
The new ambassador..

Nova shuddered, knowing that this might be the last moment for both her and her babies. General Ryker had to ascertain the veracity of Kylie's statements, so he calmed down upon discovering this new information to avoid losing his temper.

With a hint of resentment, General Ryker said, "Kylie, please leave the room. Miss Nova and I need to talk."

Kylie smirked, delighted that her plans would succeed and Nova would be thrown out of the palace. She gave the frozen Nova a quick glance before joyfully exiting the room.

Nova remained motionless, her mind at a loss for words. Her death and the deaths of her babies clouded her mind, making her even more afraid. 

"Is everything Kylie says true? I want to trust you alone, not Kylie," General Ryker inquired in a serious manner.

With General Ryker's words, Nova snapped out of her daze. She breathed in and out to slow her heartbeat and played with her fingers.