
Chapter 1 - the young mafias

Everyone in Eros Academy is busy preparing for their exam today. They are busy reviewing every lesson they have. Some were stressed and some were not.

At the rooftop, you will see two guys busy typing and focusing on their laptops. Instead of preparing for the exam, they are busy helping their friends who are currently in the midst of a dangerous deal with a rich group.

"Sena, don't cover your chest" Xairen said, the tracker of the group, he is currently watching everyone that is Sena sees in person at the early event

"Name?" Sena asked through the earpiece installed on her earrings.

"Ru Ye-jun, he is a Korean businessman. He is holding one of the biggest companies of gadgets. He will be meeting and will have a collaboration with Alec in a minute at the vip room" Jace said, he is the hacker of the group

"I can see him. The one wearing navy blue tuxedo and with two girls" Xairen said

"Alright" Sena just answered naturally and walked like some sexy star

"Zion and Caysen make sure not to let Sena out of your sight" Xairen reminded the two snipers

Sena is wearing a black fitted dress and it is backless. Her hair is tied into a messy bun, showing her pretty collar bone that attracts a lot of guys she bumped to. She is currently standing, waiting for Alec to signal her.

Alec is wearing a tuxedo that shows his built body. One move and walk can make every girls scream like they are being fucked by him. He took a glance at Sena, and nodded at her as a signal. He entered the vip room like a real businessman.

"Be careful" he whispered reminding the beautiful lady

Sena just ignored what he said and walked towards Ru Ye-jun. She is wearing her fierce yet sexy look to seduce those guys especially Ye-jun. She was about to pass by Ye-jun when he held her hand.

"Are you new here?" Ye-jun asked

"Yes, why do you ask?" Sena answered like pretty innocent sexy lady

"I know this place very well. I was hoping if you want me to show you around?" Ye-jun asked hoping that she will say yes

But of course, Sena will be Sena. She's not scared nor worried what will happen. She is expert at things like this.

"Sure" she smiled making Ye-jun's jaw drop

Ye-jun and Sena finally started looking around the bar where the early event for businessmen took place.

"Zion, stay where you are while Caysen will go near the vip room where Alec is" Xairen reminded them again

"Noted" Zion answered

Caysen is having fun with a girl but he knows his job. He knows what to do. He is flirty but he also loves his job.

Inside the vip room, Alec is currently getting worried over Sena. Although she can handle herself, he is still worried. What can you say? He has had a crush on Sena ever since he joined the team.

It's not just him, there's also Caysen, Zion, Xairen and Jace who have secret feelings for Sena. They never tried confessing because they know what will be Sena's reaction. Knowing Sena. She will probably take it as a joke and just ignore what they said. They are all also victimized by Sena's sweet word to join the team.

At the main part of the bar is the secret room, Sena and Ye-jun finally arrived there.

"This is pretty nice. I wonder what they do here?" Sena asked like she never knew the place. Of course she already knew this place before they went there. They were already familiarized with every way of the bar.

"You know, every couples who are really eager to do it" Ye-jun answered giving Sena a hint of doing it with her

"What do you mean by that?" Sena asked innocently

"Do you want to know what that is? Is it okay if we try?" Ye-jun asked and smiled at her, sweetly.

"Can I say no?" Sena asked and smirked at him

Ye-jun smirked as well thinking that she got Sena but little did he know. It's part of her game.

Sena kissed him first, Ye-jun didn't expect that and kissed her back. As the kissing gets deeper and deeper, Sena starts unbuttoning Ye-jun's white polo long sleeves using her right hand while her left hand is wandering Ye-jun's pocket. She bit his lip so he will be into her even more.

She finally got the usb and continued kissing him but as they expected. He received a call from his secretary that stopped their making out.

"Shit" Ye-jun cursed

"Answer it. It must be important" Sena said touching Ye-jun's abs, more on seducing him

Ye-jun answered, "You are really dead. What? Who? Mr. Park? Alright. Tell him-"

"I think you should go. How about you have my number? Let's continue this next time and..." Sena smirked and whispered sexily "let's make each other tired" she bit her lip

Ye-jun smiled and nodded "Alright but can you go with me? I want to introduce you to my business partner"

"Sure" Sena smiled and clinged onto his arms

They both started walking to the vip room, like they are couples. As soon as Sena saw Zion, she pretended to get a drink from his table.

"Go on" Ye-jun said and waited for her

Sena walked towards Zion, she took a glass of wine but she dropped the usb on the table at the same time "Thank you" she said and walked to Ye-jun

They finally entered the vip room.

"I already have it" Zion said announcing everyone that their mission succeeded

As they entered the vip room, all eyes on Sena. They were like some guys who never saw a sexy goddess in their whole life.

Sena is wearing her smile, she met Alec's gaze "Is he your business partner?" she whispered to Ye-jun

Ye-jun nodded "Yes" he answered and they both sat down next to each other,

Sena and Hyunjin are facing each other. She felt like this is not good. Alec and Sena never tried to meet each other in a vip room throughout the years of their missions.

"This is not good" Jace said while watching Alec's expression through the camera installed on Sena's dress

"I know. He probably heard Sena making out with Ye-jun. They never met each other face to face during missions" Xairen said and continued watching

"Zion, make sure to get ready in case something happened" Caysen reminded his friend because of what they heard

Although they can't see anything that happens inside, Xairen and Jace always update them to get ready.

"So, what are we going to talk about?" Alec asked while he is holding a shot glass sexily, his veins is showing and it shows that he is really mad and will explode anytime soon

"Before we start. Let me introduce myself, I am Ru Ye-jun and this is my date" Ye-jun introduced

Sena and Alec shook hands. She felt how tight Alec shook her hands like he was ready to break everything inside the room.

"You want to be one of my shareholders? Let's get straight to the point then. How much?" Ye-jun asked while his arms is around Sena's shoulder caressing it

Alec felt jealous as he saw how he is getting touchy towards her "10 times"

"10 times?" Ye-jun asked and he looks so confused

"Yes, multiply the money you have spent ever since you started your company until now to 10. I'll be paying whatever the total is" Alec said not showing any worries about the money

"I don't think this is good. Who would pay someone that much money when he can open his own company?" Sena asked trying to ruin Alec's image as what they have planned

"So, you think I can't pay? I have a lot of money, I can buy anything and everything I want" Alec said while he is glaring at Sena "Even you"

"You think I will let you buy me? I am not for sale. I only belong to Ye-jun forever. From my head to toe..." Sena smiled at Ye-jun and did a french kissed with him for 30 seconds and looked at Alec "to Ye-jun"

Alec clenched his jaw "Really? You must be having fun? You won't later, don't worry"

Sena looks confused.

"Alec, don't act like you know her. You are ruining our plan" Xairen reminded him through the earpiece

All of them, Xairen, Caysen, Zion, and Jacecan control their jealousy when it comes to job. They always hear Sena's making out sounds with any guys she needs to lure. They are good at that. But Alec joined two years after them, he is not good at controlling his jealousy. Even now, he can see it live, he can see the girl he likes making out with another guy.

Alec rolled her eyes "So? Are you going to let me-"

"Honey, I don't think he is capable of being one of your shareholders. He looks so young" Sena said while acting some bitches who is clingy to their boyfriends

"What do you think?" Ye-jun asked the girl who kept stopping him

"Just make him go. I don't think this is fine" Sena whispered to Ye-jun's ear

"Like what my date said. I am not going to let you-" Ye-jun

"But-" Alec tried to stop

"No buts mister, just go and leave" Sena said, raising her eyebrow signaling him to go "What now? Leave''

Alec glared at them and finally left the vip room. He went straight to the exit, to his car. Zion and Caysen are still waiting for Sena to leave the vip room.

"Should we continue here?" Ye-jun asked, seducing Sena

"Sure" Sena answered and kissed him first like earlier

Ye-jun lied Sena down to the bench as they kissed passionately. He is getting crazy over her kiss. As the kisses get more deeper, he gets addicted to her.

The two, hacker and tracker were a bit worried that the kissing might start something. They all know Sena is a seducer but she never tried to do that thing yet and they would never let anyone do that to her.

"Damn, this is bad. She needs to go but this pervert wants to continue" Xairen whispered to Jace as they watched Ye-jun covered Sena's camera because he lied on top of her

"Zion and Caysen if ever this gets even more deeper act like you entered the wrong-" Jace stopped talking as they saw Ye-jun getting up

The camera faces the door of the vip room that means Sena is already up but someone is standing there.

"Sorry, I thought this is the vip room they are talking about" a guy with eye glasses said acting like a nerd

"No, it's okay" Sena told him and finally faced Ye-jun "Let's continue this next time. I'll see you, call me" she kissed him for the last time and finally left the vip room

She saw Zion and Caysen walking out of the bar like typical guys who went to go out and fish some girls. Sena is still acting like some bitch as she got out of the bar and finally got in her car.

"We did it, leave that place now. If ever someone tried to follow, make sure to lost them" Xairen told everyone

"Is the exam already starting?" Sena asked worriedly

The school bell suddenly rang as the sign that the exam will start any moment soon.

"Yes, it will start anytime soon. You all can drive fast, right?" Jace asked and they both finally turned off their laptop and went to their room

Meanwhile, Sena, Alec, Zion, and Caysen are all having a race to the Eros Academy. They are mafias but they are still some students who want to graduate college.