
Chapter 46: Face to Face

Once the school dismissal bell rang, the children stood up respectfully to say goodbye to Mr. Zhuang. After he waved his hand, everyone burst out the door with a joyous shout.

Manbao, of course, was not to be left behind and, clutching her books, dashed outside. Shanbao was even quicker and ran straight into Datou, who had come to pick up Manbao.

Ms. Liu learned yesterday that after school, the children from each family would make their way home on their own, and the Bai Family's residence wasn't very far from the school either.

Knowing that Shanbao needed to quickly integrate into the school, she could not be treated as an exception, which is why they all agreed that today they were not going to pick him up.

Shanbao was only too happy to oblige and had also mentioned that he'd go play with his classmates.