
Chapter 774: Fishing

Manbao followed her brothers to the grave, where Old Zhou instructed Zhou Dalang and the others to dig a big hole at the side of Zhou Yin's tomb. He then placed a box inside, filled it back up with dirt, and mounded fresh earth from nearby atop it, merging it seamlessly with the larger head of the grave.

Manbao watched in a daze and asked, "Dad, what did you put in Uncle's grave?"

Old Zhou hushed her with a "shush," and looked around to see if anyone else was nearby. Finding they were alone for the moment, he said in a louder voice, "Oh, nothing much, just the belt you gave me last night."

Manbao was stunned and after a moment asked, "Dad, why bury it?"

"To show it to your Uncle, who knows, he might like it?" Anyway, it wasn't so valuable, and he couldn't wear it out even if he wanted to—it's better given to a brother.

After scratching her head, Manbao looked at her dad and said, "Dad, you and Uncle were really close."