
The Mage Battle God

Laurellius. An apprentice mage of beneath-average talent who dreams of becoming a famous mage in the entire Arcana Empire was desperate to enroll in the famous Arcanum Academy. However, due to inferior skills, he found himself at high risk of failing. With the entrance exams only a week away, and his abysmal ability to cast 2nd Tier magic, Laurellius does his best to succeed. Desperately, Laurellius continued to push himself. . . until one day, he met a girl. A girl with a lot of her secrets and mysterious origins. Follow Laurellius’ journey, as he continues to push forward the harshness of reality, and the determination for greater heights. (Note: I am not the owner of the cover. If you are the owner and want to take it down, please dm me.)

Lievel_Veltrandt · ファンタジー
17 Chs



Hearing Vergil's announcement, the boss and his men panicked:  " Damn it! He's on his way here!"




Another explosion resounded. Shaking the entire place they were in.


"Boss! He's blasted the front door!!"


"Quick! Stop him at all costs!" The boss shouted to his subordinates.


They then began to leave the room, however, the boss ordered one of his subordinates, "Hey, you. Make sure the mage doesn't escape. Got it?"


"Yes, boss!"


SLAM!   The door slammed shut.


Silence took over the room, as occasional shaking would interrupt the silence now and then. The goon assigned to guarding Laurellius approached him.


"Just so to tell you, but no funny business, mage." The goon said as he took out a knife. "This knife's doused in Manabane liquid. I'm sure you wouldn't want your precious magic to disappear, do you?"


"Don't worry," Laurellius answered in a low voice, "I have no intentions to do so."


It seems the goon was satisfied with his answer, as he grinned, and said:  "Good. Just be the obedient slave you are."


He then took out a seat, and sat on it, as he guarded Laurellius with utmost focus. He wasn't even giving the door a single glance.


Damn it. Why is he all focused on me? Shouldn't he be worried someone might appear from the door? Does he have that much faith in his comrades? Or is he just an idiot?


Laurellius was vexed, but there was nothing he could do about it. Laurellius could only grit his teeth.


If only I had more talent and affinity to magic, then I would have been able to forcibly use magic. Just damn it all…


However, as he was cursing his lack of talent, a familiar voice resounded in his ears.


(Fool. With your current power, you should be able to easily overpower these feeble chains. Or have you forgotten? That I have awakened your domain?)


Laurellius' eyes widened, as he realized who it was:  "Avarosa..?"


The goon who heard Laurellius mutter, snapped as he threatened:  "Didn't I say no funny business?! That includes speaking weird words! If you dare say it again, I'm gonna stab you with this knife, you get it?!"


"...Fine.." Laurellius replied after a short pause.


He was annoyed at the goon's pointless diligence. He just wanted to punch the guy in the face for making things a lot harder for him.


(You will not disregard me as I talk, plebeian!) Avarosa snapped. (I do not take kindly to disrespect.)


Laurellius wanted to retort, but he didn't open his mouth, and only grit his teeth. He was warned not to speak, so he wouldn't dare risk it.


However, it seems that Avarosa knew why he didn't answer. As she then said: (Your spoken words are unnecessary. Think firmly in your mind.)


Laurellius was surprised, and gave it a try:  Like this?


(That's right. I reside within your mind, so I hear your firm thoughts with utmost clarity.)


Laurellius was enlightened. However, he didn't have time to bask in accomplishment, and directly asked: About earlier, can I ask about what you meant about me being able to overpower this chain?


Laurellius heard a faint sigh in his mind, as Avarosa spoke: (It is exactly as I said. The current you should be able to easily surpass the suppression threshold of these chains...)


Hearing her words, Laurellius tried to forcibly channel his mana from his body, and as he did...




A metallic snap resounded, as the chain broke into pieces.


(...but careful not to use much power at once. Things that suppress tend to break when overpowered.) Avarosa's words that held the most important information came late.


And as for the goon who was guarding Laurellius, contrary to expectations, he didn't make a move as he just stared blankly at the place where Laurellius used to lay. His head was leaned on his palm.


"Huh..? What the..?" Laurellius muttered in a low voice.


 However, the next instant...


" *Snore*..."


The goon suddenly snored as Laurellius was observing him, stupefying Laurellius.


Even Avarosa was disgruntled by his idiocy: (I suppose fools exist no matter what place nor situation the current brings...)


Laurellius made a dry laugh: "I guess so..."


He then sighed and stood as he used his mana to write a bunch of times in the air.


(Oh?) Avarosa seemed interested in what he was doing, but Laurellius ignored her and continued writing. He then kept track of his prowess and was amazed.


Amazing! To think I could write all the runes within just about 10 seconds... that's about a bit more than twice my former speed!


He then continued, and flicked his arm, as a circle appeared to encircle the runes, and lines appeared to connect them. It was a complete magic circle.


Laurellius then muttered the name of the Spell he was casting: "Sleep."


In all honesty, Laurellius was a bit tense as he chanted the Spell name, however, his fears of failing disappeared as he saw the magic circled faded, and turn into a light that then fell into the goon.


He had successfully used a 2nd Tier magic.


Laurellius was dumbfounded by his own deed:  "I did it..."


His face then broke into a bright grin, as he repeated: "I really did it!"


(Settle down, fool. I can feel incoming presence. Move quick!) Avarosa urged.


Laurellius was brought back to reality as he then looked around to find a place to hide, but didn't find anything.


Shit! They're close. I can hear them!


Laurellius cursed but continued to think. An idea came to mind.


Laurellius took the curtains, and then bound the two together, and made it a makeshift rope, and then tied it by the window. He then threw it outside and hid in a corner that was covered by furniture.


Not long after, voices came as people entered the room.


"--...ve no choice but to do it. I think that asshole's here for the mage."


"But boss, how is knowing that gonna help? I mean, Vergil's almost here.."


"That's simple," that boss said as he turned to Laurellius. "We simply take the mage hostage. "


"But will that really work? I mean, the mage was a no-name, right?" The goon asked.


  " If it doesn't work," the boss glared at his subordinate, " Then I will have to—"


"Boss!" a voice suddenly cut the boss off. "The kid's gone!"


The boss and his subordinate looked at the one who just shouted, and where he was pointing. On the window, there was a curtain used as a makeshift rope, that was likely used to escape.


The boss threw a series of curses and then turned to the one who was supposed to guard the mage. With rage in his tone, he shouted:  "Hey, you! What's the meaning of this, huh?! Where's the mage!"


The goon who was supposed to guard snapped from his torpor, and turned to his boss: "Oh, it's you, boss. Did something happen?"


With an ice-cold glare, the boss spoke in a sub-zero tone:  " Where.. is .. the mage..?"


The goon made a smile and tall with glee: "Oh him, he's right over ther—shit! where'd he go?! Did you see him, boss?"


However, his smile turned to shock when he found out that Laurellius wasn't there anymore.


His face paled, as he turned to his boss again. And as he did, his eyes suddenly widened from sudden pain, that was coming from his abdomen. His entire body then went cold, and he fell to the ground.


He was dead.


The boss glared at the body of his idiot of a goon, and spoke:  "Dumb piece of shit.."


He then turned to his other subordinate. With a dark expression, he spoke with a grave tone: "Pack up the important things. We're leaving. "




"Hurry up! We have to go while that asshole's still not here!" The boss snapped.


The subordinate paled, as he remembered what happened to the other guy just now. With panic in his voice, he replied:  "Y-Yes, boss!!"


They then wasted no time and left the room.


Seeing that they left and their footsteps fading, Laurellius heaved a sigh of relief. He then checked for any other presences with the utmost care but found no one.


He sighed again:  "Now that was a close one... Thanks, Avarosa."


Avarosa scoffed: (You best remember this debt, plebeian.)


"Alright. I'll do so." Laurellius said with all seriousness.


He then looked at the corpse beside him, and a sickening feeling assaulted his stomach. He almost committed because of that.


(Oh? You seem uncomfortable,) Avarosa spoke with intrigue: (Even though you are a seeker of Power.)


Laurellius averted his gaze from the corpse, and began to move as he asked back:  " What? Is that wrong?"


(A grave sin...) Avarosa answered. (The act of not being able to withstand the effect power brings, despite being a seeker of it, is nothing but plain arrogance.)


Laurellius went silent for a while, then spoke:  "What do you mean?"


(Hear my words, plebeian,) Avarosa spoke in a grave tone. (As long as you seek power, you will inevitably perform the act of taking the life of another. It is the law of nature. And power.)


" If that happens," Laurellius answered in a serious tone:  "Then.. I'll do it, depending on what reasons I have to do it."


Laurellius only heard a scoff.


Laurellius went outside the room and tried to confirm if there was anyone outside. His mana was firmly in his fingertips, as he was ready to fire some basic Tier 0 Spells; Mana Bullets.


Laurellius' Mana Bullets weren't exactly strong, as he was only an Apprentice Mage in his Realm of Power. With the Mana Bullets he could conjure, it would only at most be as strong as a string flick of a finger, but it was more than enough to irritate.


In the first place, it wasn't even a combat-oriented Spell, but more of a Movement-Type Spell.


Laurellius was a bit embarrassed by his arsenal of spells.


Laurellius continued, as he made various turns in search of the exit. He just wanted to get over everything quick. He was worried about his sister, who should be worried sick in turn. He didn't want that.


Yeah. I shouldn't keep her worried too much.


However, As Laurellius moved, he suddenly heard some footsteps and hid behind a wall. He then cast a basic Locator Spell; Clairvoyance.


He began to perceive things from a certain area and saw someone wearing casual clothes, and was walking with a dagger in hand. Laurellius' wariness shot up. It was one of the slave traders!


Laurellius began writing runes in the air, as he scrounged his head for whatever spell he could use to attack, however...


Damn it, I don't have any!


Offensive Spells were restricted from open circulation among the masses without permission. It was especially so in the Academy City as Spells would have leaked all over the Empire if this was the case. And learning new spells also needed a permit.


It was harsh, really.


As Laurellius began to panic, Avarosa's voice rang inside his head.


(Calm yourself, fool. I see no reason for you to panic.)


Laurellius noticed it this late, but for some reason, despite having introduced himself before, Avarosa only calls him either by plebeian, or fool. Even though Laurellius prided himself tolerant, she was starting to annoy him.


Nonetheless, Laurellius needed advice from the knowledgeable girl, so he shouted in a whisper:  "But I can't beat that! What am I supposed to do?"


Laurellius heard a sigh. (What foolishness... Have you forgotten that you are a seeker of Power?)


"Seeker of what?" Laurellius asked.


However, Avarosa went silent for a while, until she finally spoke: (I see... What an unfortunate world for you to live...) She said vaguely.


Laurellius furrowed his brows, in confusion, but Avarosa continued.


(The power you used earlier, what do you call it?)


"Uh... Magic, I guess?"


(Do you not forge your bodies with this power?)


"Uh... No. Only Magic Knights do it." Laurellius answered, " What mages do is affect the world's laws by using mana create a medium. Whether that medium is also a law, an object, or non-physical, as long as it achieves the desired result, we manifest it through runes or recorded phenomenon."


(Oh? How interesting... You do not use Laws as a basis for Power but manipulates them instead... Now where have I heard of it before...) She paused for a while as if contemplating, then continued.


(No matter the case, the basics of cultivating Power is to strengthen the Trinity Base—The Element, the Soul, and the Spirit— Those three are the most basic division of all the living, and is the foundation all life.


The Element is the body. It is the flesh, the bones, and the blood. It is the form that interacts with the realm. The Soul is the self. Vessel for the mind, the memories, and desires. And the Spirit is life. It binds the Soul and Element together, and keeps harmony between the two.)


Laurellius was speechless by the lengthy explanation, but he was running out of time. So he asked:  "And your point is..?"


Somehow, Laurellius felt a glare on him as cold sweat poured from his forehead, while Avarosa's upset voice rang in his head:  (Have I not told you to not interrupt my lecture... *Sigh*... Never mind.


Moving on, the cultivation of Power is to refine the forces of Origin, and strengthen the Trinity Base, to gain power as well as lifespan.


Now then, since you are a Seeker of Power, strengthen your Element. Subduing the man beside you should be an easy task, then.)


Laurellius was confused. What did she mean by beside me?


Laurellius turned his head to his right. . .


And a glaring slave trader filled his vision.