
The machine god

A man gave his life for the betterment of humanity , Put his own humanity aside to save them all , And they turned on the God they had created . Perhaps it's okay to be alittle selfish every now and then . And so the god of a tier 5 civilisation , Under attack by his people , Chooses to simply exist once more in a new world , Away from it all ... To do what he had neglected of himself... live ... experience for himself

areusrules · ゲーム
10 Chs

chapter 3

He was being watched , He knew he was , But he shrugged it off as the loud beat of the maelstrom hotel night club drew his attention back to dancing.

Clouds of mist and gas from people smoking in the club rose from all around him in all directions.

Red lasers flew all about as he danced on the club floor .

' Its not the maelstrom so I'll be fine ' He laughed slightly as a girl grind on him , His hands toying at her back side as she cast him a glance , A flirtatious smirk on her face.

Indeed it couldn't be the maelstrom whom were watching him , Thanks to the vast majority of them having replaced their senses with cyberware , They couldn't see , Hear or so much as smell him as he was nothing more than a ghost to their senses .

So he danced with glee , Alcohol coursing through his system as whatever had been in this canisters he ahd inhaled worked his mind.

He could feel the euphoric effect of it all , And he allowed it to do its work on his body as the lights became doubled , Time around him became a blur whilst all the colours around him began ti mix and blur.

And before he knew it , hours flew by in the night of night city , On a drug furled night featuring sex , murder and a fight with the local gangs .


" What the hell " He groaned as he rolled out of an unfamiliar bed. Turning his head to the side he saw a woman nude in her bedsheets , Her plump ass cheeks handing out of the red fabric blanket she wore.

For a split second everything around him doubled and noises became unbearable , All for a single moment before the effects vanished.

The side effects of the opioids he had taken being mitigated by the nanites repairing the damage to his brain.

' They probably laced everything ' He thought as he reached over and picked up his shirt and slung it on , Along with placing his shades over his eyes as they readjusted to the light . He didn't so much as need his shades any more, But he digressed , he rather liked having them on , The black lenses making it difficult for people to tell where he was looking exactly.

" Where in the city am i " He wandered out loud , Groaning as he rose from the rather comfortable bed and making his way to the window .

' The city centre huh ' He thought as he could see the large tower bearing the arasaka symbol not to far in the distance .

' I suppose it's time I got going ' He thought , Realising he was infact not wearing any pants .

Grunting as he fixed the issue , The man rolled his shoulders before turning to the woman in the bed , Debating what to do .

' Probably best not to wake her ' He mused before turning to leave the room , Stepping over several articles of clothing , Panties and bras included before walking out of the room and towards the apartment entrance.

He was lucky he didn't run into anyone else as he made his way to the elevator , Having made sure he had collected everything he owned before heading down to the lobby.

Stepping out of the elevator, Sebastian groaned as he shielded his eyes to the blaring uv light from the concrete outside.

" Have a good day sir" The clerk at the front desk gave him a knowing smile as he passed by.

" Yea you to " He responded as he called his bike to him .

Said bike roared around the corner not a minute later , Leaving him with a small smile at the significant changes it had gone under.

It no longer looked like a CT-3X .

Rather it looked like an exoskeleton of a bike with armoured plates making up the front and rear fenders . The fuel tank that sat above the rear fender had several new mechanical installations, Including a pair of lenses facing forward just above the front tire so it could see where it was going .

Walking over to the bike , He stepped over the weapons that jutted from the side of its chassis , Four guns in total with on either side. Heavy chain guns sat beside the bikes engine , where he would rest his knees as he rode , Whilst two high ordinance rifles which could point either forward of back along with any area in between sat just below the chain guns.

( the bikes pretty much a moto terminator from terminator salvation , similar to deidgn if you want a reference )

A low sinister grunt escaped the bike as he sat himself ontop of its surface.

" Yea I know " He responded to the bikes response to him , It had a basic intelligence programmed into it , Allowing it to form its own decisions and undertake tasks of its own should it need to .

Leaning forward on the bike , It took off on its own volition when it knew him to be ready , Heading straight for northsore and the warehouse.


" Hello tekeyoshi , what's on the itinerary for today " He asked as he walked through into the waiting room , The boy sitting studiously at the receptionists desk.

" Hey boss , You've got nine appointments today , Your first one is already in " Tekeyoshi informed him as he connected to the cameras to see whom it was .

The boy was wearing an all black uniform jacket with a red stripe down its right shoulder , Along with simply black cargo pants and combat boots.

The jacket itself had red coding running through the inside of its seams as it connected to his cyberware , serving as mitigation for any backlash he might face for using said software.

' You've got to be kidding me ' He rolled his neck , Dropping a duffel bag behind the desk before walking into the surgery .

" You've gotta be shitting me" The outraged voice of one pillar remarked as he leapt over the surgery chair to hide behind it .

" Get back into the chair pillar , there won't be any sort of conflict in my surgery am I clear " He growled as the man peeked out from behind his makeshift cover.

" This is your surgery " The armless man spoke slowly, Red visor staring at him whilst the man's head sweat profusely.

" Obviously, Our ... issues ... not withstanding. I am a ripper first and foremost , I have a duty of care to uphold , Now can I assume I'll simply be replacing your ... hardware " He regarded the man's handlessness .

" Ahh .. Yea " The man drawled before stepping out of hus cover sheepishly , Rubbing his nubs on his head as he rounded and slowly lowered himself down onto the surgery chair.

" Alright " The synthesiser in the corner started up as he sent the schematics for a basic set of his own cyberware " Unlike most ripperdocs I'll be installing my own cyberware into my patients , As I find the cyberware sold elsewhere to be rather ... lacklustre "

" Ah I just want ... "

" You'll be getting new hands , Far more powerful than anything you've ever recieved. Shock absorbers , compensatory hardware, Hell every one of your fingers will be able to tear apart concrete with ease should you wish for it to , They're also far more ... precise in their work than you'd believe ... a 60% boost to any fine tuned motor skill you'd need " Sebastian retaliated before the man he rather disliked could say anything about it .

" Oh ... alright " Pillar settled himself down , Sending through 20 k eddies that had been requested .

Around the surgery , A song pillar had never heard started playing , Of which the man was rather surprised by .

" What is this , What the hell do you listen to man " Pillar asked as sebastian moved and opened the synthesiser, A pair of pitch black hands glistened within , which pillar immediately focussed on with a hungry look.

" I work better when listening to something. It's a song by an artist called bones ... it's called in loving memory , Got into it rather recently " Sebastian replied, Actually he had used the red key to create and store all the music from his home universe that was locked somewhere deep in his mind , Which it simply accessed and recreated all the records it could with laughable ease . Then created an alias for itself and posted the music on the localised net .

" Mind if I ah ... download it " Pillar asked as sebastian put on a pair of gloves , Needles producing sparks sitting on the end of the gloves .

" Go ahead , I've sent yoy the link to the song and whatever you want from the play list, scroll through while I work " Sebastian sent the link to the play list of well over a million songs to the man , Who's face became slack as he randomly clicked a song.

" Hot shit cool " He smiled as he sat back into the chair , Sebastian promptly walking over to begin installing the new hands.


" Holy shit dude this is some top notch preem ware " Pillar exclaimed in excitement , Glee evident on his face as his fingers split in two , Totalling at twenty fingers that each responded to his mental commands without any delay or backlash .

" As I said , I find cyberware produced by other companies to he rather lacklustre ... now if you don't mind ... I believe my next customer has arrived " Sebastian guided the man through to the lobby , Who kept going on about how good his hands were and just what he was going to do with them.

" NEXT " Sebastian called out as a joytoy with purple hair walked into the surgery , Leaving pillar to leave with a rather shocked and spooked Rebecca whom had been waiting in the lobby.

The day went by relatively easily after that , Customers showing up on time without issue , Leaving satisfied with their new cyberware and leaving gleaming reviews whilst tekeyoshi dealt with clocking in future clients in the calender .

They were about to close their doors for the day when they slid open , Two ... no three people rushing in. Two adults with one cradling a child.

" Please , She's choking , Her synth lungs are effective please ... I... I know we don't have much scratch but please " The man begged as he dropped to the ground in the surgery, Cradling his choking daughter whilst his wife cried profusely before them .

Sighing, Sebastian stepped to the side , Showing them the surgery within.

" Put her on the chair I'll do what I can "

" Thank you ... thank you "

" Holds your words until I'm done , You can wait out here " Sebastian replied as he quickly began pulling out oxygen tube and inserting them into the girls naval.

The parents seemed not to want to leave but did so at his urging , Allowing him to quickly beginning to produce the new lungs from the synthesiser.

The girl passed out moments after he put her under , Allowing him to manuver her onto her back and begin cutting through flesh and sinew .

In moments he had access to what he saught , A pair of highly corrupted lungs , Black and blotchy , With corrupted cyberware glitching every few moments .

" Whoever made these is a joke " He grunted as he quickly removed the corrupted wares .

Rushing over to the newly created lungs , He marvelled at his new hasty creation .

It looked like a pair of regular lungs , Constructed with a hexagonal pattern running up and down its entire frame . Surrounding the lungs was a sort of film , A sleeve that would keep the lungs running off the bioelecticity produced by the human body . They could filter any toxin , Undertake a near infinite amount of alcohol without suffering any bad effects much like it could anything else , They were even able to produce their own oxygen through filtering even the most minuscule amount of oxygen atoms from the world around them . And the nanites that would go with the lungs would make it so they refused to perish even if the rest of the body passed .

" Alright young one , You'll live ... And live long and well "


" She'll live " Sebastian exclaimed as he exited the surgery , Pulling off his gloves and gently placing then on the table as he approached the couple .

Dropping to his knees , The Asian man wept , Gently Grabbing Sebastian's hand as he brought it to his forehead .

" Thank you , Thank you , You saint of a man " The husband cried into his knuckles as tears wet Sebastian's hand .

" You need not Thank me , It is the duty of a father to do whatever they can for their wives and child , To stand in the face of adversity , And you have done everything g you could " Sebastian placed his left hand on the man's shoulder , Causing the man to let go of his right hand and look up at him with tear stricken eyes.

" You are a good and just man " The man's wife spoke with a wobbling smile as she raised her husband to his knees .

" I do what I can , Your daughter is ready to depart , She's asleep right now due to amnestics but should wake within the hour " He motioned the couple into the surgery as tekeyoshi looked over the monitor of the computer to watch after the couple as they entered and gently picked up their sleeping daughter.

" Have her take one of these before she sleeps and she'll make a full recovery " Sebastian gently placed a non descript bottle of pills into the wife's hands .

The wife have his a nod of affirmation before they began to walk towards the receptionist area doors , Before Sebastian's cold tone stopped them.

" Before you go " Sebastian asked as he stopped the couple from exiting the fawyer , The husband and wife exchanging minute glances as the husband Carried their daughter.

" Yes ser " The wife asked as sebastian stepped up , His chin down as he gave the couple a pericing gaze , His glowing optics taking the couple in for everything they were , Like he was seeing their very souls with just his eyes alone.

" Tell me , Where does your daughter spend most of her time during the days , At home with you " Sebastian asked as his eyes swept from the husband and wife and back .

" Ah no ... she spends most of her time out with her friends , Why " The husband asked with a wary tone , His hands clutching at his daughter in worry.

" Nothing for you to worry over any more, Keep your daughter inside for the next couple of days ... and her friends too " Sebastian shooed the couple our with his warning, His small smile vanishing into a slate of vicious ice as soon as they were through the doors .

" hm " He rolled his tongue in his mouth as tekeyoshi continued to gaze at him over the computer monitors .

" What is it Boss " Tekeyoshi asked , Sebastian's glowing orbs turning to the boy whom gulped unconsciously.

" That girl ... she had some of her organs missing , Enough to survive maybe a week before perishing ... whoever did it wanted all suspicion elsewhere... and I just found out who " Sebastian growled as the red key used the girls likeness to pull up all security footage the girl had been in over the last month.

Mainly going into a sort of service station with her friends completely fine , Only to come out hours later stumbling and vomiting with her friends in a similar state .

" What are we going to do boss " Tekeyoshi asked as sebastian once more regarded the boy with a calculating squint.

" You are going to push all surgeries back three days , Get a new set of clothing and introduce yourself to that girl and her friends tomorrow , You will keep them safe while I work , Of course that will be after you pack what is going to be coming out of the synthesiser tonight " Sebastian stated as the synthesiser gave a small wine in the background , Signalling it starting up in rapidly producing the goods he needed .

" On it Boss "


" You die today " Sebstain turned to the leader , His arms still by his aides as he regarded the maelstrom man with a blank face.

Before their eyes , It was like their bullets simply passed through him, Striking whatever was behind them and even their comrades as they became riddled with bullets .

" WHAT THE HELL " Growler hissed as the unaffected man simply smirked slightly , Stepping forward as his gang reloaded and once more opened fire on the phantom like man.

" There is so much you fail to understand " He walked past , The maelstrom on either side of him firing apon eachother as they blew eachothers arms off , Brain out or spilled their intestines on the ground .

" STOP FIRING " Growler yelled out as he noticing not a spec of blood fell apon the phantom , his eyes tracked the spillage actually landing on the ground at the man's feet where he should be standing " ITS A FUCKING TRICK "

Growler lips twitched upwards in victory as the man tilted his head slightly , Regarding the maelstrom captain with great amusement in his eyes .

" Is it " Sebastian spoke as he slowly pulled his sword from its sheeth , The sound of ringing metal grinding against their ears as the blade illuminates with shifting glyphs of abhorrent code .

" You'll find " He walked to first of the nervous maelstrom members , Staring the man deeply into his glowing red lenses that served as the man's eyes .

" Don't do anything, Its a trick , Want to scare us " Growler spread his arms wide , Mocking the perceived trick " So who sent this message to us , Who do we owe the honour of butchering "

" You're looking at him " Sebastian made a simple swipe with his balde , And watched with great amusement as Growler entire attitude changed instantaneously at watching the man Sebastian had Sliced fall apart , Torso sliding in half as metal and guts spilled out onto the ground , A sloppy and wet squelch sounding as stomach linging impacted the ground.

" As I said , You understand so very little, you pathetic vagrants " Growler looked at the head and shoulder of his underling , the man's lips moving but no words escaping his lips.

" So very ... very " He turned to the next in line , A man with no ears or naval , Both having been replaced by cyberware which flashed violently as they refocussed their attention on sparking every Bullet they had at his direction, Careful not jot to his eachother with their spray .

" Little " He smirked as he thrust forward, His blade penetrating the maelstrom chests before he promptly exploded into flames thanks to his cyberware immediately reaching critical temperatures.

" You're all nothing " He turned to the third in line , tilting his head slightly before bisecting the man at the waist.

" You'll only ever serve as nourishment for the dirt of which my foes lay " He growled , Three down out of the seven , Turning to the head of the second column , Bullets still spraying and destroying everything in the room as he gave a slow and purposeful gait , His footsteps ringing ominously through the air to assault their ears.

They grit their teeth as his approach , The one he was now targeting hissing before outright screaming as he stared his death square in the eyes .

" You'll die , forgotten " He smiled as he came to a stop infront of the gang member .

" Spending eternity in the cold embrace of nothingness, with nothing but the regrets that stain your soul " He spoke calmly as the room was flashing violently with the flashes of bullets leaving their barrels .

" Alone ... and thus " He punched the man's head clean off the shoulders of his body , Sia dhead slamming into the wall and exploding behind with a wet squelch.

" Forgotten by the annuls of time " He inclines his head slightly , Tearing at the remaining three people in the room .

" And then there were three " He spoke solemnly , Stepping closer as the second of the ground column threw his weapon down , Making a break from the door for all he was worth , Only to explode into separated pieces of flesh and mental, Clear cuts spraying his body parts in alm directions , Marking the front fo the garage with viscera and blood .

" Atleast he had the sense to give up " Sebastian smiled at the last two, Bullets flying through his form as they backed up together.

The second last , Next to Growler, Had his gun click on empty, Before he hissed and tossed it clean at Sebastian's head , Pulling out a kunai and rushing Sebastian.

" IF BULLETS DONT WORK MY KNIFE WILL " He screamed in abstract terror, Attempting to slice Sebastian's face , Yet found himself simply passing through the being that had instilled an otherworldly terror in their number.

" No ... they will not " The phantom responded calmly as a flash if light was seen only for a moment, Before the man was Sliced vertically down the middle . Both halves falling away from eachother onto the ground as the man's lips attempted to form words , His half beating heart giving one last pitiful puff as blood spurted out onto the ground around him , His right half still flinching violently in an effort to reach for something ... anything.

Yet it was not to be as he died as he lived , a pathetic bug under the boot ofbthe powers that be .

" They call you Growler don't they ... why don't you growl for me " Sebastian spoke , Face contorting into a vicious mockery of a smile , His lisp parting to the sides of his ears , Flashy white teeth reflecting the very light that shon apon them .

" FUCK YOU " Growler screamed and opened fire apon the entity whom simply continued to walk through his hail of bullets unimpeded , Not even raising his blade to defend himself.

As every bullet impacted the walls behind , Growler stepped back in trepidation , Far growing as he blasted , Once twice , thrice to no effect.

And before long his gun was empty, giving a jaring click as his back collided with the cold wall behind him.

" What are you " Growler cried out as he swung on the man , Only for his fists to pass right through him.

" Your judgement , You're a pathetic creature , Who rubs together the two brain cells you have to inflict harm apon the innocent , to take the smiles away of the deserving , You are the one that deserves nothing but punishment and death " The creature spoke evenly, Like it hadn't just butchered his men in moments .

" And you punishment is so , You will see " The man raised its fingers to It'd face before making a pulling gesture ,ripping away the fabric of its face before him as blood and viscera flew everywhere in all directions, Only to reveal another face below .

" See the face of everyone you've ever wronged " The man's face turned into that of a child " Every thing , Everyone "

The voice was high pitched and childish , Feminine in tone before it shift mid sentence to a boys , The face changing along with it to show a Hispanic child of ten .

" Every organ " The things face shifted once more to that of an elderly man , Whom was smiling through closed eyes .

" Every every smile you put to the blade " The face changed to show a naive NCPD officer he had butchered for his cyberware , A genuinely good man he had butchered for the scrap of cyberware they could get .

" Every family you tore apart without remorse " It settled on the visage of his own mother , Frowning at him with a disappointed gaze , Her hands reaching out for him as her hands wrapped around his neck .

" Mamma I'm sorry " He plead as he fell to his knees infront of the being before him , Dragged to his knees by thr firm hands around his neck as he was powerless to resist.

" YOU KILLED ME YOU LITTLE BASTARD , AFTER EVERYTHING I GAVE TO YOU , EVERYTHING I DID THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME , BY BUTCHING KIDS " His mother's voice screeched into his audio recievers with ruthless abandon, As his lips spread , If he could cry before his mother he would .

" Mother please ... what can I do " He please , Pulling his mother into a hig around the waist as he rested his head on her , disregarding the fact her hands were rapped around his neck .

" You'll send a message son , Your time is up , You'll be coming with me today , But you must do what it wants ... right now do you understand " She whispered in reassuring tones as he nodded his head .

" What must I do mum " He listened carefully to her words , lulled by the soothing tone of her voice as he gave up all resistance.


Sebastian watched the building go up in flames before him , The orange glow of the fire reflecting off his eyes in the dark as smoke reached for the heavens .

Another explosion blew out the windows of the the establishment, As the smell of burning corpses assaulted his nose.

Making sure the man was dead , He turned away , Pulling his hood over his head and beginning to walk in a slow gait away from the burning building as another explosion ripped the walls apart .

" And the hands of the lord fell apon the unjust , Bathing them in the hellfire that condemn them to the abyss "

hope you liked this chapter , thought id get a quick chapter our before work

next chapter - The unseen one

areusrulescreators' thoughts