
The Mages of Graycastle

A crossover with Release That Witch. While Harry managed to kill Voldemort, the war continues to rage on. He never got to see the end of the war before he was killed in the battle for the Ministry. Just when he thought he could get the rest he deserved, his Potter luck decided that reincarnating him as a Prince is the better idea.

Pong97 · 書籍·文学
5 Chs

The end & New beginning

I, Harry James Potter, am tired of this shit.

That is what crossed my mind as I laid down on the stone-cold floor, coughing out blood that pooled in my lungs. Surrounding me are bodies of what used to be my enemies, the Security Squad members of the Death Eaters, who are currently occupying the building of the British Ministry of Magic. They should have been detained and shipped to Azkaban after the death of Voldemort, if not for the fact that Lucius Bloody Malfoy seemed to be the real power behind the Death Eaters.

Speaking of him just makes me want to puke. The Battle of Hogwarts was going well for us. I had found Ravenclaw's Diadem in the room of Requirement with help from the Grey Lady (who, believe it or not, is the actual daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw.) and managed to destroy it before the final battle. While me dying was not part of the plan, it definitely help lower Voldemort's guards. This makes dealing the final blow relatively easy, and lo and behold, the monster died for the last time.

That is when everything gets weird. Just as Voldemort's spell rebounded and hit him, the wards of the castle began to fluctuates violently, and in the midst of the chaos, the Death Eaters apparated out of the castle, leaving Voldemort by himself. It makes the victory over Voldemort a tough pill to swallow as while the Monster himself is dead, some of our allies died as well, while his minions are still out there waiting to strike.

And strike they sure did. The day after the battle, Lucius Malfoy had managed to take control of the Ministry with the help of his allies and his newly recruited subordinates, whom he dubs as the Security Squad. The familiar seats in the Wizengamot, which used to be occupied by my friends and allies, somehow have new person sitting on them, with their predecessors nowhere to be seen. The remaining seats still have familiar faces, however they seemed to be singing different tunes compared to before. Malfoy senior seemed to have gotten the Wizengamot under his complete control, and with almost a unanimous vote, declared the previous government to be illegal and sought the capture of its most senior members.

It seemed this might have been the actual goal of the Death Eaters this whole time. Voldemort was actually a good, powerful figurehead to get behind as they gather their own power. His defeat at my hand was the most opportune moment to be the Power behind British's Wizarding society. They immediately established themselves amidst the chaos, and I couldn't help but give them respect for their decisiveness.

What comes next turned what little respect I have to loath and hatred. In the beginning they only targeted senior members of the previous government, people like Rufus Scrimgour and Kingsley Shacklebolt. While their lost hurts a bit, they are not really close to me and my friends. However, when most of the senior members have been eliminated, they began to target the other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Hermione had been the first target. They managed to pinpoint Hermione's location and detained her as well as her parents. They forced her to witness her parents' execution, a few days before she was publicly and ceremoniously walked through the Veil of Death.

That had been a huge blow to our group of friends and fellow fighters. Me personally truly mourned the death of my loyal friend and someone I would consider my sister, my family. Her death pushed us to the edge, and we had to resort to more extreme measures to combat the reinvigorated Pureblood movement.

As our counter strike became more violent, the Death Eaters thought that it would be a great idea to involve a third party and muddle the water even more. They decided to provoke the Muggle government, and put the blame on us. They do this by attacking the Muggle governments' assets and kidnapping their key people while masquerading as a member of our Order. This strains our already negative relationship with the government, and at one point we even had skirmishes with them.

We had to seriously consider the possibility of a war against the muggles (even though the general populace of the world is still unaware of the Wizarding World). The ICW thought that burying their heads in the sand and pray the muggles never notice them is a great idea. We decided that learning about them and what they are capable of is imperative if the worst comes to pass. However, one day Draco Malfoy came to us and offered us an invaluable gift. He offered information on the next attack on the Government.

We successfully thwarted the attack and managed to reveal the identity of the Death Eaters to the Government. This culminated to the formation of alliance between the Order of the Phoenix and the muggle Government to combat the Death Eaters.

However, Lucius Malfoy once again changed his tactics, and decided that the Death Eaters need to be more discreet in its operations, beginning another period of terror. They turned the Ministry of Magic into a fortress, covered in wards and traps. The Death Eaters adopted a strategy of Guerrilla Warfare, which forced us to spread out our manpower.

Lucius' strategy had successfully isolated a few of my friend, and as a result a few of them were killed in a surprise attack by the Death Eaters. Ron was killed alongside the Weasleys twins and Ginny during a skirmish at Dragon Alley. Oliver Wood was found dead in the forbidden forest. Draco, Luna, and a few other of my friends had also went missing, presumably kidnapped by the Death Eaters. We knew we can't bleed our manpower like this, and in the moment of desperation, we decided that we need to take the fight to them, or we would continue to bleed and they would win. We agreed on an assault on the Ministry.

We knew this battle would be very deadly, as we are assaulting a fortress with nothing but wands as our weapon. Countless people were dead as our assault progresses further into the Ministry. As we reached the Department of Mystery, they sprang a trap on us. I immediately casted Expelliarmus on Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Teddy towards the exit before being hit by the wards inscribed to the wall of the Department, which lead to my current situation.

I looked around me. Seems like the traps doesn't discriminate, and killed everyone inside it. A very Lucius move. Unfortunately, my Potter luck doesn't run true in this instance. I can feel my body hurting all over, my bones cracking every time I took a breath. I can't feel my left leg. Looking down, I saw my crooked right leg, but no signs of the left. My vision are hazy, and my heartbeat are erratic. Seems like the wards would curse any survivors, and with my injuries there are no way I would survive this. I sighed, and winced from the pain. 'This is it' I mused. There are no more horcruxes to keep me alive this time. Seems like my time has come to join my friends and families once again.

As I was thinking of them, a thought came to me. Is the fighting even worth it? Everything and everyone I cared for died in the end. Countless family lose their loved one for our battle of ideology. Wouldn't it be better if we just debate it in the Wizengamot instead? Or were the battle of ideology is actually just a facade, an arena where the power hungry thrives? Using ideology as a beacon to flock people towards them and declare themselves as justice while damning others to oblivion?

Would it have been better if we are ruled by an authoritative government instead? The Wizarding Communities are like sheeps who are content with grazing the grass, unaware of the cunning wolves hiding amongst them, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Would it have been better if instead of giving leadership to a flock of sheep, we vest power to rule over to the just and courageous lion in exchange of protection and prosperity?

Would everything turned out for the better if I had chosen to become the Lion?


I paused my musings as I slowly tilted my head towards the sound. There, I saw Teddy running towards me, Mcgonagall and Flitwick followed behind quickly along with our other allies, who was attacking the other departments.

Well, Almost all that I cared for had died.

"Harry, stay with me!" Teddy cried. "Hermione, Ron, and Ginny have all gone, I can't lose you too!"

I chuckled weakly. "No can do, Teddy. It seems like my time has come. I can feel it in my bones." I whispered.

Teddy's face contorted with grief, his eyes red and swollen from crying. "No, Harry. You can't leave me now. You're like a father to me. You're the only family I have left."

I reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "I know, Teddy. I'm sorry. But it's my time to go. You have to be strong now. You're a brave young man and you have so much ahead of you."

Teddy's face crumpled as he fell to his knees next to me, burying his face in his hands. I reached out to pat his head, but my arm felt heavy and weak. I knew I didn't have much time left.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. We'll find a way to save you," Flitwick said, his voice strained with emotion.

'That is impossible', I thought. I can feel the curse wreaking havoc inside my body. I was about to reply to Flitwick when I suddenly felt a thrum in magic. A very strong pulsating magic was coming from my right. Tilting my head, I saw the source of the magic. The Veil of Death. Is it calling for me? It sure feels like it. I looked towards the others and they seemed to have not noticed the wave of magic crashing onto them. Well, at least I can die on my own terms.

I looked towards Flitwick and shook my head weakly. "It's too late for that. The curse is too strong. But there is something you can do for me."

"Anything, Harry," McGonagall said firmly.

I turned my head to look at her, my vision blurring. "Bring me to the Veil. I'd like to at least die on my own terms."

Teddy and Flitwick shared a worried glance but McGonagall nodded solemnly. "Of course, Harry. We'll do as you ask."

With their help, I managed to prop myself up, wrapped my hands around their shoulders and shuffled towards the Veil, every movement feeling like a thousand needles piercing my flesh. As we drew closer, the pulsating magic grew stronger, almost beckoning me to come closer.

I looked back at Teddy and the others, rubbing Teddy's head affectionately and offering them a small smile. "Thank you for everything… I love you all."

With that, I stepped through the Veil, feeling the rush of magic consume me. And after years of war, I, Harry James Potter, is finally dead.


I heard a hum. It is very melodious. Seems like the person humming is in a very jovial mood. It had roused me from my sleep.

I paused. Didn't I die just now? I can remember going through the Veil of Death, feeling magic wrapping me inside its comforting embrace as I breathe my last. Was that just a dream? What a tasteless dream, me. I am not that Suicidal to dream of my own death, in detail.

I tried to open my eyes to look for the person humming this beautiful song. However, nothing came to sight. Am I blind now? Had I griefed over my own death I cried myself into blindness? That shouldn't be the case, I can feel my eyelids opening. However it does stings quite a bit every time I blinked.

I noticed that I am surrounded by water. How can I be alive if I had been submerged in water? Am I in a limbo right now? Will Dumbledore appear and lecture me at any moment now? I also noticed that I am curled inwards, and tried stretching but realised that I have limited freedom of movement.

I decided to listen to the humming closely. As I focused more to it, The humming became clearer. The person is actually singing along with humming. What a wonderful voice. I decided to extend my hand and waving it around to feel anything that can help me locate where I am. Suddenly, I can feel a movement before I was shooked to my bones, Followed by a sound of melodious laughter. Seems like the singing lady is laughing at my misfortune. Damn. If only I can see where I am-

"My Child sure is active! I hope you will grow up strong and healthy, my Sunshine~"

My thoughts halted. Who is her child? Since I can't see, I tried to extend my magic to see if I can detect the Lady and her child's presence. As I tried to command my magic, I still can't feel any presence. Seems like my magic is weakened somehow. No matter, I'll just try harder. As I focused my magic, I can feel her presence, hers alone, but none of her child. I started thinking. She is referring to her child like he/she is here, so that means she is not speaking to herself. I can't see my surrounding, am floating in water, surrounded by a barrier which limits my movement, and was jolted when the lady laughed. Which means-

I grimaced. My Potter luck probably thought that this would be the better prank instead. Seems like I am now on my next Great Adventure, as Dumbledore had fondly explained to me, and I am currently in the womb of this lady. Who will be my mother. That thought sure excites me, as I never had a biological family in my previous life. As I went through a storm of emotions on how having a mother would turn out to be, another thought came to mind.

'I will likely experience my own birth' I thought with horror.

Bloody hell.

Hi all! Pong here. I've had this idea for a while now, and decided rather than just waiting for who knows how long for such story to come out, I decide to write my own. I'll not follow RTW exactly, and the story will deviate greatly from the source at one point. This is my first story, so do leave feedbacks on my writing! The second chapter is already done, and will be uploaded soon. Thank you for reading, and stay safe!

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