
08 The Princess's Request

At the entrance of the dungeon an hour after Aego's group a group of elves were beginning their charge. A big muscular elf which was a little odd as most elves had a similar small figure was leading the charge with a rectangular shield that was four foot tall and 2 foot wide with a four foot sword in the other hand swinging and bashing the goblins in his way as they charged forward.

Along the way they noticed the goblin corpses laying around so they simply followed the trail of corpses. While the muscular elf was up front two elf warriors stood by the side one on each side in the center two beautiful female elves one dressed in armor while the other held a staff behind the two beauties three archers in a horizontal line at the back supported the group as they rushed forward.

Second floor the mob that had previously chased Aego's group was still somewhat grouped causing the elf group to slow down a bit as they continued their charge. Is there another group? The armored female elf thought to herself as they continued. Third,fourth, fifth, sixth the mob that was already clustered together were now bigger causing them to even slow down even more. On the seventh floor the lead elf noticed the corpses no longer had long slashes but were cleaved in half letting him know that there was at least another member giving him some relief as how frighting it would have been if someone had soloed the dungeon. Still the idea of a two member party clearing a mid F ranked dungeon was still unbelievable. Even if they were both warriors in high grade armor they should have exhausted themselves running at a modertly high pace to stay ahead of the mob while killing what was in front was taxing on the body and as soon as they stopped they would be surrounded and killed after exhausting themselves.

Eighth, ninth, tenth floor midway through the floor long slashes appeared again, thinking that they made it this far as they haven't seen any corpses other than goblins they must be high ranked warriors. Exhausted the group of eight elves decided to rest at the end of the tenth floor before heading through the last two floors. Passing the midway point the goblins thinned as they neared the end a view of charred body of goblins appeared in the distant as they approached hundreds of charred goblins came into view sending chills down the groups spine.

With fear in her eye the elf with the staff muttered level six mage explosion. With a sigh of relief the muscular elf relaxed as he sat down to rest and eat while the three archers stood guard. With two armored knights swapping and charging and the level six mage clearing the mob to rest it was highly possible to clear it. After resting the warriors swapped with the archers letting them recuperate.

Not long after taking guard an archer who was resting saw three figures appear in the distant grabbing his bow and warning the other they slowly got into formation with the muscular elf up front,three archers behind him,the two beauties, and the two warriors to protect the back against a goblin attack they readied themselves.

Aego seeing the group of elves a flash of hatred appeared in his eyes and quickly vanished. Sasori who saw the group was curious, Lenly who was still having a debate in his mind on who was scarier was clueless. Hundred feet, fifty feet, thirty feet, ten feet Aego stopped in front of the elf group, Sasori stopping beside Aego and Lenly bumping into Aego came back to reality. Seeing the goddess that was Sasori the three archers and the two warriors in the back stared at Sasori.

Walking past the muscular elf the female elf with armor stepped forward five feet before stopping. The muscular elf slowly readied himself. Staring Aego in his mismatched eye "Did you close the gate." No. The female elf with the staff walked beside the female elf glancing at Aego then to Sasori's brand."Did your slave close the gate?" Not responding he continued to look at the elf with armor.

Its not safe here in a dungeon princess Faelyn. "Princess?" Sasori stared with a deeper curiosity while Lenly stepped back in nervousness while slightly bowing his head. "Never know what kind of monster you'll meet in here princess." The guard in the back couldn't bear it any more with a condescending voice "Show your respect you lowly halfling!" Raising his hand to stop Sasori from murdering the warrior Sasori stopped before she could take a step. Your princess has a request so she'll be the one bowing. Ticked off the warrior stepped forward with his sword to only be stopped by the muscular elf who was shaking his head no.

A smile appeared on her face as she thought herself to be hard to read yet here stood someone who read her so easily. "Very well I'll get to the point I want to hire you shadow of light." Shocking the muscular elf making his knee weak in fear. A slight surprised face appeared on the girl with the staff. Aego continued staring at her "You still owe a debt." Understanding his meaning princess Faelyn thought to herself for a moment if she were him she would want revenge more than anything. Thinking some more she could only think of that as the most acceptable compensation. After a few moments of thinking she replied "I'll be your slave." Shocking all her guards the muscular elf protested as soon as he heard it.

Somewhat surprised Aego quietly considered it. Upon thinking some more he looked at the girl beside her. "I'll take her instead Aela the mage." Hesitation showed in her eyes as she was willing to sacrifice herself for her country as she was a princess serving to protect her country but she couldn't ask her closest friend her only friend to be a slave.

Well this chapter was rather smooth to write its about to get a bit rated so you've been warned.

kosamecreators' thoughts