
The Machiavellian Monarch

Ethan Cole was just an average college student with a taste for dark fantasy novels until he’s inexplicably thrust into the heart of “The Eternal Sovereign,” a brutal, high-stakes world he once read about with fascination. Now, trapped in the body of Kael Ardent, a scion of one of the most powerful cultivation families, Ethan is no longer just a reader; he’s a player in a deadly game of power and manipulation. In this new reality, Ethan has no intention of mending the broken legacy of his family. Instead, he embraces his ruthless, pragmatic side, driven by a singular goal: personal domination. Armed with intimate knowledge of the novel’s plot, Kael leverages every opportunity to advance his own interests. From stealing pivotal opportunities to orchestrating the fall of influential characters, Kael’s methods are ruthless and unrelenting. He’ll betray allies, eliminate rivals, and manipulate events with a cold, strategic mind, all to carve out his own path to power. With each move, he transforms the intricate world of cultivation and politics into a battlefield where he reigns supreme. In a realm where every decision could mean life or death, Kael’s ascent is marked by calculated cruelty and self-serving ambition. As he navigates treacherous alliances and uncovers dark secrets, his quest for power becomes a high-stakes gamble with no room for mercy. Will Ethan’s ruthless pragmatism and deep knowledge of the novel’s plot make him the ultimate sovereign, or will his relentless pursuit of personal gain lead to his own downfall?

westernsaint · ファンタジー
38 Chs

The Awakening

Ethan Cole was a regular college student, disillusioned with life and escaping into dark fantasy novels whenever he could. His life consisted of lectures, exams, and an unrelenting feeling of emptiness—until it all changed in an instant.

One moment he was in his apartment, reading; the next, he was engulfed by a blinding light that left him disoriented and breathless. As the light faded, Ethan found himself lying on the cold floor of an unfamiliar, opulent room. The air smelled of incense, and the dim glow of lanterns illuminated his surroundings.

Panic seized him as he stumbled to his feet, glancing down at his body. It wasn't his. His hands, his legs—everything felt different, stronger. He caught sight of himself in a mirror across the room and froze. The reflection staring back was that of a man in his mid-twenties with sharp features and cold eyes. This wasn't Ethan Cole.

Flashes of memories, fragmented and disjointed, flooded his mind. They weren't his memories, but they became his reality. He was in the body of Kael Ardent, the heir of one of the most powerful cultivation families in this world—a world that Ethan recognized immediately. It was the setting of **"The Eternal Sovereign," one of the many novels he had read during his college years.

Ethan's heart raced. He had been transmigrated into the very story he once knew. The gravity of the situation hit him like a hammer. His mind struggled to adjust, but an eerie sense of calm washed over him. This was his chance. Unlike the original Kael, who had wasted opportunities and faltered, Ethan would not repeat those mistakes.

He walked over to the mirror, examining his new form—tall, lean, powerful. This was Kael's body, but it was now his to control. He wasn't here to restore the family's name or fulfill someone else's legacy. His ambitions were his own, and this world would bow to him.

The sudden creak of the chamber door snapped him out of his thoughts. A young servant girl stepped in, her head bowed low. "My lord," she said quietly, "the elders have requested your presence for the family council."

Ethan—now Kael—raised an eyebrow. The family council. In the novel, this was a pivotal moment where Kael had first shown weakness. The elders had manipulated him, treated him like a pawn, and set the course for his eventual downfall. But this time, things would be different.

"Tell them I'll join shortly," he said, his voice calm but laced with authority. The servant girl nodded, backing out of the room without question. Ethan paced the room, thoughts swirling in his mind. He needed to make his move carefully. The Ardent family was influential, but it was divided by internal politics and power struggles. If he was to survive and thrive in this world, he would have to act quickly and decisively.

Minutes later, Kael entered the grand council chamber. The air was heavy with tension, and the gathered elders sat around a long table, their faces stern and calculating. They were not to be trusted. Each of them had their own agenda, and they would not hesitate to betray him if it suited their needs.

"Kael, you've arrived," said one of the elders, a tall man with graying hair and piercing eyes. He gestured for Kael to take his seat at the head of the table. "We have important matters to discuss."

Kael took his seat, eyeing each elder carefully. These were the same people who had manipulated him in the original story, steering him toward failure. But Ethan wasn't here to play their game.

One of the elders, a woman with a sharp gaze, spoke up. "The Celestial Lotus auction is approaching. Acquiring it could elevate our standing. It is a powerful cultivation artifact that must not fall into the hands of our rivals."

Kael listened, recalling the details of the novel. The Celestial Lotus was indeed valuable, but it wasn't worth sacrificing too many resources for. It would serve him better than his family.

"I understand its importance," Kael said, his voice measured. "But we need to be cautious. Expending too much for one item will leave us vulnerable in other areas."

The elders exchanged glances. This wasn't the response they had expected. In the original story, Kael had been eager to prove himself, throwing resources blindly at problems to gain favor. Not this time.

"We cannot afford to lose face," another elder insisted. "Our enemies are watching."

Kael leaned back in his chair, his expression unreadable. "Our enemies will always watch. But we should act on our own terms, not theirs. There are more strategic ways to secure power than chasing after a single artifact."

The room fell silent for a moment. Ethan could feel the tension rise, but he didn't flinch. He wasn't here to please these people. He was here to seize control and bend this world to his will.

"I will oversee the auction," Kael continued. "But we will not make reckless decisions. I'll ensure we come out ahead without crippling ourselves in the process."

The elders looked uneasy, but they didn't argue. Kael had asserted himself, and for now, they would follow. It was a small victory, but an important one. The original Kael had let these meetings crush his spirit. Ethan, on the other hand, intended to use them to further his own goals.

As the council adjourned, Kael walked through the halls of the Ardent family estate, his mind racing with plans. He had the knowledge of the novel's plot, and that gave him an edge. Key opportunities, hidden treasures, and future events—all of these were at his fingertips.

But more importantly, he knew the characters. He knew who would rise and who would fall, who could be trusted, and who needed to be eliminated. His first priority was to position himself to seize the most valuable opportunities before anyone else could.

And if that meant taking down important figures, manipulating events, or betraying those who stood in his way, so be it. Ethan was no longer just a college student. In this world, he was Kael Ardent, and he would stop at nothing to carve out his place at the top.

As Kael returned to his chambers, a slow smile crept across his face. This world was his to reshape, and he would do it his way—no alliances, no loyalty to his family. Only his own survival and ambition mattered.