Following Zac's relentless assault, Stonehand Louis, a towering and robust figure, remained resolute, displaying an astonishing resilience as he resisted the punches that lacked sufficient power to incapacitate him. While Zac's punches could inflict pain if he hammered his opponents in the face, he would need several more minutes of non-stop fighting—and not use his special electrical ability—before he could hope to knock out someone of Louis's stature.
After absorbing the initial onslaught, Louis seized the opportunity to grab Zac's injured shin, effectively weakening the boy and allowing himself to rise from the ground. "Rascal! That was your only chance!" Louis said, his glare intensifying as he adopted a more serious fighting stance.
Zac laughed in response, his bloodied teeth bared in a defiant grin, showcasing his extraordinary resilience.