
The Magician's Gift

In the small, peaceful village of Willow, Lily, a young woman with fiery red hair and determined blue eyes, lives with her loved ones. However, one day, the tyrannical king and his soldiers come and destroy the village, killing Lily's family and taking her and other young girls hostage. Determined to survive and regain her freedom, Lily goes with the other captives to the king's kingdom, where she must confront the darkness of tyranny and fight for her future.

Noor_Fatima_4569 · ファンタジー
2 Chs


The weather was very hot, the smell of fields were running through nose.

Lily was made to do labor in the fields with other village girls, the sweat pouring down their faces from the intense heat. Lily attempted to work, but she was too young and couldn't bear the discomfort.

When Lily gathered the rice from field, she goes in a hut full of rice cutter.

Behind her with a sarcastic expression on his face, one of the guards struck Lily's head for her slow work.

"Work fast, You lazy donkey" The guards were all vicious, treating them more like pets. He doesn't know how to treat childrens.

"I've been working since the morning, and now it's evening, my hands are bleeding. I can't." Lily told him without hesitation. She tell him that she feared no one, not even king himself, and that she wouldn't care if she died at this moment.

"How dare you raised your voice" he was about to struck her again. Lily didn't even move a inch she stay the same.

"Give up beating her; if her bones break, she won't be able to work." Another guard who was right beside her said.

He stopped and said, "I would kill you if I didn't fear my king." She observes as they turn to go.

However, she is determined to get out from this place and exact revenge, so that is not the end of her narrative.


They were giving a room with 12 beds at night, and Lily selected one bed and start putting her thing on it.

At home she used to shared her bed with her siblings, her home was warm filled with happiness. She was missing her home, village to much.

Other than her, there was a girl beside lily's bed her named was Mime. Mime is the only girl Lily is aware of from her village. She didn't talk much but her parents used to be a farmers that's mean she is really great in farming.

There is chance that her parents got kill in the village.

"Hey, your the girl who try to fight soldiers, right" Mime said, honoring the girl who attempted to fight the soldiers.


"I never would have predicted such a coincidence to meeting you here."

"Me too"

It was so confusing why she talking to much now she alway used to hid behind her mother whenever she see me and whenever I approach to hold hands she was always start crying like a baby.

"Stop talking and sleep before the maids come in and shout at you for awaking up late" A another girl who was abducted from my village says

She looks like she have accepted her fate as a slave, but I did not and never going to i will escape i just need a one chance to.

I am going to sleep for now but after this I have to make a way for me and the other girls to be free before they lose hope.

The moon was shining in the dark and maid comes around to see all the girl sleep so she quietly closes the door.


Tomorrow morning when she gets out of her room to the work she see a guard, who took hold of her arm and began to pull her.

"The monarch declared that these girls should be in front of him." He said.

Lily was indeed scared to dead not knowing what future hold for her. the guard was indeed brutal.


The king and his warriors—the same soldiers that killed my family and set my village on fire—were standing in the outer palace.

The king looks like a old sick he can't even stand up on his own, it's shocking how he is ruling the kingdom for seven years.

The monarch pointed at her and said, "Stand up."

She can't fight with him, because she still have a will to live so, she obeyed him and got up.

"You're the one who leaves the fields door open." He said while coughing.

"Yes" She accidentally left the fields gate open because she couldn't contain her rage, after the guards punish her for no reason. The horses entered the field and destroyed it because of me.

Everyone was quite, they know saying something in front of him is dead, no girl stood to help me or say something in my behalf.

"Do you believe that I should punish all of you or just her?" the king ask the girls.

"Only her, Sir" Mime alone speaks.

Lily can't believe what she heard; she thought Mime was a nice person, but in reality, Lily can't hold Mime responsible because she would have acted the same way if she had been in her shoes i mean who doesn't love his life.

All the girls put finger on her saying that she should be punish for it. The guard who struck me was also happy with it.

"If I may my king I would like to punish her" guard say.

"Why not, guzman" king answer.

Lily knew that there is chances that she won't be able to survive.


As a punishment. The king sentences Lily to run, saying that she is free to go; the guards will pursue her with arrows if she manages to get to the guardian forest without dying then she is free.

The whole forest was quiet, the breeze was cold, and the smell of leaves was everywhere. We see Lily running for her life as guard cases her with arrows; they were bloodthirsty.

As Lily run towards the woodland, as two arrows were striking her but she managed to dodge the two arrows that were aimed at her as she fled into the woodland.

"That's all, i am already in woodland all i have a short while to run and i will be in a guardian forest, so they cannot harm me." She thought.

"Oh crap, shoot another one, but this time three. We can't let her run " The guzman say to another guard.

Abruptly, the arrow struck her back, causing her to fall on the enters of guardian forest.

They stop, the guard that was with Guzman try to see if she was still alive or not.

"I believe she dead, let's move on; we completed our task." He said.

"Really it such a great feel beside she was such a brat" Guzman say.

They were unaware that she was still alive, though.