. 

Anyways, lots to plans and a long way to go still. It'll take some time to redo the plot for this story so I'll take some "weeks off". Thank you all for your continued support. More fun reading material to come soon.
