
Chapter 89: Harmony

Manbao felt that although the questions posed by the local official needed to be asked, those from the laborers were also important, but she wasn't in a hurry. So, she squatted down in front of the local official with Bai Shanbao and asked him his name first, whether he had always been a local official, or if he had been temporarily recruited to supervise the laborers because of the construction work.

The local official found the children's questions quite detailed and asked curiously, "Does your teacher also care about this?"

"Our teacher doesn't, but we want to know," Keke had said, one shouldn't judge the value of their investigation by the insignificance of details. Each tiny detail could potentially affect the bigger picture, so they needed to collect as much information as possible.

That was how they could comprehensively reflect upon the issues and find solutions.