
The Magic of Love

Winter_the_Flower · 歴史
3 Chs

The Dream Date

It was a cool morning considering it was the middle of summer. I was walking down the streets as a man called out my name. I turned to look at the man, but his dark hair and green eyes didn't seem familiar. Since Melissa's such a common name I assumed he was talking to someone else. I continued walking when I heard him call me again. I turned around to see that he had followed me. Cautiously I asked,

"Sir, are you talking to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to ma'am," he replied emphasising ma'am mockingly, "don't tell me you forgot our date today?"

I assumed this was the new way of flirting, and he was mighty handsome so I followed him. I was careful to stay on the main road and made sure to share my location to Anna Jane. We went to Stardeer and got he got me coffee, while he got tea. He told the barista that his name was Paul. We talked for close to a hour before we finished our coffee and kept walking.

We went to the amusement park and stayed there all day. We rode every rollercoaster and got on every ride. Including the tea cups. Many people look at us weirdly, becuase to them all that they saw was two twenty year olds in the tea cups. I was having so much fun I didn't care how others where looking at us.

We ate everything from chicken fingers to ice cream and popcorn. By the time the sun was setting, we were on the ferris wheel. The day had gone by too fast and I wished this day would never end. I never really this much fun with anyone. I felt as if i could be anyone as long as I had Paul with me.

"Enjoying the veiw?"

Paul's question broke the silence. My face started to blush bright red when I turned to face him. He was wearing a fancy suit all day, but he had unbuttened first few buttons on his shirt and his tie was loose. You could see he had tattoos all over his chest. The colors of the sunset reflecting on the lake that could be seen behind him perfecting the view.

"Yeah. It's really pretty. It's not often you get to see a sunset this pretty."

I quickly answered his sudden question and looked away. I started to wonder if I would ever see him again. If this was the last date they were ever going to have. With just one day, I had fallen in love with him. He seemed harsh and short tempered at first, but he was actually one of the nicest and caring people ever. When I came back to my senses, Paul was next to me with my hand in his. He softly whispered into my ear,

"Yeah, but you're a much pretty view" before kissing me.