
The Mage and I

Eternia is a princess born to the royal family of Crystalia and Sapphire. She’s the only surviving child of Queen Marcella and King Aurelius’ marriage. Her life is in constant danger given that she’s the only daughter and heir to the Sapphire Throne and the eldest of the Crystalian Empire. On her journey, she meets an ancient warlock named Adrian who’s trapped in a child’s body and forced to “grow up” again. They grow up together. Adrian is sworn to become her protector. Together, they fight off obstacles and solve mysteries as she readies herself to become Queen.

SunnyBae13 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 20: Jealousy Jealousy

The air in the palace court was thick with tension, mystery, and anxiety. As everyone buzzed about the return of the former queen, Alexa sat beside her husband's throne, her grip tight on her dress. Draped in extravagant jewels and silks, she made it clear to the world that she was the reigning queen—not Marcella. Alexa despised her presence and existence. How dare she return and lay claim to what was now Alexa's? In her mind, Eternia and Aurelius belonged to her. Marcella had to be removed.

Alexa seethed with hatred as she surveyed the court. Every person in the room was a target for her ire, discussing Marcella's supposed greatness and speculating about her own deficiencies. The whispers of an impending divorce and Marcella's return felt like treasonous insults to her. She fantasized about cutting their heads off for insulting her. 

"Sister," Alexa's brother, Timothy, approached, bowing in respect. He was the only member of their household that attended tonight's festivities much to Alexa's displeasure. 

Alexa acknowledged his presence, nodding at him. "Where's father?" she questioned, arching her brow. She was clearly displeased. They should've attended the banquet to show her their support. Instead, they left her to fend for herself. 

Timothy frowned, shaking his head. "I'm afraid father won't be attending the banquet, sister," he says, his tone serious. "He fears that the rumors are true and that you've shamed our house."

"Shamed our house?" Alexa questioned, her tone rising. 

"You failed to deliver an heir," Timothy explained, "Queen Marcella is here. She hasn't been here for years. Why else would she return if not to reclaim what once was hers?" He glanced at the empty throne and back at his sister. "You failed, Alexa. You couldn't even get the King to tear down the portraits of his ex wife."

Alexa composed herself, gracing her brother a smile. "I suggest you watch your mouth, Brother," she said through gritted teeth. "I'll let this slide for now because we are blood. Cross me again and I shall have your tongue." She waved her hand, dismissing him. How dare you, Timothy! Curse you and that wretched family for abandoning me!

"Queen Marcella Cyrene Crystalia, Crystal Guardian, Divine Healer, and Ruler of the Crystalian Empire," the pager's announcement echoed through the hall, drawing all eyes towards the descending figure. As Marcella made her entrance, a hush fell over the room, her presence commanding both respect and adoration from all who beheld her. 

Marcella descended the steps clad in a pale blue gown that accentuated her every curve, its intricate embroidery and jewel adornments shimmering in the light. The straps of her dress draped elegantly from her shoulders, framing her figure with a graceful allure. Layers of sheer fabric added volume to her skirt, billowing around her like a cascade of clouds. In contrast to the ostentatious fashion of the ton, her attire exuded modesty while retaining an ethereal brilliance. Her long brown locks cascaded freely, adorned only by the crown atop her head, emphasizing her natural beauty and regal presence. With fair skin aglow, she emanated youthfulness and a captivating aura that captured the attention of all who beheld her. 

A hand reached for her's as she took the last step. She looked up, surprised to see Aurelius waiting for her. 

As she took the final step, a hand reached out for hers, surprising Marcella. "Aurelius," she almost gasped, her eyes widening as she hesitantly accepted his hand. In that moment, time seemed to slow, and all that existed was the connection between them. The gentle warmth of his touch and the familiar emotion in his eyes—a gaze that Marcella could easily mistake for love. 

Aurelius held Marcella's hand firmly, presenting her to the court with a respectful smile gracing his lips. "Queen Marcella," he reintroduced, his voice carrying a hint of warmth and reverence. "It has been far too long since our kingdom last had the honor of her presence. I ask that you treat her with the utmost respect during her stay." With a snap of his fingers, he signaled for the music to continue, leading Marcella to the dance floor where awaiting couples stood. "Might I?" he asked, extending his hand to her with genuine warmth. 

Marcella felt a sense of déjà vu as she accepted his hand, a polite smile adorning her features. As the dance began, they moved together with a grace that spoke of familiarity and shared history. Despite the passage of time, their steps seemed to effortlessly sync, as if their bodies remembered the rhythm of their past. All eyes in the court were drawn to them as Aurelius lifted Marcella and twirled her gracefully, their dance outshining all others.

Their smiles reflected a shared joy, a glimpse of a past they once enjoyed together. As the music came to an end, so did their dance. With a slow bow and a graceful curtsy, they paid homage to the memories of their youth, a fleeting moment captured in the eyes of all who beheld them. 

"Still as charming as ever," Marcella complimented, withdrawing her hand from his with a hint of nostalgia in her voice. 

Aurelius nodded in acknowledgment, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "And you're as graceful as our last dance," he returned the compliment, his eyes reflecting a shared appreciation for their past moments together. 

Their brief exchange was interrupted by a round of applause that surrounded them, drawing their attention back to the present moment. 

Marcella's voice was a soft murmur, laced with a hint of amusement as she leaned closer to Aurelius. "It seems your wife is quite vexed with jealousy," she observed, a wry smile dancing on her lips. "Duty calls, King Aurelius," she added with a touch of bitterness, her words trailing off with a cold edge. Your wife might as well enjoy your company while its lasts. Soon enough, I'll destroy her.

Aurelius's sigh carried a weight of resignation as he pressed a gentle kiss to her hand. "Enjoy the rest of your evening," he bid her farewell, his departure marked by a turn of his back towards his awaiting wife. After tonight, the evidence would've been planted. We'll be able to destroy the Eevergreens within the week and carry on with our lives… 

Marcella watched his retreating figure vanish into the throng of guests, swallowed by the bustling court. Emotions swirled within her, a tumultuous blend of nostalgia and longing. Yet, she swiftly pushed them aside, reminding herself why she was here—to protect her daughter. 

We should leave the past behind us, Aurelius… No one can rewrite what's already been written. 

"Queen Marcella," a familiar voice called, tapping her shoulder. 

Marcella's gaze met the familiar sight of Duke Sapphirpeak, his tall stature and distinguished features a reminder of their shared history. "Duke Sapphirpeak," she acknowledged with a nod, her tone cordial yet tinged with a hint of warmth. 

Gareth Sapphirpeak had been one of Marcella's suitors during her youth, a presence she found both intriguing and comforting. Despite Aurelius's disdain for him, Gareth had always shown genuine concern and empathy, especially during the painful loss of her firstborn. In him, Marcella found solace—a rare ally amidst the political machinations of the court. 

"It's been quite some time since you graced us with your presence," Gareth said, planting a kiss on her hand. "You're as radiant as ever, Your Majesty. I hope your visit isn't brief. The realm and I share the longing for you since your absence."

Gareth's words carried a charm that Marcella couldn't help but find endearing. His kiss on her hand felt like a gesture from another era, one where courtly manners were paramount. "Your flattery is as eloquent as ever, Duke Sapphirpeak," she replied with a gracious smile, acknowledging his sentiment. "It's heartening to know that my presence has been missed. Rest assured, my visit shall not be a fleeting one."

"What is the purpose of your visit?" Gareth asked curiously. "I'm sure it isn't because you missed us."

Marcella's smile softened, and she inclined her head slightly. "You are perceptive as always, Duke Sapphirpeak," she remarked, appreciating his astuteness. "Indeed, my visit carries a purpose beyond mere sentiment. There are matters of the realm that require attention, matters that concern both Crystalia and Sapphire." 

Gareth nodded thoughtfully, his demeanor exuding a blend of respect and loyalty. "As you know, Your Majesty, I am forever at your service," he affirmed with a slight bow. "Your concerns are mine, and I stand ready to assist in any way possible. Please do not hesitate to call upon me for aid."

Marcella's gaze pierced through the air, her voice carrying a weight of seriousness and determination. "Do you swear it?" she pressed, her tone devoid of any hint of wavering. "If I were to call upon you for assistance, would you heed my request?" She knew Gareth had always been a loyal ally, a rare gem amidst the political intricacies of the court. It wouldn't be the first time she asked Gareth for favors. Despite being a rival to Aurelius, his unwavering kindness and allegiance to her had never faltered. Not once had he asked for anything in return for any favor she asked. 

"I do," he replied. He knew the look on her face all too well. "Is it something the King can't know?"

"No," she says, "My husband is aware of what I'm planning." She bit her lip, realizing her mistake. "Ex husband, I mean." She led Gareth to the balcony, trying to shake away the embarrassment in her. "I want you to do something for me without asking any questions."

"Of course," Gareth complied, "Anything."

Marcella's voice cut through the air like a chilling wind, her words carrying an unmistakable weight of urgency and resolve. "I need you to retrieve something from the Queen's Palace," she commanded, her tone unwavering. Gareth couldn't help but flinch under the intensity of her gaze, which seemed to pierce through him like a blade. "Hidden within its walls is a whip, concealed by the queen herself. Your innate connection to magic means you're the one best suited to uncover its whereabouts. I would handle it myself, but subtlety has never been my forte."

Gareth pondered for a fleeting moment, weighing the gravity of Marcella's request against his loyalty to her. In the end, he knelt before her without hesitation, his conviction unwavering. "As you wish, My Queen," he pledged solemnly, his voice resonating with steadfast determination. "I'll retrieve it for you." With that, he rose, his loyalty to Marcella binding him to fulfill her request, whatever the cost.

""Please rise, Duke Sapphirepeak," Marcella said, gently assisting him to his feet, gratitude gleaming in her eyes. "Thank you for this. Then and now, you've always been a good and faithful friend to me."

"Then may I ask a request?" Gareth inquired, his tone earnest. 

Marcella was taken aback by his sudden seriousness, but she nodded nonetheless. "Of course, what is it?"

"Please call me by my name," Gareth requested with a smile. "We've known each other since childhood. I understand the protocol, but when it's just us, I'd appreciate it if you addressed me by my name."

Marcella returned his smile, squeezing his hands affectionately. "Is that all?" she chuckled, shaking her head. "Gareth," she said warmly, "You're too kind to me. Nonetheless, I'd like to express my gratitude. I have three daughters in Crystalia... When they come of age, if your children are interested, they should meet. If they happen to fall for each other, I'd be open to a match."

Gareth was almost speechless, his surprise evident. "That is a joke, right?"

"You don't want to be family?" Marcella asked, perplexed. "For me, I only wish for my children's happiness. I desire a love match for them... Knowing you as a good-hearted person, Gareth, and having faith in how you've raised your children, I would be honored to welcome them into our family if they find love." The two chatted away, catching up for lost time. 

Meanwhile, the atmosphere between Alexa and Aurelius was heavy with tension as they sat together in silence. Alexa's jealousy towards Marcella's presence with Aurelius was palpable, and now she could also feel his jealousy upon seeing Marcella with another man. 

"A dance, my king?" Alexa broke the silence, her smile hiding the simmering jealousy within her. I won't be shamed like this! 

Aurelius shook his head in response, refusing to meet her eyes. "I'm a little tired," he reasoned, letting out a yawn. "It was a busy day." Aurelius's gaze were like daggers. He loathed Gareth. Seeing him with Marcella made him hate him even more. What are you up to, Gareth? Why are you with Marcella? 

"So," Alexa remarked, her voice cutting through the tense air, "What is the former queen's purpose here? Is it true that she intends to take Eternia with her?"

Aurelius felt a surge of anger at the mention of his daughter's name by Alexa. He suppressed it, maintaining his composure with an expressionless face. "She seeks reconciliation with our daughter," he replied evenly, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil. "Eternia needs her mother. We are considering how to proceed with this matter." How dare you utter her name!

I won't let that happen! My Eternia won't accept this if she knows what's good for her. I'm her mother now. Not that bitch who abandoned her. I taught her all the skills she needed to survive; not that woman! "Marcella has no claim to her after abandoning her all these years," she asserted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Don't let her take our child, Your Majesty. After all this time, she has no right to her." Alexa's words dripped with venom as she vehemently expressed her opposition.

Aurelius' gaze was icy and murderous intent. "Drop it," he said coldly. 

The night drew to a close with Magnus's arrival, reporting to Aurelius and Marcella in his private study. With everything set in motion, all that remained was to execute their plans. 

"Thank you, Magnus," Marcella acknowledged, preparing to open a portal. 

Aurelius gently caught her hand, shaking his head. "Stay," he urged, concern evident in his eyes. "Don't overuse your power."

"I'm fine," Marcella assured him with a smile. "Thank you."

"Please," Aurelius persisted, his gaze pleading. "You have three other children, right? Don't overexert yourself. I'll have the maids prepare your old room."

Marcella's smile softened at his concern. Her old room, situated across from his, held memories of a different era. Nodding in agreement, she replied, "Alright."