
The Luna's Replacement

Making someone love you is a good thing, but when she found out he only loved her because she looked liked his past love, will she go on? Or will she join forces with him anyway to fight of the evil about to consume the pack?

Chilk_jun · ファンタジー
5 Chs


Julianna's POV.

I always thought life would be different when I came of age. Always had this mental image of my grown-up years; a lovely lady with the perfect body, living in a peaceful life, having enough to carry on each day. A mate wasn't really an option, because finding a mate in this era was like passing a camel through the needle eye.My breed didn't make it any easier as being an Omega put me at the bottom of any bride list; I'll be lucky if I ever find one.

It would be my 22nd birthday next week and all my dreams of a lovely life seemed like a fantasy that would stay forever in my head and.....

" Ah!.." I was interrupted from my sad thoughts as I pricked my index finger against a thorn in the rose bush.

" What is it?!" a voice, which was obviously my step mom's called out.

I whimpered as I put my finger in my mouth to stop the blood from flowing out " N..Nothing ma" I replied.

Damn it! Curse this body of mine for being so weak. I furiously rubbed my finger against my apron. It was just a small prick but it hurt like hell.

" I don't care what is it, as afar as you do not spoil my bouquet ". my step sister's voice could be heard from behind. " It all has to be perfect"

Chuckles could be heard from behind. Those two!

I tied my long brown hair in a ponytail and stepped out from behind the bush.

" I am done ma" I declared

Madam Gladys ignored me." Its a pity that the joy can only be felt on this side. Now, not everyone can be so lucky to be a nominee on the Alpha Lord's bride list"

Laura, my step sister let out a smirk.

" Yes it is mum" she echoed after her mother "Life can be so unfair. right?. Such a pity that you have to be left in such a messy state, which of course you deserve" She looked at me, a mocking smile on her lips, as if expecting a response.

I ignored her as usual. Being used to the insults and bad mouthing,I didn't give a damn about what they said about me.

Laura stood up. " Julianna, Am sure your useless mother, where ever she is would cry her eyes out when she sees you. You're gradually on the journey of being a lone wolf. I dont really blame you though, her early death made you into this failure that you are. And that was a reward for all her bad deeds "she lashed out scornfully.

That was the height of it!.

I dropped the basket on the floor as I faced her. I can endure any insult made at me, but speaking trash about my mum would not be accepted.

" Take it back!"