
The Lustful God's Harem

Kelvin_Odia · アクション
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

It was a nice sunny day in the City of Notre, the birds were chirping happily on the trees, traffic was slow as usual, people were going about their daily businesses, but in a particular Apartment located within the heart of the city was a 24 year old boy grasping for air. It would seem that he was in some sort of nightmare. His facial features were contorted making it seem like he was in a lot of pain. 

His mother had just entered his room to inform him that it was time for him to get ready for his big day (interview) when she found him in this state. Her first response was to immediately scream his name "Matthew".

She began to frantically shake him so as to wake him up from the nightmare he was currently experiencing. After some minutes, Matthew came to but what he was greeted to on opening his eyes were two mountainous hills of supple female breasts which were barely contained by the dress she wore but he had to quickly get rid of any such thoughts before things got a little out of hand.

He was enveloped in the motherly warmth of Bianca who even though was not his biological mother had become a mother figure to him.

Matt knew he had to come out of his riverie very soon before he did something he would immediately regret. After what seemed like hours but in reality was just a couple of minutes, Matt reluctantly detached himself from his adopted mother's embrace.

Bianca on the other hand felt something she had never felt before when she hugged him but knew in her mind that Matt only saw her as a mother figure and was not willing to risk it. If only she knew what her adopted son was thinking about just a few moments ago.

Still in a daze Matt finally spoke

"what are you doing in my room"? "What do you mean"? Bianca replied,

"you specifically told me yesterday before going to bed, that I should wake you up in the morning so that you wouldn't be late for your interview because and I quote "what will I do without my sweet mom".

It seemed as if Matt's brain had finally been booted like an old computer because he immediately exclaimed

 "the interview, I will be late". 

Bianca finally seeing that he had grasped the situation simply got down from the bed and walked towards the door.

"Breakfast will be ready in about 5 minutes so hurry up, you do not want to be late".

Five minutes later Matt and Bianca could be seen sharing breakfast which comprised of beacon, cheese and maple syrup. After eating to his fill Matt kissed his mom goodbye and was ready to leave. When he was about to leave Bianca suddenly asked

 "Are you not forgetting something" Matt wonder for some time but still couldn't not come up with what he was possibly forgetting, he asked his mother.

"What is it?" 

Not wanting to waste anymore of his time, she simply reminded him that he had almost forgotten about the grocery list, because he promised her that he would do the groceries for her on his way back from the interview.

With that settled, Matt was finally on his way.

Seeing that he was finally gone, Bianca released the sigh that she was holding all this time.

"That kid really is something else, just a touch and it felt like my insides were melting"

She could still feel the goosebumps on her skin from her earlier interaction with Matt upstairs.

She sighed onece again and decided to get ready for her job as well. Bianca was a doctor in one of the major hospitals in the City that were into charitable works and it was while she was on duty that she first noticed Matthew when he was brought into the hospital with varying degrees of wounds on him. She had been assigned to him to enable him physically recuperate and that was where she took a liking to him.

It seemed as if he had suffered from amnesia although she could not tell weather it was permanent or temporary.

She had waited for 3 months for any family members of his to come and discharge him from the hospital but it was as if he was all alone in this world.

So she adopted him and he finally became her son. That was eight years ago when Matthew was just sixteen years old and things had been going great so far but recently she began to feel something else for him, something that was much more than simpathy, care, something that had her feeling weak in her knees whenever she thought about him.

Bianca sighed for the last time and finally left her apartment building ready to drown all of her pent up emotions on her job.