
The Mafia Boss's Ineffable Need

Ethan Mondragon, aka "Storm" lost faith in love as it was the reason that he lost his perfect life and family, turning him into a heartless monster that killed everyone getting his way without mercy. He swore to never submit to love. It wasn't until Julia Natividad came crashing into his life like a fireball— melting his icy heart and awakening his ineffable desire. Julia Natividad came to his life for one purpose— to redeem her sister's blood debt.

Skyra_Lee · 現実
16 Chs

I'm Not A Child


Julia faced him and asked, "You know that asshole with a weird name Storm?"

Diego hummed. "Looks like my guess is right."

"Are you guys good acquaintances?" She asked again.

"I think I just told you I'm meeting him tonight."

Julia couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I'm asking you if you two are on good terms." 

"Yup. So, are you coming with me?"

Julia's eyes sparkled in delight. This sudden offer meant that she had been given the opportunity to take her necklace back. However, she frowned as she realized that the man before her was not an ordinary person. 

What if he would do bad to her?

"There's a lot of women here, why are you taking me instead of them?" Julia asked.

"Because you're the prettiest." Diego replied.

"Liar. My skin is brown. I'll never be beautiful."

"Don't underestimate yourself. I choose you because you're different among women that I know. I'm sure he will be interested to know you."

"What? Are you planning to sell me?" Julia backed off.

"Silly, that's not what I meant to say."

"Then what?"

"Enough shits, woman. Get inside." That same grumpy man urged her.

Diego beckoned him a finger not to do anything. He patiently smiled at Julia and said, "Well woman, I just need your help. I'll pay you. Name your price."


Since Ethan left and returned to the Enchanting Club, no one had noticed his existence or absence, only Reynald who purposely returned to Ethan's room to treat the latter's wound.

His arm had been feeling unwell from carrying a tray of food and a first aid kit. After knocking several times, still none was answering him.

Reynald frowned. "Did he take a shower? Auh, what a stubborn child. He must have drench his wound on the shower."

"What are you mumbling about?" A voice that he was waiting to hear suddenly rang in his ears from behind. He turned around and saw Storm's brows knitted in between.

With an intrigued gaze, Reynald examined him from head to toe. "Where did you go?"

Ethan slightly raised a brow. "Do I have to inform you of my every move? Why don't you just marry me and nags at me all the time?"

"And now you learn to joke. Where did you get that?" Reynald pointed something on his head.

"What do you mean?" 

Reynald tiptoed closer to Ethan since the latter was a few inches taller than him, and picked the dry leaves clung stubbornly among his hair. By coincidence, Marcus witnessed them.

"Ermm." Marcus cleared his throat and the two turned their heads in his direction. He drew a stiff smile across his face. "Oh wow, I didn't know you guys have such a thing for each other."

"What thing?" Reynald asked as he held the maidenhair tree leaf in the air, a kind of leaf that looks like a hand fan.

"You and he—" Marcus received a cold threatening glare from Storm. So his voice clogged his throat. "Never mind."

Marcus turned to leave.

"Stay there." Reynald demanded him.

"What else do you want?" Marcus lazily turned around again. His expression was somewhat upset.

"What brought you here?"

Marcus curved his lips downward, obviously, he was displeased. "What? Can't I visit you two? Can't I disturb you?"

"Speak." Ethan's voice suddenly rang. It was low but carried full warning.

Marcus scratched his head and reluctantly spoke. "Alright, Diego just phoned me. He is visiting you tonight to celebrate your birthday. He said he has a gift for you that you'll surely be interested in. He already reserved a room here for it."

"My birthday? Today is not my birthday." Ethan shut Reynald a look.

Reynald immediately denied it. "No, it's not me. Besides, no one here knows your birthday." 

"You founded The Hunters organization with this date. So basically, he considers today as your birthday." Marcus explained.

Ethan did not respond. Only a slight crease appeared on his forehead.

"Should I phone him back and tell him you have bigger fish to fry?", asked Marcus. The eagerness to flee on the scene was evident from his expression.

"No. Accept it.", said Ethan coldly. "Let the higher ups have some fun tonight."

"Got it." Marcus shut an unhappy look at Reynald one more time before he left.

Reynald found Marcus' behavior odd but ignored it. When he saw Ethan was about to open the door, he again implied something he should not. "Maidenhair tree leaf. I never knew there was this kind of tree in this city except for that certain forest."

Ethan halted his steps. He knew that Reynald was indicating something but he ignored it. Instead, he said, "Leave the food inside. I'll eat once I'm done taking a shower."

"You're avoiding it again."

"Reynald, don't start me." Ethan opened the door and went in.

Reynald followed him inside and put the tray down on the table. Seeing Ethan heading towards the bathroom, he hurried and blocked Ethan's way. 

"What is it now?" Ethan's voice carried a hint of impatience.

"Nothing much. Your wound, I just want to remind you. You can't get it wet."

Ethan's hand slightly moved, but then again, kept it settled on his side. "Reynald, stop poking your nose on my private life. Remember, I'm telling you this once. I'm not a child."

Saying that, Ethan swept Reynald to the side, like he was clearing a way, and headed straight to the bathroom without looking back.

Reynald could only sigh watching Ethan's back figure. Despite the latter's coldness and eccentric behavior, in Reynald's eyes, Ethan was lonely.

"How I wish she could find a way through his heart." Reynald mumbled to himself and reluctantly left the room.