
The Mages of Graycastle

A crossover with Release That Witch. While Harry managed to kill Voldemort, the war continues to rage on. He never got to see the end of the war before he was killed in the battle for the Ministry. Just when he thought he could get the rest he deserved, his Potter luck decided that reincarnating him as a Prince is the better idea.

Pong97 · 書籍·文学
5 Chs

A boy with a mission

Luna Lovegood. Daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. At least she was back on Earth. She was a year younger than me, and I only really got to know her once I'm in fourth year. She has a very eccentric personality, but if you look past that she is a very fun person to be around with.

She also toned down with her conspiracy theories after Hogwarts, so that's definitely a plus, though she is adamant about the Rotfang conspiracy. She is also a very powerful seer. What she said will almost always come to pass.

If you can interpret them correctly, anyway.

As I watched Luna with her usual 'dance', I decided to ask the million-pound question.

"So, Luna? Is that still your name here? How did you come to be here, exactly?" I asked. I thought it might just be me who was sent here, which I blamed my Potter luck on, but if Luna is here that might not be the case.

She hummed before giving a very Luna response. "I am still Luna here. when Lucy found me, he asked me to do some divinations on himself and a few other people, or he will have me go into the Veil. I choose the Veil! I can see a lot of adventures if I go through, so I just jumped in!" She chirped.

Just like that? I was thinking she decided to sacrifice herself then giving away our advantage, until she said that last part. Maybe she is just shy.

… That is unlikely.

Well, no matter. This is Luna after all.

"I see. I went through the Veil as well." I said.

"I know. I can see us having a lot of adventures with the others here!" Is her jovial response. Wait, you mean there are others here?

"Wait, you mean there are others here? Where can I find them?" I mirrored my thoughts, shocked by the revelation. Now this definitely means that my Potter luck is not involved. It is probably related to the Veil of Death itself, or just maybe…

Nah, that is unlikely. I'll look more into this before entertaining the idea.

Luna crossed her hand and gave me the raspberry. "Not telling! It won't be fun if you know now!". She then added with that ethereal tone of her, "But don't worry, we will meet them eventually."

"Fine then. Keep your secrets." I mumbled. She can be very carefree and take on life as they come.

"Anyway, I have been seeing the future lately. Your parents will be in danger, though I'm not sure what or when." She decided to drop a bomb on me.

"What the hell? What kind of danger? Is it avoidable?" I added hastily. That was very sudden.

"I don't know. I can't see the future accurately here. I can only see bits and pieces of the future that never was." She frowned. That is new. "But nothing is impossible! Just like how I found a Crumple-Horned Snorkack near my castle a few months ago! She's very cute and cuddly! I'll show you whenever you come visit." She said, back in her cheery mood.

"Sure." I drawled, not really believing her claim. "Do show me around whenever I decided to visit your new home. I'd love to see your new place." I added genuinely this time.

"Will do! By the way, do try to keep the nargles around you in check, Harry. I'd be sad if you become infested by them." Luna said. She then proceeded to pat my head, which she can easily reach as our height is about the same.

I was born as a Prince, so I can't help but felt a bit… proud? I don't know how to describe how I feel, but when you are a prince of a kingdom and have all your needs tended to by servants around you, you began to believe that you are better than others, even when your mind know that is not true. I think I'll probably have to travel around the kingdom once I'm a bit older, maybe that will temper my growing sense of superiority.

I hummed and responded to Luna's concern. "I noticed that. I'll try to keep them in check, lest I'll be filled with them."

"That's great!" She gave me a hug. "Can you show me to your library, Harry? I'd like to see if there's anything fun to read. This book is boring." She showed me the book she was reading just now.

"Sure. I don't think we have anything like the Quibbler around here, so don't get your hope up." I stated.

"That's no problem! I'll just create a branch of the Quibbler here. People will love our special editions on Rotfang conspiracy!" She said. Hey, her idea might not be bad at all. Except the Rotfang conspiracy. We do not need another reason to hate us, for now.

"Well… let's put that idea aside for now. Now, why don't I bring you to the library? We have a huge collection of books there."

We walked to the library, the maids following us from behind.


It's been a few weeks since Luna and her father departed from King's City. I had received a letter from her telling me that she is already at her castle, and decided to attach a surprise to me along with the letter: A picture of her with a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

How she got the picture I don't know, but I don't think she's the type who would produce fake evidence, so this is likely very real. Huh, seems she's the one in the right all this time. I'll apologise to her in my next letter.

Anyway, seems like the picture had been imbued with magic, which might suggests a witch used her special ability to produce this image. Seems like each person would awaken unique magical abilities in this world. I had never met any witches that have no abilities to refute this fact, other than me.

Other than that, I had been doing some practise with Emily and Marie, and the result are promising. They are now capable of performing the Wingardium Leviosa and Incendio Charms, and have almost mastered the Basic transfiguration of transforming a matchstick into a needle.

They both question how I learnt all this, and what language are the incantation of the spells in, but I just let them know I read them from an ancient text. Hardly believable, as the four kingdoms use the same language, and I am just 3 years old. It is very unlikely I'd got my hands on an ancient text, but that excuse will have to do for now. I'll have to come clean with other people regarding where I learnt of all this someday, but that day is not today.

It is about three in the afternoon, and I am currently standing at the main entrance of the palace, my mother and father flanking me on both sides. They are both wearing simple clothes today, we do not have any visitors to the palace. We're currently standing here is because my siblings had reported to the City gate just about an hour ago, and can currently be seen on the horizon.

The convoy can be seen approaching the palace. It is a sight to behold, with thirty knights riding alongside my siblings, ten assigned to each of them.

The knights are dressed in shining armor, their horses clad in ornate barding, and each knight carries a lance and sword at the ready. The horses are well-trained, obediently following their riders and moving in perfect unison.

My siblings ride in the center of the convoy, each dressed in regal attire, with jewel-encrusted crowns perched on their heads. They sit tall in their saddles, seemingly unexhausted despite the long journey it had taken to arrive here.

A small convoy follows behind them, carrying camping supplies and provisions for the journey. People who attend to their needs walk along with the convoy, ensuring that the royals lack for nothing during their journey.

As the convoy draws closer to the castle, the sound of horses' hooves and clanking armor fills the air. I can now see my siblings more clearly.

Gerald has a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. His face is chiseled and handsome, with a strong jawline and piercing blue eyes. His hair is a trademark grey of the Wimbledons, swept back from his forehead in a stylish and regal manner. He wears a suit of gleaming armor, adorned with intricate designs and polished to a high shine. A large sword hangs at his side, the blade glinting in the sunlight.

Garcia meanwhile sports a maturing figure, with a slender and graceful frame. Her face is heart-shaped, with delicate features and piercing green eyes. Her hair is a long and flowing mane of grey curls, cascading down her back in waves. She wears a light suit of armor that is both elegant and practical, allowing her freedom of movement while still providing protection. Underneath her armor, she wears a white shirt with ruffled sleeves and a flowing skirt, both of which complement the colors of her armor.

She's also the most unique amongst my siblings; I can detect a magical core inside her chest. However, her core is dormant, meaning her core will not replenish magic, and she will not be able to use magic. I can probably help her awaken her magic by activating her core, but I need to do more research before performing this.

Unlike Gerald, Timothy has a slightly smaller figure, his presence is more muted. He has a lean build, with a face that is both sharp and refined. His hair is a dark shade of grey, and is styled in a short and modern cut. His eyes are a deep blue, intense and focused. He wears a suit of armor that is more understated than Gerald's, but still clearly expensive and well-crafted. A long sword hangs at his hip, its hilt encrusted with precious gems.

All of them are far older than I am; They are fourteen, thirteen and twelve years old respectively. As they arrived at the main gate of the palace, they dismounted from their horses and walked towards the palace. My father greeted them as they made their way towards us.

"Welcome back, my children. I'm glad you made it back safely." My father said with a stoic face, yet I can sense his happiness through magic.

"Glad to be back, Dad!" said Gerald. "It's fun travelling through the kingdom, but nothing beats being at home!" He added.

Gerald is the opposite of Ayling. He is very boisterous and can be quite impulsive, and he often said the first thing that came to his mind. He is martially inclined, but his hot headed and stubborn personality made him incapable of organising advanced battle tactics despite being quite intelligent.

"Good to see you again, Harry! How have you been doing while we were gone?" He asked, before picking me up and gave me a strong hug. I can feel my bones creaking from the pressure. Please someone, stop this brute!

The hug didn't stop until Garcia smacked Gerald on the head. "Please don't hug him that tightly, he's still young." She gave him a stern scolding.

Gerald gave a sheepish chuckle and sets me down to the ground. Thank god.

"So, how have you been doing, Harry?" Garcia repeated Gerald's question. "I heard you've finallymade a friend?" She added, bringing attention back to me.

Garcia meanwhile mirrors my father in her actions. She shows little emotion, but deep down she loves her family. She is particularly close to mother. I heard she used to cry a lot and always run to mother, which is a far cry from how she is now. She is also a brilliant strategist, and I can't seem to even come close to beat her in chess.

"What's so weird about me making a friend?" I grumbled.

Timothy chuckled, shaking his head while shrugging exaggeratedly. "Nothing weird about it at all, Harry. It's just that you've been so focused on your studies and readings lately that we were starting to worry you were becoming a hermit!"

"I'm not a hermit," I protested, crossing my arms. "I just don't know what to do other than my studies and readings."

"That sounds very sad. Children should play more." Garcia mumbled, but I can hear her perfectly.

I grumbled, she's right, but what can I do when I'm a child with an adult's mind?

Everyone chuckled looking at our interaction.

Timothy meanwhile, takes from neither of our parents. Unlike my other siblings, Timothy prefers to be subtle in getting what he wants. I have heard whispers that he is building his own spy network, and have only recently found one of his spies, acting as a maid in the palace.

While his shifty nature might be a cause of concern, he actually cared for our family. He never show it in his emotions, but he values our recognition, and often helps us subtly.

While each of us siblings are weird in our own way, I love them all none the less.

After we are done with our greetings, we all headed to our own chambers, getting ourselves ready for dinner.







I am currently inside the royal study. Sitting across me is Garcia, who decided she want to accompany me while I am studying. Our study session suddenly turned into a game of chess. I am down to only four pieces of pawns, a rook, a knight, and my king, while Garcia still have all but three of her pawns and one of her knight and bishop. I am losing this match.

"You falls easily to temptation, Harry. You should always check for why a piece is left open for your taking." Garcia said. You said that now, but in our previous game you said I played too defensively.

"I just don't do well with strategy; I'm the kind who plan as stuff happens." I grumbled.

She gave me a small chuckle and replied. "While that is good as well, strategising before battle will allow you to be prepared for the battle ahead, and improve your decision making when you are in the heat of battle." She said.

"And how do you know that you are the type to adapt to the battle anyway? You're just three years old. You should try everything while you are young before specializing." She added. As always, there is no refuting her when it comes to matter of war. She is like a walking Art of War.

"Checkmate. Well, there you go." She said, ending our match. She then rubbed my head."Don't worry too much about losing to me every time. You are still young. You will learn from your defeat, and one day you will get better and start beating me too." She said, giving me a small smile.

I sighed. Her word stings. While my body is young, my mind is almost thrice as old as she is. Being beaten every time really put a dent on my confidence.

But no matter. I rarely play chess in my previous life, and have only started recently when Garcia offered to teach me how to play. I'll definitely be a better player one day, and even if not defeating her, I'd like to be able to flex my chess prowess on others.

I definitely am not sore about losing.

"Care for another game, Harry?" Garcia asked.

"Sure. I have nothing else to do right now." I answered.

I only went to the library and the study to make preparation for my mission. Priest Ferry is coming tonight for a lesson with my sibling, and he always carry a Divine Stone on his person. I want that stone.

I've been in their lesson a few times already (in hiding, of course), and noticed a few habits of Ferry that would make my operation possible.

I came here to make my preparations, a trap to attract their attention. As I played another game with Garcia, my mind thought on every possible scenarios of what could happen here later tonight.


It is evening. The priest will arrive in about an hour. Now is the time to initiate my plan. I picked up my briefcase, which have been enchanted with the Capacious Extremis Charm. "Cave Inimicum." I casted a charm that keeps me hidden from view, before spreading out my magic to make sure there is no one at the corridor. Once the coast is clear, I went out of my room and silently go toward the royal study.

As I reached the library, I did another scan and found no one in the library and the study. Good. I entered the library and made my way to the back of the library. I go to the bookshelves near the study where I have attached a paper with a runic array. The array will have the books tumble down from the shelf, and another runic array is connected magically to this one to allow me to activate the array remotely. This should attract their attention while I complete my objective for the day.

I made sure everything is working as intended. The runic array will be activated once I directed my magic into the remote array. I then proceeded to the study, where I immediately sat behind the vases at the balcony, hoping no one will come near the place.

The first to arrive at the study is Garcia. I detected her opening the library's door and make her way towards the study.

Taking a deep breath, she approaches the door and slowly turns the handle. With a quiet creak, the door swings open. She peeks inside, scanning the room for any of her siblings or priest who might arrive early. Nodding to her self, satisfied that it's empty, she steps inside and quietly closes the door behind her, careful not to make a sound.

Garcia is in her casual dress, which hugged her curves. The dress was a deep shade of blue. The neckline was modest, but still showed off a hint of her skin. The sleeves were three-quarter length, and the cuffs were adorned with delicate lace. She is carrying a book with her, though the title is obscured by her arms.

She then went against all my expectations when she began humming a merry tune, skipping her steps slightly to the beat of the tune. She then put down her book on the chair, and picked up the books on the mahogany table, before slowly spins and twirls her way towards the shelfs and put the books back on them, her humming never ceased while she happily arranged the books.

After she was done, she makes her way to the mahogany table, and picks up the feather duster from one of the drawer. She proceeds to dust the table with vigour, her hips swayed left and right while she moved gracefully around the table.

I didn't expect my sister to be this expressive. While I know she can be quite the emotional person, I didn't know she can be this expressive.

I kind of feel like I am intruding on her privacy. I'm sorry, sister. I'll try to make this up to you, even if you didn't notice me stalking you here.

After she was done, She picked up the book she brought together with her, and sat on the chair. She flipped the pages towards where she had put her bookmark on, and continue with her own reading. The novel is called "Chivalry and Romance" by a lady named Irene. Seems like my sister enjoys romance literature. Maybe I can gift her a romance novel as apologies? But that might make her suspicious.

After about half an hour, Gerald arrived along with Timothy. I heard them speaking of a pretty bar girl they met at the Main Street, but immediately stopped when they entered the study and saw Garcia is already here.

Garcia meanwhile quickly changed to her stoic face, and greeted them both while subtly put her novel in the table's drawer. "Good evening, you two. What is this I heard about bosoms?" She asked, not giving out her emotions.

""Nothing."" Both of them replied, before Timothy immediate added. "Anyway, I saw that prick making his way towards the library. Better be ready. "

They prepared themselves for the lesson with the priest. A few minutes later, priest Ferry entered the study.

Priest Ferry had been the priest assigned to the palace for about four years now. He oversees the religious ceremony that the royal family partakes in, such as the weekly prayers, and communions. He is always seen with a smile on his face, suggesting that he is a kind and accepting man.

But don't let his appearance fools you. He is actually a deviant, and seems to have a taste for young girls. He was seen last year groping a girl playing near the alleyways, but he paid his way out of troubles. Since members of the church can only be punished by the Church of Hermes, my parents can't do anything towards him.

As he entered, he put down his Divine Stone at the small table near the entrance, probably as a sign of trust towards my siblings. Nice. He then immediately started talking, signalling his class is starting.

"Good evening. Today will we speak more in regards to the deeds of Saint Francis, the second pope of the Church of Hermes," He said, before stopping behind Garcia and put his had on her shoulder. My eyes squinted at this suspicious behaviour. "Can you tell me what is his best deed, Garcia." She motioned her to answer his question.

"He is the one who built the Church at Hermes." Answered Garcia. Her face doesn't show it, but she doesn't like where Ferry's hand is.

"That is correct." He patted her shoulder, but I didn't miss his hands inching closer towards her chest. Garcia appeared really uncomfortable.

My face lost all emotions. 'This. fucking. bastard. I can't let this continue. In the name of Harold Wimbledon, I shall declare Exterminatus upon the priest Ferry. May Justice account in all balance.'

Solemnly, I opened my briefcase. I need to make some adjustments to my plans. I reached for my woven gloves, and wore it. I then reached deeper into the briefcase. As I touched a soft, spherical item, my face can't help but morph into a sinister grin. I pulled out my ammunition of choice.

A Dungbomb.

I stood up, and took a deep breath, before looking to where Ferry is standing. His back is still facing towards me. Perfect. I offered a silent prayer for Ferry, Adopt a pitching position, before pulling my hand back and throw the Dungbomb as hard as I can. It flew straight towards Ferry at an incredible speed.


The Dungbomb made a slapping sound as it landed on Ferry's ass, before releasing a farting sound followed by a foul smell.

There is now chaos in the royal study.




In the midst of all that shouting, I can't help but cackle at my success. From the corner of my eyes, I saw his face turning red from embarrassment while rubbing has ass off. He then took a sniff of his hand, before gagged and put it away. He then immediately went outside, heading for the toilet. However, fate smiles upon me this evening, as he is moving towards my trapped shelves. Holy shit, this is perfect!

I activated my trap, and suddenly we can hear books tumbling down outside the library, followed by a masculine yelp. "AGHHH! HELP ME! I'M STUCK!" Ferry shouted.

My sibling decided to go out and check on him. Now is the perfect moment to complete my main objective. As they closed the door behind them, I took of my soiled gloves, put them in a bag, and throw them into the briefcase before closing it. I made a dash towards the small table by the door and picked up the Divine Stone. My concealment charm immediately failed, and I need to be quick in case anyone make their way inside again. I throw the stone towards the garden, transfigured a fake stone in its place, before immediately incant "Cave Inimicum", making me invisible again.

I then spread my magic and check on what is happening outside. Seems like my siblings are busy moving the fallen books. I slowly opened the door, dampening any creaking sound with magic, And closed to door. My male siblings are grumbling and complaining while picking up the books, While Garcia is nowhere to be seen, probably calling for help. I decided to throw a second Dungbomb on his ass for good measure, before making a dash towards the exit.

I immediately went to the garden, and after spreading my magic around, I saw the stone inside the fountain. I picked it up, not putting it inside my briefcase in case the stone cancelled the charms I casted on it, and make my way back to my room.

As I regain my calm after that intense operation, I reflected on my mission. I had achieved far beyond my original goal of acquiring the Divine Stone. I nodded and hummed to myself. I shall treat myself to some sweets tomorrow for a job well done.


It's been two weeks since my heist. I have just gotten a miniature, foldable chess set I ordered from a blacksmith in the city. I am currently presenting this set to sister.

"Thank you, Harry!" She thanked me, giving me a hug a a kiss to my forehead. Her smiles for me are precious. "Though I had to ask, what's the occasion?"

"Nothing, I just thought of giving you a gift, is all." I said, feigning innocence.

"Then I shall take good care of this." She said, putting the set in her pocket.

I smiled. This should be enough as compensation for that event two weeks ago. My other siblings are male, so I'm sure they understand.

Hi all, Pong here! Hope you enjoy this chapter! This chapter is quite early, as I plan on uploading tomorrow morning (10 hours from now). However, since I'm already done with this chapter, I decided to just upload it. Do leave a feedback so I can improve my writing! That's it for now, and until next chapter! Cheers!

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