
The Mafia's Stubborn Wife

Ashley Kones was forced to marry Dave Harry - A ruthless mafia boss who despises women so much. Not wanting to marry Dave, Ashley hid and sneaked her way into the blacks temple to attack him, so as to end their arranged marriage. She was caught and imprisoned. Dave forced to spent a month living with him, if she want to get her freedom back. Ashley ended up falling in love with Dave, getting entrapped with him in a ruthless family battle involving Dave's stepbrothers, and their parent sins of the past. Read to find out...

GoodnessChiamaka · 都市
86 Chs


Dave sat in his private chamber in the black temple thinking about Ashley. He didn't want to call Helen or Lexi to know if she had gone back home.He sighed and sat on his bed as he held a bottle of wine he brought out from his fridge. Mark came in after a single knock.

"Boss, how about the meeting ain't you going?," Mark questioned. Even though it was Sunday they still had meeting and business discussions like it was ordinary working days.

Dave kept mute and poured out the cold wine drink into his glass cup he was holding. Mark continued to stare at him in confusion, he still didn't understood what went wrong with his boss. He only assumed his boss became worst after he allowed Ashley into his life. It was all his fault. He should have dragged her away and tortured her personally by himself other than take her to Dave, but what would he explain to Mr Dot when he later sees the old man?. Mark swallowed and stared at Dave.

"Boss, you ain't saying anything yet. Do you need me to do anything for you?," Mark questioned and Dave only drank from his filled glass cup not responding.

Mark still stood waiting for his response and just then Gape knocked and came in.

"Boss, the red eagles boss and other clients are here to see you. I asked them to wait in your office at the company," Gape informed.

"Hmm.." Dave hummed and Gape immediately turned and left.

Mark sighed and left. He was still in deep thoughts and needs to find out what was going on for himself. He went back to the company to attend to some of the client they had.

Mr Dot sat in the receptionist area waiting for his turn as he heard Dave had arrived. Few minutes later it was his turn to see Dave so he went into Dave's office, after walking thru the corridor and getting into the office. He was shocked to see Mark seated on Dave's seat.

"Where's Dave?," Mr Dot Kones questioned as he took the opposite seat across to Mark, staring angrily at Mark.

"His not around as you can see, how may I help you?," Mark questioned him in return and Mr Dot stumped on the desk startling Mark whom smirks.

"Do I look like a joke to you Mark, go and call Dave I need to speak with him now!" Mr Dot thundered and Mark smiled and respond.

"Tell me whatever you want my boss to do, am as well confidential in keeping his secrets."

"Mark this has nothing to do with business. Go and tell Dave I need to speak with him concerning Ashley," Mr Dot said and just then Dave walked into the office and stared at the old man. He gestured for Mark to leave them.

"Leave us Mark," Dave gestured for Mark to leave and he went and sat on his seat, facing Mr Dot.

"Good evening," Dave greeted him and he nodded.

"What went wrong Dave, I mean between you and Ashley?. I had thought you both got along and you wouldn't allow her return back home to me."

"She's your daughter and I cannot force her. There's no point in discussing about this, I thought you were here to discuss about the new type of drugs we're into now" Dave said.

"No.." Mr Dot replied

"It was nice meeting your daughter but I have more important things to do now," Dave said and he stood up.

"Dave.." Mr Dot called him to stop, but Dave didn't stop he walked out of his office and went back to the black temple. He had a new mission plan and that he need to stay focus on finding Norman. Mr Dot sighed and left going back home to face his daughter.

Ashley had her lunch with Jane and Jane got a text from Norman, "Don't forget our meeting tomorrow."

Jane sighed. She thought about informing Ashley about the mysterious man she went on a date with, but she decided to allow Ashley to rest. Few hours later Mr Dot returned back to his mansion and retired back to his chamber. He didn't want to see Ashley no speak with her. When it was time for their evening dinner, Jane went to his chamber to call him but he said, "Am not hungry Jane, go and have dinner with your sister."

Ashley letter went up to his room to speak with him.

"Father I have told you I will find another suitor. I cannot marry Dave and that's the truth, you can give me more time to adjust to all this and find a new person whom is my ideal man, but certainly not Dave."

Mr Dot Kones sighed as he stared at his first daughter. He stood up and walked passed her going down to the dinning to finally have his dinner. He knew she never wanted to get married and he has tried on his own to make her understand. Sitting on the dinning seat the maid dished out their meal and they all ate in silence.

The following morning, Jane prepared and went to the Silver house for her shoot. Arriving at the entertainment house she parked her car and came down. As she walked into the entertainment building she saw Chris seated with some of his colleagues, she waved to him and walked to the receptionist desk to sign for. After that she went to the changing room to dress up for her shoot. She stepped out and walked to the hall to meet the rest of the actors. Chris smiled to her and she nodded. They were informed about the big boss being around and their shoot location will be shifted to a new site.

Jane say quietly hoping not to see with Norman. She relaxed back on her seat, listening to the announcement and after that they went for their shoot. She spent most of her free time with Chris, getting to know him his family and understanding despite his handsomeness he wasn't a flirt or a womanizer like what the gossip magazine interpret about him.

Jane sat with Chris at the Silver house cafeteria eating their lunch and enjoying eachother company when her phone rang. She had initially silent her phone and kept it on vibration mode as she was carrying it her little handbag which she hung on her right shoulder and placed on her leg.

Her phone vibrated again and she wiped the corner of her mouth with her serviette and brought out her phone. Seeing the caller her face twisted in irritation and Chris asked her, "What's the problem dear?."

Jane shook her head and a faint smile appeared on her face. "Is no one actually" she told him not wanting to remind him that the person calling was the same person that had claimed to be their boss.

"Are you sure, You seemed all worried?" Chris asked her.

"Am fine," Jane replied ignoring the calls and she kept her phone back in her little bag, while she took her bottle juice and started sipping from it.

"So when will you accompany me to go visit my family, I had told my mother about you and she cannot wait to meet you," Chris said and Jane blushed.

Norman was around and inside his office in the Silver house. He had been calling Jane number to let her pick a spot for their tonight hangout but she kept refusing his calls. He didn't want to make it obvious that he liked her as he had some of his men around and not every of his workers know he was the main boss. He stood up and walked out of his office and he went down to the cafeteria on the second floor.

Arriving at the cafeteria that was already filled up, he went and took a seat and Peter stood at a distance monitoring his every move as Peter was also like a bodyguard for him.

Just as he turned to stare at the waitress who came to take his orders, he spotted Jane where she sat with the same new Actor that had enrolled in his industry. He eyebrows furrowed as he stared at them seeing she was smiling and blushing.

"Hmm..." He signalled Peter to come and Peter immediately approached him.

"Terminate all contract with that male actor and get a new replacement for him. Inform Simon about it and make it snappy" Norman ordered out of jealousy and Peter swallowed and took note. He dare not question his boss.

He went back upstairs to inform Simon and Simon protested.