

Olivia, a young most dangerous Mafia Queen in the entire world and got tangled up with the most feared Mafia Boss in the whole world in a contract relationship. She is the daughter of a self made billionaire parents. No one knew who she was cause she was always wearing a mask and she was named Mask girl. "little girl, wake up" an old man said whispering into three years old Olivia's ear.  Olivia woke up blink slowly and rubbed her eyes countless time and saw the old man.                She was frightened but had a little courage and asked" Who are you ?" Olivia said as she stares at the old man blue eyes. He wore tattered cloth and was sitting next to her bed and his walking stick laying on the wall.                His white hair was as long as Olivia's brown hair and he looks like is young but people could tell his old due to his character.  " I am your  old friend and am here to teach you on how to become a Mafia queen and I see the potential" when the old man spoke, little Olivia gasp. she never knew there were mafia queens cause she has only heared of mafia bosses but not mafia  queens .                " How can I become one , Old friend ? " Olivia said with a bright smile.  she was already interested to be a mafia queen no matter what it takes. " We will be going to tour garden every night for practice and very soon you will be great " The old man replied ro her question and she was at all smiles and since that day on , as been trainied to be a mafia queen but was first an assassin.                   The old man thought her  marchial art and thought her how to aim and kill with no soft feeling but hard. At first she was scared and afraid of guns but after some month she became a natural.         " You need to aim harder and don't be afraid.  no soft feeling but hard "the old man said with coldness. Olivia was asked to shoot two robbers who were caught entring into Olivia house.      She killed them with a  bullet after the old man said she should think of what makes  her angry and she thought of her little kitten who was killed by a car and she hates that person and the car that the driver drove.         She always wear a black mask that as a snake tattoo  on het right neck side , a black or white crop top . Skinny jeans which curved her liitle hip well and a black boit to go with it. Her hair is always packed into a ponytail. Her signature clothes         She became a certified mafia queen who everyone feared and has her own group called "SNAKE EMPIRE" . Everyone in the group has a snake tattoo on their right  side of their neck . She was known as mask girl because she always had a mask on. When she was thirteen years she told her parents to change her room all to all  black. Even her toilet and and bathroom was black. she only wears colourful cloth on occasion but wears black and white cloth when she going for business or to kill.         She behaves like a snake, devices like a snake to those working for her except her group , she trust no body except from her fifteen company  which her parents doesn't know about.          She is a god when it comes to bussiness and her account her always filled with high money . From each company  fifty billion dollars is brought up to her account and she shares her workers salary who were being paid every three weeks or everyday.              The group had lasted for four years and anyone who lives the group would would either die or get their memory erased.  Axcel, a feared Mafia Boss who everyone had feared since after the death of his sister. He was Ruthless and his bad side never showed but his good side was only for Olivia and no one else. He always cared for his little sister until but after her death, he became more heartless, Ruthless and never have any friend except his best friend who is a  doctor. He fell inlove with Olivia during high school and never had any feelings for any girl except Oliva.

Wasiu_Bello · アクション
13 Chs


_________ NARRATOR'S POV _________

Axcel watched the beautiful slim figure disappear into the modelling organisations. He smiled as his little crush would soon become his real girlfriend and wife and like what Hazel said he had to be patient with her and he would do anything to get her.

His face became serious and he drove off in a high speed and dogging every car that came his way. No one dared to stop him not even the police men who were controlling the road . They all feard him and their mouths were kept shut cause they do not want to end up his basement.

He stopped and parked his car at the side if a big black gate with two golden lion who looked like they were about to fight and were standing tall. The security man opened the door as fear entered him " Take the key and take the car inside" Axcel said coldly with an expressionless face and threw his car key on the security man who fearfully caught it.

Axcel walked towards his company that was know for selling and producing electrical things and incredible invention. He has eighteen more company which was given to him by his father but his his own company builds inventions that could help in fighting or for scientists maybe astronauts.

He was greeted my two hefty men in black and he entered his organisation his eyes scanned round the area . All the staffs working on the ground floor stoped and greeted him with fear. The females were trying their best not to blush there way out and kept there cools.

His eyes were still moving around until it landed on the female receptionist Janet. Everyone eyes traced his eyes to Janet who was busy watching tick tock on her phone while both her ear pod were in her ears.

He walked up to her a rested both his hand on the counter hoping she would looking up but she didn't cause a distraction was right infront of her. Thanks to his height, He bent half his body toward her and remove the ear pod.

Janet looked up and stood up in schok. Her Iphone fell face flat on the floor. Axcel crushed the ear pod and allowed the broken pices to flow through his had . Everyone gasped except the men who were in black

" Good m-mmrrroooning bbbb--bbbooos" Janet said shaking in fear as Accel looked at her from her head to her waist. " Come, and stand infront of me " Axcel said deeply .

Janet looked up at him and down and came out from were she was sitting and stood right infront of him but not too close. " So if an important person comes in or a customer, is this how you would keep them waiting " he said coldly and she shivered. She couldn't answer his question and anything she tried to say, her mouth would refuse to move . It's like it has it's own mind.

" My question needs an answer Janet" Everyone were schoked because he barely know anyone's name cause he payed less attention to them and more to the manager Mr Elton. " Nnnnno sssir, I wouldn't dare. " She said shaking. " But you just did, you wasted four minutes before you answered me and you were distracted. what does rule fifteen says in this company ?" Axcel looked at her as she tried to remember but she forgot " You have forgotten soon. What a shame." He said sarcastically but still maitained his cold aroma.

His eyes scanned the male and female staff who walked in the ground floor and had their heads down. " You, with the blond hair." He pointed at a man who height was average. He steped out, a little shaken as he tried his best not to faint " Pierre, right ? Now tell me rule fifteen, am getting bored. "

Pierre took a deep breath but his head still lowered down " In the Ivention development company, Rule fifteen says : No phone should be brought to the office and she be dropped at the entrance box. Only CUG are allowed in the office for call ."

Immediately he spoke, a trickle of sweat fell from his fore head which made Axcel chuckled darkly. Everyone shivered and Axcel turned to Janet with death glares " Good"

He said and smirked . He walked pass Janet and went straight to the elevator. The elevator ding and the door opened . He entered the elevator and turned around " Janet !" She looked back and Axcel smirked " You're fired"

Immediately, he said the word Fired, the door closed . Everyone was left stunned.They couldn't belive what they herd . Janet couldn't believe her ears. The job which has been feeding her for years, is now taken away just because she broke a stupid rule.

Everyone cleared the area and went back to their varuous office. They didn't want to get fired . A young man with dark hair came in and gather Janet's things in a box and handed it to her.

She looked at him but the man has no expression on his face. He was normal. Tears poured down her eyes as she took the box. she was led outside and out the company left at the road . She couldn't go anywhere until a young man called her back into the office.

Axcel got to the eleventh floor were his office and his secretary and manager gretted him but he didn't reply.He got to his office door and entered the pin and the sent of sunflower filled his nose. He looked round his office which was the size of a house.

His eyes scanned all around and there she was . A woman in her early fifties sat on the couch drinking a red wine and his laptop on the little table infront of her. Her black thick raven her were packed into a pun and she was designed with make up and jewlries, which made her look breath taking.

She had a emeraled green long gown which were adorne with white flowers. Her weged heels made her look exquisite.

" Mother, how did you get in here?" He asked." can't I come into My son's office anytime I want and beside you've lost the manners have taught you years ago." She took a sip of her wine and smiled

" sorry mom, you just gave me a little schok." He got in and the door closed. He went forward and pecked his mom on the cheek " now can you tell me what you're doing here?"

Astrid smiled at her son and said " well, I am here to discuss with you about Olivia." He looked at his mom and wet to sit down in a single shair and he sta down lazily " she has agreed to sign thr contract but it would take a long while before she falls inlove with me."

" well, that's good to here. It means you have to work harder to get her" she took another sip of the wine and spoke " Why did you fire that poor girl." Axcel's eyes went dark and he stood up " If you think am bringing her back then you're joking."

He took his laptop and went to his office chair and table and he began working " well, your too late". His eyes left his laptop and gased into his mom golden brown eyes .

" Ding dong" . The bell of Axcel's office was herd and Astrid had a satisfying smile. " come in." She said and Astrid body guard came in with Janet.

Axcel gased at the door ans he gased back to his laptop. " you can leave" she said and he left. The door closed and Janet's head was still down . " Axcel , get your slef here" she saod and Axcel had no choice cause he didn't want to disobey his mom infront of an outsider. " You know your reasons for firing her his a stupid reason I guess she got distracted but a suspension would do so can I employe her as my personal assistant. I really need one"

Axcel looked at his mom and Janet's face wbo was schoked. She couldn't even count how many shocks she has revived today. Axcel signed and gave a thumbs up and went back to his sit.

She looked at Janet and said " You are now my P.A and your salary would be five hundred thousand dollars every three weeks and you would start your work tomorrow " Axcel looked at his mom when he herd the word five hundred thousand dollars every three weeks.

He shook his head and didn't say a word .Janet on the other hand wasn't schoked because too much suprises were in her head.

Astrid told Janet to go home and after a while she left. Axcel was left alone in his office while dealing with some matters.

Its been four hours since he had been in his office haddling some matters. He as been looking for the person who was contesting with Rick for the presidential title and after and an hour he found out the person the person was Winston Benson. AKA Olivia's uncle. AKA Eric's brother, but he didn't care. He was the reason he lost his sister.

Axcel remembered when his sister was given a shot on her stomach while she ran over to him to give him a hug. He rushed her to thr hospital but it was too late. She died.

After the death of his sister, Winston went imto hiding for six yeasr and came out only to take over the US country.

He taught Axcel would have forgotten but he didn't forget anything at all. He looked at a frame were his little sister was. She was the carbon copy of their father. Bright blue eyes and long silky brown hair. The feminine version of their father. The same height, same behaviour, same character and not to mention a very high IQ.

She is the last born of the whitesand her name us Quinn White.

" Logan" Axcel deep voice spoke and a young man who is in is twenties came out of the black curtain. He was tall and elegant . Thick brown hair and flashing green eyes.

" Set up a meeting with Mask girl. Wiston has to die" " Yes boss" and he went out of the office . Axcel checked his wrist watch and it was almost two o' clock. He quickly closed his laptop and headed downstairs " continue with what I was doing " he told his secretary and he responded.

He got down through the elevator and and went into his car and drove out

________OLIVIA'S POV________

I was feeling happy as I entered the modelling organisations. It's been long since I have been hear. "Miss Olivia " I turned around to see my manager Mrs Bethany.

She was wearing a yellow top and a suit with a medium length slimfitted skirt. Her dark brow hair was packed into a ponytail and her glasses laid ontop the bridge of her nose. She is a British woman.

" I thought you wouldn't come Miss Olivia. " she said and gave me a hug and I huged her back " you've been selected as the cover for the beach wear fashion magazine " she said and showed me a copy of it " Oh my God, that's wonderful " I took it from her had and opened the magazine but it was empty.

I looked at her and a brown was up " what were you expecting? You haven't done any shoot and you need to start now . Hear are the wears you would wear and your new partner is in the photograph room. " I collected the clothes which were in shopping bag " Please be quick, Mrs Angle ain't happy about your dismiss for two weeks."

I quickly ran to the changing room which was close to the photograph room and changed into the bikini. It was a red foamless bra and a transparent red rapper which had white leave patterns on it .

I wore it on and wore the assories given by Mrs Bethany. Even though I hated the color I had no other choice. I wore the flower made head band which was adorn with red artificial rose that looked real. It could trick anyone.

I wore the flower made bracelet which was beautiful. I came out of the room and went to the photograp room . The room was set and I could see the photographer working on his camera.

There was a white banner which was pure white on the floor and pinned all the way up to the celling . Lights were kept everywere and I saw my new partner. He had the same length of hair as Axcel but it was black and red and well comed. Black from the beginning to halfway and the remaining were red.

He looked cute with the unbottened shirt and wore a red shorts with white leave patterns all over . His abbs were like rock but he wasn't as cute as Axcel. Wait, am I comparing Axcel with this new guy?.No and no Olivia, love ain't in your dictionary.

I walked toward the man a waved to him " Hi." I said and he smiled. He's a cutie pie. " You must be Olivia " I noded ans I streched my hand to shake him and he took it " Nice to meet you Kelvin. " He looked at me strangely then bust out laughing " It's Carl not Kelvin. That's actually my brother's name" I made an Oh sound and laughed " I guess your brother's name must be popular " I said and he nodded " Yeah, he is . He is the one who sang Beauty and the Beast" .

I looked at him schoked " Like the Beauty and the Beast.

The one that says

be my beauty and I'll be your beast,

don't let me go,

please stay with me .

My love for you is stronger babe ,

don't let me go through the pain." I said and sang the song " Yep, that's the one. you must be a huge fan " " of course am his biggest fan. since that song came out it's been my favourite song. It's number one in the music chat " I said " What are you all doing, Photographer isn't your camera working " We suddenly herd Mrs Angle's voice and we quickly stoped talking " it's all done, we can now proceeded " the photographer said " Ok, now take your palaces " .

We kept on shotting and shooting until our legs hurt. Other Models were getting tired but eventually we had to stop " come on girls and boys, we have sixty more shoots to complete and we need to be fast. The fashion company who gave us this beach wears to publish are already excepting it my next tomorrow so please do this and we would send your money by the end of this month. I promise."

We all agreed to Mrs Angle and we did more shoots till it was over. We were all exhausted and I could see Carl drinking a bottle of water for the tenth time. I walked up to him and said " I guss to keep a handsome look is to hydrate." He chuckled and said " what can I say ? we've got to keep this and so as you." he winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't really like him even though his hot " Hey , do you want to grab some lunch. I wanted to say yes but I remembered Axcel " I wish I could, but a friend is already taking me out for lunch. Sorry. " I said feeling sorry " ah, no need, may be next time" and I nodded. " I better get dressed. He would be here any minute " . He smiled and I went out of the photograp room and to the changing room.

Mrs Bethany came in with the clothes and shoes I asked her to oder for me and I collected it. I thanked her and she smiled and walked out.

I wore the black off sholder crop top and a black min skirt reaching my tiths. I wore the black heel boot which was had soft fur reaching my knee. I packed my her into a ponytail and appled a little makeup on my face that was in the changing room and I lookd awesome.

_________MY TIME TO SHINE _________