
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · 都市
86 Chs

Missing Her

Mr Dot Kones didn't say anything to Jane again, they rather ate their breakfast in silence. After that Jane retired back to her room thinking on who Norman truly is.

She brought out her laptop and search all information related to Norman checking who was the real CEO of Silver Entertainment house. She saw some information related to the CEO bit none of them had Norman's name attached to it.

She checked thru the names of the top manager and layer saw Norman Bright and she wondered if he was truly the one as she didn't know his surname.

As she was about retiring to sleep her phone rang and Ashley was the one calling her, she picked it up.

"Hello big sis, haven't slept yet?," Jane questioned as she held her phone to her ears.

"No I haven't, Am just bored and home alone so I decided to give you a call today, to know if you still went out on another date," Ashley said and Jane smiled.

"No sis am at home, just finished having dinner with father, how about you, hope you have eaten?."

"Sure, I have. I will be home on Sunday, finally will get my freedom back," Ashley said.

"But big sis, why not give it a thought properly, I thought you like Dave?," Jane questioned.

"No.. Not like I don't like him. I just feel like he's not the one for me, Anyways I will be home this weekend, let me see how to start my life afresh. I can't marry a mafia, I want a better father for my kids."

Jane swallowed hearing Ashley, she didn't say anything to refute her sister's wishes.

"You won't understand Jane, I know you saw us, but that doesn't mean I want him. I like him yes, but marriage No!" Ashley said

"Is okay big sister, we will be expecting you. You're always welcome home, do have a goodnight rest," Jane told her as she sighed.

"Goodnight sis," Ashley ended the call and fell in silence.

Jane didn't know how to advise her sister either. She has always known marriage isn't for everyone and Ashley was part of those kind that would come to life and avoid marriage.. She sighed and fell back to sleep as she was absolutely tired.

Ashley stood up after her call with her younger sister. She went out to the parlour to watch a movie, she was bored and sleeping was totally far from her eyes.

She sat down on the couch, and staring around the parlour, memories of how Dave had kissed her hard by the pillar and wall in the parlour flashed thru her mind.

She remembered their first kiss and how wanting she was. The embarrassment of being caught by Dave's stepmother she sighed.

She thought about Thomas, he wasn't her kind of guy anymore. Though she used to had a crush on him, but all that was in the past now.

Ashley relaxed her back on the arm of the couch, placing her two legs upwards and on-top of the couch to relax there a bit.

Soon she got tired thinking about Dave and was gradually fallen asleep on the couch.

Helen came out to answer the landline as she was thru tidying up the kitchen and wanted to return back to her own room, when she came out and saw Ashley sleeping on the couch.

She went to pick the landline first as Dave was the one calling to check up on home.

"Good evening boss," Helen greeted first as soon as she picked.

"Good evening Helen, how has your day been?," Dave questioned.

"Fine boss, Am about retiring to my room," Helen said and Dave paused and thought of asking about Ashley.

He knew she was annoyed with him earlier when he left the house, for given her cold shoulders but he wouldn't blame her for refusing to marry him.

He sighed and finally asked, "How about Ashley?."

"She has fallen asleep on the couch boss, I want to wake her up now to retire back to her room, she I call her over?."

"No, goodnight Helen, see you next week." Dave quickly ended the call. He didn't want to talk to Ashley not when he want her to move on as he didn't know how deadly his battle with Norman would turn out to be.

He sighed and relaxed back on his throne seat as he stared around.

Helen walked up to Ashley to wake her up. She gently tapped on Ashley to wake and Ashley stood up and returned back to her room.

Helen picked up the television remote and switched of the television while she returned back to her own room to rest for the night.

Ashley got back into her room and went to lay on her bed. She wasn't able to sleep again as she kept on thinking about her decision in rejecting to marry Dave. She sighed and sat up as she couldn't sleep.

She stood up and went to bring out the photo he had given her to keep. Her room bulb was on as Dave's apartment had solar power to keep the house bright when the power supply was off.

She stared at the photo wondering why Dave gave her the photo to keep even when he knew she might still reject to marry him. She sighed and kept the photo on her drawer and went back to sleep on her bed

The following day at the blacks temple. Dave had been his private chamber scheming on how he would attack the Bright mansion. Mark walked into his chamber to see him as Dave had assigned all office works to him, due to his absent for some days.

"Good morning boss," Mark.greeted Dave as soon.as he stepped into Dave's chamber in the black temple.

"Welcome Mark, what brings you here?," Dave questioned.

"Boss, Your father his here to see you.." Mark told him as Dave was still seated on his seat, researching what Mark couldn't see on his laptop.

"What does he want Mark, attend to him and other clients, I told you this before." Dave looked away from Mark as he kept his gaze focused on his laptop.

"But boss, you know ."

"Mark!" Dave thundered and stopped him from talking .

"Attend to him on my behalf like I instructed you, tell him am busy and doesn't want to see anyone at this moment, understood?."

Mark swallowed seeing the anger look on Dave's face. He wondered what could have provoke Dave to the extent he didn't want to see his father. He replied, "Okay boss, I will inform him that."

"Good." Dave returned back to typing on his laptop, while Mark walked out from his chamber and went back to the company to see his former boss.

Mr Jeff was at the company as they were preparing to have a brief meeting. Although he had called Norman to negotiate and to stop the attack, but Norman hadn't given him response or feedback. He wondered about why he hasn't seen Dave either as Dave hadn't come to meet him and to discuss about their plans. Waiting for Mark to return he saw Mark approaching back to the company and came to meet him.

"Sir he said he's busy and wouldn't be joining us for the meeting," Mark told him as he stood by the door to his office.

"Why's that?" Mr Jeff questioned.

"I don't know boss, he's probably researching on how to track down those disguising their selves as him."

"Oh!" Mr Jeff hummed.

"Is okay then, you join us for the meeting," he told Mark.

"Okay boss," Mark responded and walked back to the meeting hall, while Mr Jeff quietly followed Mark from behind in deep thoughts.