
11 Breakfast

Then don't do it. I don't want to. Cupping her cheek I wouldn't hurt you intentionally. Placing her hand on top of his I know. Laying there they stared at each other. Sadness started to show in her eyes as she thought of his future pain. Her future sadness brought unbearable pain to him. Go to sleep. Mhmm, closing her eyes she squeezed his hands and drifted asleep. Staring at the beautiful Sasori Aego slowly fell asleep.

Sasori who rarely woke up before Aego saw the innocent Aego captivated she stared. Seconds turned to minutes still soundly asleep. She stared slowly he woke up from his sleep to see a pair of eyes caught of guard he was enthralled leaning in for a kiss that turned into a deep kiss. Quickly she responded to the kiss but before it progressed any further Aego realized he was losing it so he pulled away. A string of saliva was pulled apart from their intertwined tongues. Sasori who wanted to continue leaned in closing the distance just as she moved Aego stuck his hand out on her forehead stopping her from getting any closer. With a fluttering heart she pouted making Aego instantly turn his head away.

With his head turned he got up and left the tent. With her finger on her lips she watched Aego leave. Lenly who was an early bird saw the flustered Aego was at a lost seeing any other expression other than a cold indifferent look on Aego was rare. Aego who saw Lenly "You like your armor that much?"

"I was to tired and fell asleep" "Oh, there's no danger now." Nodding his head Lenly ducked back into his tent with a nervous heart he chanted the spell afraid to be seen naked again he closed his eyes slowly opening his eyes to see the black shirt and shorts that was given to him was still there.

Sasori who had taken off her armor the night before was flawless as she came out in her tight fitting adventure clothes. The guards were caught off guard staring like idiots and being truly useless as lookouts. Being oblivious to the guards she skipped over to Aego's side. Its cold go back inside. Mhmm its cold hugging him from behind she placed her chin on his shoulder watching him prepare breakfast.

Lenly who came back out saw the couple and was envious. The romance with his wife was dull once their daughter was born. With a promise to himself he was gonna try to ignite that feeling they had as youths. Lenly walked over sitting down he watched as Sasori continued to hug Aego with a smile on her face. Looking at Sasori "Are you happy?" with a confused look she replied mhmm. He doesn't look like a romantic type. Its the simple things. Confused he looked at Aego. Aego who looked up and saw Lenly, winking with his purple right eye closed. Chills tingled down his back a cold ruthless assassin winking at him was abrupt and sudden.

Sasori who saw the reflection in Lenly's eyes saw that wink was charmed but that quickly turned to a murderous intent as she stared at him. Lenly with his cold chills started to drop cold sweats as she stared at him. Aego with his calculations showed a slight smile at his success in putting Lenly in a bad spot. His friend who was similar to Lenly was a prankster and would always prank the cold him to be able to see these reactions was a treasure. Wondering if these reactions was what he hoped for when his friend tried to prank him. Aego lifting his hand to pet Sasori who immediately changed her mood again made Lenly speechless at the sudden changes. Charming, murderous, and now innocent her mood was to spontaneous.

To continue his prank he lifted a spoon up to Lenly asking him to taste it. The murderous intent was beyond anything he ever felt. It was so great even the elves turned their attention their way. Lenly who struck out both hands shaking no while nodding his head refusing to test the soup. With a sad tone oh, he turned the spoon back to Sasori who changed her mood again. After the bite he gently hit her with the spoon on her forehead "I recall telling you to control your temper." Mhmm with a dejected tone I can't help it.

With the murderous intent from earlier Princess Faelyn and Aela exited their tent. Seeing the halfling playfully hitting his foxkin and a scared lionkin. The scene looked joyful as a group of people were on a picnic enjoying themselves. The aroma of the cooked soup swarmed the entire camp making the elves meal non existent. Serving Sasori first she elegantly ate her soup in front of other females she held her elegance Lenly upon receiving his serving dropped the spoon drinking the soup burning his tongue. Just after serving himself Lenly already had his bowl out scooping a second serving.

Aego who watch Lenly get seconds, enjoy the food. Lenly who looked up saw the two slowly eating and enjoying themselves saw how much of brute he was. Taking the time to use a spoon Lenly who had just burnt his tongue could only partially taste the soup with bitter tears he ate.

After eating their meal Aego and Lenly tore down their tents readying themselves for departure. Following the group of elves the mood was quite and only footsteps could be heard. Upon reaching a fork in the road Lenly finally spoke up "Seems like this is goodbye." handing over the pendant and axe that was given to him to Aego. "No, this is until next time." Keep them safe. I can't accept it. Then hold onto it. Chanting a spell Aego took a step to Lenly lifting his finger he tapped Lenly's forehead. A wealth of knowledge stormed through his brain.

When he came to looking left and right for Aego tears dripped from his eyes as Aego and his group was no where to be seen. The knowledge he received was a treasure, priceless to the beastkin. The knowledge to train mana for beastkin it was far from perfect but it was a big step.

Eh sorry for the rather slow update but I love my sleep.

kosamecreators' thoughts