
The Mages of Graycastle

A crossover with Release That Witch. While Harry managed to kill Voldemort, the war continues to rage on. He never got to see the end of the war before he was killed in the battle for the Ministry. Just when he thought he could get the rest he deserved, his Potter luck decided that reincarnating him as a Prince is the better idea.

Pong97 · 書籍·文学
5 Chs

Daily life as a prince

It had been three years since the day I was born.

I shuddered. Experiencing my own birth is still fresh in my mind, and it sure as hell traumatised me until now. No sane person should have experienced that, being squeezed as I was pushed out of the-

I shuddered once more, and decided to stop my thoughts at that. No need to remind myself of That.

In this world, I was born into a royal family. Our household is called the Wimbledons, ruling over the largest of four Kingdoms (that we know of). I am now known as Harold Wimbledon, the 3rd prince of Graycastle. Quite far in the succession ladder, but it seems the tradition here is that the king will choose which of his children to inherit the kingdom. So it is quite possible that I will be the successor, but honestly being a king sounds like a drag. I have seen my father sat on his desk the whole day to get the paperwork done.

I propped myself up and sat on my bed.

"Good morning, your Highness." The maid called out to me from the corner of my bed.

"Oh, good morning, Emily." I smiled and greeted back. Emily smiled at me and patted my head. Emily is the maid that has been assigned to me ever since I was born. She is a warm and nurturing presence, with a kind and gentle demeanour. Her curly chestnut hair falls in soft waves around her face, and her bright blue eyes sparkle with joy and affection. Her face is soft and round, with a friendly smile that puts those around her at ease.

When in public, she carries herself with poise and professionalism, her movements precise and deliberate. She wears a neat, black and white uniform with a crisp apron, and her hair is neatly styled into a bun.

But when she's attending to me, her playful side comes out. She loves to sing to me, and we often play silly games together. She has a special talent for making me laugh, and her affectionate nature helps to soothe and calm me when I'm upset.

Despite her playful nature, she takes her responsibilities as my caretaker very seriously. She is always attentive to my needs and is quick to act if I am in any danger or distress.

She is what I would imagine having a sister is like, able to balance her playful nature with her duty to keep me safe and healthy. I smiled before frowning, remembering the one I considered my sister in my previous life. I really missed Hermione, her wits and intelligence challenged me to be better everyday. I will be sure to protect my sisters in my current life, as a homage to my dear friend.

Emily helped me stand up and ushered me to the dresser located near a window of my chamber. I looked into the mirror. I am reminded again that I am currently a little prince, only three years old. I have chubby cheeks that flush easily, and my eyes are a striking green colour that seems to change its intensity depending on my mood. My hair is a strange shade of grey that seems to be the trademark of the Wimbledons. I can already imagine what I will look like with this hair colour once I'm older, so I am very happy with my hair. The great thing is that I don't stand out at all. I have seen more wild-coloured hair, such as pink and green. The people of this world would have no problem expressing themselves.

"How would you like to dress today, my prince?" Asked Emily. She reached for the comb on my dresser and started combing my hair. Seems like my messy hair from my previous life decided to reincarnate with me as well.

"What's my schedule for today? I don't think I am needed for anything for the whole week, so I'll just dress casually." I shrugged.

"You only have a lesson with Assistant Minister Barov after breakfast, so you are quite free. You also have another lesson tomorrow and the day after. Other than that your week is quite free, my Prince." Replied Emily.

"Man, I've got lesson with the old man today? I'd rather sleep than attending his lessons" I grumbled. "And like I said, no need to address me as 'your Highness', it feels stifling".

Emily chuckled and responded "Even if his lessons are boring, it is imperative you learn them as he will teach all you need to know as the prince". She quickly added "and no, I need to maintain proper decorum with the prince of the realm" She said, amused, while pinching my cheek. What kind of decorum you actually follow here?

"You said something, my prince?" Asked Emily.

Did I said that out loud? Sorry, my bad. "Nah, nothing, just pondering how boring my life is."

I started dressing myself up as I through about my nonexistent daily routine. I Sighed. Other than the lessons with Barov and some other tutors, I really don't have anything else to do. His first lesson really opened my eyes just how big the kingdom is. I'd say it's thrice as large as France, probably a bit more. He hadn't gone into detail yet since I'm just three, be it seems he will be teaching about the people who lived in the Kingdom, as well as the noble households ruling over them and their allegiances.

The lessons are boring because other than that amazing introduction class, Our lessons from then had mainly be reading, writing and mathematics. After all, before teaching a child geopolitics and management, he would need to be taught letters and numbers first. Those are a breeze since I've got my memory from my previous life, though I need to be careful since people might grew suspicious if I learnt too quickly.

Outside of the lesson, I'd have the whole day to me. If I'm just a normal child, I'd probably waste the day away playing with my friends, but I'm not a normal child. I'm just hoping father would actually asks me to do something like meeting other noble children or something, but he seems content to let his children enjoy their childhood. I've been training up my magic in the privacy of my room whenever I'm free. Once my magic is spent, I'll just head to the library and read books there.

Seems like my hair is almost done. "There you go, my Prince. You look good now" She said, happy with how I look now, before giving me a kiss on my forehead. I blushed. She really loves to give kisses. Her future husband sure is lucky.

"Oh? Is my prince blushing? Awww how adorable! Though I apologise I can't return your affection, we're of a different station after all." She hugged me, real tight.

"Whatever you say, Emily." I mumbled. I'd definitely love to have her around once I leave the castle. I'd have to take lordship of a region once I am of age, after all. I'm still a royal, and a royal will have to shoulder responsibilities to his kingdom. I'd love to make her my Head Maid If she agrees (being a Head Maid is a lot of responsibilities after all), having someone I could trust around myself would put my heart at ease. At least my new castle won't be boring with her around.

"Anyway," She started. "We should go for breakfast, my Prince. The king and queen should be at the dining hall right about this time. You should not keep them waiting."

"Yeah, you're right. I missed dinner last night, I definitely don't want to miss this breakfast." I mumbled out. Mom can be quite emotional, as she is currently pregnant with another child. A scan with my magic tells me that it is a girl, but she didn't know it yet.

I quickly get myself readied and head for the dining room with Emily.


"Good morning, Sunshine~"

I looked toward the familiar voice, and saw my mother walks gracefully towards me, smiling with love and amusement, before hugging me into her loving embrace.

I smiled and hugged her back. "Good morning as well, mother." I said, a hint of joy coming out of my mouth. Who would not be happy when you have a mother as great as she is?

My mother, Adeline Wimbledon is a tall and elegant woman with long, flowing blonde hair that cascades down her back in loose waves. Her face is heart-shaped with delicate features, including high cheekbones and a small nose. She has full, soft lips that are often curved in a gentle smile. Her most striking feature, however, are her deep green eyes in the same shade of colour as mine, which sparkle with kindness and warmth.

Now, Adeline's slender, curvy figure has become more rounded, as she is currently four months pregnant with a child. Her flowing dresses still hug her curves in all the right places, but now her belly is noticeably rounder, indicating the new life growing inside her. Despite the changes to her body, Adeline still exudes grace, poise, and quiet strength. She moves with a serene confidence that suggests she is at peace with the changes taking place within her.

She's the mother that I have always dreamt of as a young Harry Potter. She is compassionate, loving and always spoke to me with respect despite me being a young boy. However, behind those kind and loving facade lies a prankster who loves chaos. She will always try to get under you, probe your personality and habits, before dragging you out of your comfort zone and straight into her domain of mischief. The most stoic of nobles can never maintain their wits around her, and the dumbest of nobles insulted in the subtlest words without ever knowing.

While the nobles can be understandably miffed with her for her pranking habits, they ultimately still love her as she never used their secrets against them… yet.

She's also the daughter of Duke William of Coldwind Ridge. That's definitely why the nobles love her.

You really don't want to get on her bad side. Lucky for me, as I'm definitely her favourite child. We always plan new pranks to throw on the nobles to 'loosen things up' and dig their secrets, but our most common target together is definitely my father, who while always frown whenever we pranked him, is secretly enjoying the attention from the both of us, and we know it.

Ayling Wimbledon is a man with a strong, athletic build. He has short, grey hair and a well-groomed beard and mustache. He has sharp, piercing eyes that are a dark shade of blue, and a strong jawline that gives him a commanding presence.

His casual attire was a far cry from his regal clothing he wore during official events. He wore a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of black trousers that hugged his lean frame. His only accessory was a silver pocket watch hanging on his neck.

He appeared relaxed and at ease, a stark contrast to his usual regal demeanor. Yet, even in his casual clothing, he still commanded respect and admiration from those around him.

I approached the table and sat down on one of the elevated seat.

"How was your night?" My father asked.

"It was pleasant. Autumn nights are really cool and comfortable." I commented.

"I see." He said. He is a man of few words.

We continued to eat in silence. Looking around, I saw the maids and butlers who attended to my parents, standing at the walls of the dining hall. It feels awkward eating while others are just watching. I know Emily is currently doing the same thing right behind me. I'd love to be able to eat together with the servants. Though I'm not sure my parents would agree. I settled my gaze upon my father. There is one thing I'd like to ask him right now.

"How are my older siblings doing?" I asked him, curious on what they are currently doing.

"They should've arrived at Valencia yesterday. If everything goes well, they should be done by the end of this week, and will arrive in another 2 weeks" is the reply he gave.

I hummed before asking another question. "What are they doing in Valencia anyway? That's quite far away" I asked, trying to plan what to do in their absence.

My father stopped eating and seemingly went into thinking. After a few second, he replied to my question. "Wilion Berger had offered her daughter to be married to Timothy, and he seems to seriously consider it. I sent them there to get to know the daughter in question and allow him to agree to the offer if he deems it acceptable."

I raised my eyebrow. Wasn't Wilion Berger a Count under Duchy of Valencia? That's quite unlike Timothy, who love to lord over others he deemed inferior. Do the girl in question knows what her father had just agreed to? My sympathies and condolences, though I'll make sure to keep an eye on their relationship.

Anyway, with his absence, I should be able to live the next 3 weeks in peace.

"Well, good on him. At least he finally shows that he is interested in the fairer sex." I added. I seriously considered that he's as straight as a circle, as he never really responds to the flirting of other noble ladies. Maybe because he's still 12, but you'd usually have your first crush before even reaching that age.

"True enough. Anyway, I have a favour to ask of you." He said, staring intently towards me.

I raised my eyebrows again. This is the first time he requested anything of me.

"What do you need me for?" I asked, curiosity evident in my voice.

Ayling took a few second before saying "the Duke of Clearwater Port will be arriving in about a week, and he will arrive alongside his daughter. He has been telling me that she is quite… eccentric and have trouble making friends."

I nodded and pondered on his words. Seems like this girl might be lonely, and my father is asking if I could be her friend. After all, birds of a feather flock togeth-

I narrowed my eyes and looked straight into my father's eyes. "Are you saying that we are both eccentrics and will instantly click with each other?"

"I said nothing of the sort. You seems like you could use a friend or two yourself." he quipped immediately.

I grumbled. That's the first time I got quipped by father. Gotta make sure to pay him back for this slight. Oh well, it won't hurt to make a new friend. And he says she is eccentric, so maybe we can find a few things we can talk about.


Seems like even I agreed that I am quite eccentric myself.

"Okay. I can do that." I said after a few minutes of silence. My father's shoulder sagged slightly. Seems like this meeting with Duke of Clearwater Port might be really important for him.

"What are you going to discuss with the Duke?" I asked.

"We are planning a few projects between our fiefdoms. I don't think you'll understand the particulars yet." He replied.

"Well, whatever. Just let me know when they are about to arrive so I can prepare myself" I said.

"I will." He nodded. He reached for his napkin. "And thank you, my boy." He added, wiping his mouth with his napkin. I directed my gaze towards his plate. His steak is only half finished. Oh, feeling a bit shy there eh, my dear father?

"No worries, dear Father. I'd do anything for my beloved family." I said, making it sound as formal as possible. Ayling coughed a bit into his napkin, his cheeks a bit red. Heh, Tsundere.


After breakfast, mother and I walk together towards the library. I've got a lesson with Barov to attend to, while she wanted to do some reading. She hummed a melancholic tone as we walked to the library. Seems like one of those mood swings pregnant people had.

"Do you have anything planned later in the afternoon?" Mother asked, her voice echoing through the corridor.

I reviewed my schedule through my head. I was planning on doing some magic practise after my lessons, but if she wants to spend some time with me I can do that tomorrow. My magic control and reserve seemed to have hit a wall, and I'm looking for a way to break through it, but that can wait.

"No, I don't have anything after my lesson. You need me for something?"

She look towards me, a sweet smile on her lips. "Wonderful! Would you like to join me for a tea then? We haven't had done that for a while now."

"Sure, we can do that. Your tea tasted amazing." I replied. Mother always prepared her own tea whenever she invited anyone.

She giggled and patted my head. As we continued walking, her humming become cheery, and she began to skip slightly when taking her steps.

Upon reaching the library, we said our farewell to each other and agreed to meet at the Function Hall's Terrace.

I took a left and walk a few steps before turning right towards the back of the library. The Royal Study room is located there, accessed through a grand ornate door that stands out amongst the rest of the library's doors. The door is made of rich, dark wood and features intricate carvings of vines and flowers, giving the impression of a royals only room.

Once inside, I saw Barov already sitting on the mahogany desk at the end of the room, reading a book on what seems to be the history of the Church. I raised my eyebrows. Where did he get that?

The room is ornately decorated, with windows and an open balcony that overlooks a small garden in the middle of the palace. I proceed to the chair on the other side of the table, and sat down before I greeted Barov.

"Morning, Barov." I greeted him. "What will we be doing today?" Barov looked up from the book towards me, and flashed me a smile.

"Good morning, your highness. We will be going through the history of the Church of Hermes, Though we will just read through the first chapter of the text for now as it is quite a tough read." He said. 'This is perfect' I thought. I had been wanting to read about the Church for a while now, and I can't find any books on them inside the library.

"Why are you teaching me religion? Aren't that out of your expertise?"

"Since you'll be learning the basics for now, the Church had asked me to teach this to you. You will be learning from the cardinals once you're older" He said. Seems like the church wanted to indoctrinate me early.

"What do you know about the Church, your highness?" Barov added.

I thought on what I wanted to say. "I've only known that they had been around for quite a long while now. I wanted to do a reading on them, but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the library." I stated, hoping he can tell me where he get them from.

"That is understandable." He immediately said. "The Church controls every book that is written about them, so you can't really find them in the castle. You'll have to request them from the Church itself." He said, pointing towards the direction of the Grand Church of King's City.

That's weird. I thought that the largest organisation in the world would like to spread their version of their history as far and wide as they can reach. That way they can spread their version of the story to the masses.

"That's understandable." I lied. "So, what of the Church will we discuss today?"

"We will be discussing their core tenets for now. The Church believes that the tenets should be taught to young children so they can understand the tenets better when they are older, hence how I got this book."

To brainwash them, you mean.

"Anyway, in short, the core tenets of the Church is as following:

· Belief in the divine messengers and patrons of travelers and merchants;

· Belief in the teachings of the first Saint, Saint Alice;

· Belief in the Church of Hermes as the protectors of the divines' will;

· Acceptance of Saint Alices' teachings as conveyed through the Church's sacred texts;

· Adherence to the Fourfold Path of Alice, which emphasizes self-awareness, mindfulness, ethical conduct, and spiritual growth;

· Practice of regular prayer and contemplation, as a means of deepening one's connection to Hermes and fostering inner peace;

· Participation in communal worship and celebration, including festivals and other sacred events;

· Emphasis on compassion, generosity, and service to others, as a reflection of Hermes' teachings and a means of cultivating spiritual virtues; and

· To exercise judgement upon Witches as the divines' representatives on the world."

That last tenet caught me off guard.

"Wait, witches? Can you tell me more about them? Why are the Church targeting them?" I asked, trying to be as calm as possible.

He eyed me, before his eyes started roaming around and he hummed, seemingly to be thinking about something.

"Witches are wicked beings who had stolen the power of the divines. You can recognise them for their ability to defy the law of the world, such as producing lightning from their hand, and they are females."

My eyebrows shot so far up my head they went behind my hair. "What's wrong with that? Surely humans are powerless to control the power a divine being right? Maybe it was a blessing?" I said. Just when I thought I can have a peaceful life here, life pulls the rug under me, wrap me around and beat me down. This seriously sucks.

He eyed me critically, his gaze so intense they can melt steel, then proceed to look around before coming closer to me and whisper into my ears. "Don't let anyone from the Church hear that. They would find that blasphemous and declare you a heretic in a dime, regardless of your status as a prince."

I shuddered. This is the worst. Never mind being branded a heretic, I'll be burned on a pike if anyone found out of my magic!

"Are witches common? And what about males? Don't they have male witches as well?" I asked, not referring to male magicals as a wizard in fear such word doesn't exist in this world's vocabulary.

He ponders on my question. "They are quite rare. We found two in the city the previous year, and other cities also have reported their discovery every year, but we had never found more than thirty in a year throughout the kingdom". That is still quite a lot, I thought worriedly.

"As for male witches, no. We never found any males who control such unnatural power throughout our history, and the other kingdoms as well as the Church had reported the same. So we believe that only a female can perform such a heinous act." He added, replying to my other question.

I thought hard on what I have just learnt. Seems like males are believed to not able to use magic, but here I am performing feats thought impossible. I need to be really careful when I train my magic. I can't help but feel a sense of dread to the fact that my kind are being hunted here.

"I see, how are they punished though? I have never seen any witches before, let alone their punishment." I asked.

He nodded in understanding. "The Church recommends that we burn them on a pike. The king didn't really witness their punishments himself, so we usually do a closed execution of them. However, nobles love to use witches' execution as a way to keep the public appeased. Sometimes, the public take matters to their own hand and just burn the witches down on the squares." He replied.

Shit. Seems like burning witches down is everyone's favourite pastime. I need to think how I can protect our kind from this prosecution. Despite our unnatural abilities, we are still humans. Maybe we can just go into hiding, like what we did on Earth?

I blinked.

This is a new world, and maybe this is a chance to reconcile both the magicals and muggles. I believe our power can accelerate the development of human society far quicker than just relying on pure science. I have seen what science is capable of, and I understand how magic works.

The lesson proceeded as we discussed the tenets and the first chapter in detail, but everything just flew out of my mind as I lament the fate of my kind in this cruel world, and what I can do to go against our fate.

Hi All! Here's the second chapter of the story. Here I have introduced a few OC's, as I feel they will be important for the story, especially in the early chapters. Do leave a feedback on my story! Thank you for reading, and until the next chapter!

Pong97creators' thoughts