

Hazel a young beautiful girl who's parents was involved in an accident that lead to their dead. she live with her uncle and aunty with her cousin & nephew who treat like a slut except for her cousin. until her uncle finally ruin her,setting her up to meet with a stranger man to have sex with him just so he can collect the money to repay his Dept. A car push up in front of her school, getting down was this handsome man, he suddenly ask " be my wife " who would never give up on her to marry him. how will her life turn out to be? keep reading and find out more.

Cynklope · ファンタジー
53 Chs

chapter 30 obsess with her

Damian POV

" oh shoot, I have to leave" he nodded then she leave,he make a phone call " follow her anywhere she make sure you follow her and report black the people she meet and speak to" " yes sir"

5 hour later

a man came inside and bow " speak" " she going on a date tomorrow 6 mp,she really like him that she suggests a date " " what is name"

" he go by the name Kaden " "you do you find out about his background" " yes,he is a dancer & singer,he went to a university name imperial college London and her too,he is a baskellball player, he popular in school,he 21 years old,he is Hazel cousin,he care for people,he pretty a nice guy"

"so he Dior idea match not me" he thought siping his wine " from the look of it she's in love with him" he throw a glass of wine at the man making him frighten.

' make sure,you follow her tomorrow and find out where he taking her" " yes sir" " is he obsessed with her" the man thought and walk away " I will make sure you fall in love with me,my Dior " Damian said


he arrived at network and a car came to pick him and he arrived at his company as he walk into his building and his assistant came to meet him

" thank God, you arrive in time their a lot a files & documents you will sign it and go though " Jacob said " hmm" he went to the elevator,Jacob followed him as he enter too he push the button to the first floor.

they got to his office and he went to sit on his chairs " OK let me see the project draft proposal " " here" he go through it " OK,it perfect " "his secretary named Ceril came in

she walk to his table " here a brief plan for the new project draft proposal " he took it and go through

" it rubbish tell the person he/she have five hours to redo the draft a new proposal and hand it to me or else he/she is fired make her familiarized with our work" " OK sir" she went out

"what are my schedule today" " you're to finish all the documents today,you have to read and sign you have till 10:00 to 3:00,you have a conference meeting 3:30: to 5:30,you have dinner with lady Lisa 5:00 to 6:00,you at to meet the Howard family 6:10 to 7:20,you have to attend a ball dance it the 40th year of sir Spencer 8:00 to 10:00 that all for your schedule" " OK "

" are you be doing all of this" " yeah" " I can't believe he is going to attend the event" he thought " OK let get to work and sign all this paper" " OK" Jacob brought files of paper to the desk.

Ceril POV

she went into the elevator and press floor 15 she arrived their she went to see Lina she hand her the draft.

" Mr Liam told me you should get familiarized with our work and you have five hours to redo the draft proposal and hand it to him or else you will be fired" " oh OK"

Ceril walk away " yes am going to see you maybe I dress something more sexy" she purposely write rubbish just to meet him

" finally am going to meet you I do not apply for this job just to work you but something more" she smiled


if you like the mafia lord want me you should check my other story LOVE IS JUST A GAME or THE DEMON SEX SLAVE pls vote for me send your power stone the more you vote the I update my story review down I will replied to all your review pls comment my book too I want to hear your thought I will appreciate so much love you guy

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