
Chapter 794 Accident

The Zhou Family hadn't expected Manbao and her company to return at this time, given they had only left thirteen or fourteen days ago, and the atmosphere at home was currently anxious and tense.

As soon as Manbao and Zhou Lijun hopped through the front gate, all the adults in the courtyard fell silent.

The children, however, were delighted, especially the fifth and the sixth, who, with their little legs, dashed towards their little aunt, diving into her arms for sweets.

Manbao pulled a handful of candy from her pocket and gave it to them, then ran towards her father...

Old Zhou looked at her with a headache, "Why have you come back now?"

Manbao became unhappy, "Dad, don't you want me to come home?"

Old Zhou quickly said, "No, no, it's just that you didn't say a word, and Dad was a bit startled."

Manbao then looked toward her mother.

Ms.Qian, although surprised, did not show it on her face, she nodded and said, "Go wash up, I'll have Daya tidy up your room."