
05 Don't Trip

With Sasori leading the way she cleared mobs of goblin scouts that set a perimeter around the dungeon. Finally arriving at their destination without even stopping to check their surroundings they ran straight into the dungeon. Lenly was a bit dumbfounded as he tried to take the lead many times but he failed every time. How could she fight the mob of goblins while maintaining the lead? Coming back to reality he looked to the side to see a horde of goblins chasing them. He looked at Aego who calmly ran behind them. Don't trip. Huh? With his foot Lenly tripped over himself doing a splendid roll he shot back up as if no one saw. He looked at Aego with his face half covered by the scarf unable to read his thoughts he heard a charming laugh from behind.

You saw? A clumsy cat. The embarrassed Lenly denied it hoping she only saw the roll, it was a rock. Was the rock shaped like a foot? A rare smile appeared behind a scarf. Lenly looked down as he wished the mob would catch them. To end the two witnesses to his most embarrassing moment of his life. His wish didn't come true as they ran down into the second level of the dungeon. Sasori continued with her slaughter spear heading the charge. Third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor, don't trip as Lenly heard Aego's warning he focused his attention to his feet causing him not to notice the puddle of blood his right foot stepped in the pool of blood causing his right foot to slide forward turning his foot side ways to stop himself. With his right foot stretched out his body lowered he leaned on his slightly bent left leg striking a beautiful pose. Stop playing around Aego said as he ran past him. Speechless Lenly straightened himself only to discover he had a cramp in his right calf.

Thankful that the two were ahead he ran awkwardly with his cramped right leg. Sasori who was ahead finished off a goblin with a move striking a pose similar to Lenly as she struck that pose she saw Lenly running awkwardly. Lenly who saw that pose thought she saw and was mocking him so he honestly said I slipped and posed so what. Confused Sasori replied what pose? Earlier. Oh I missed it can you do it again? Embarrassed Lenly could only look down. Aego who saw everything started to laugh turning his head to try and hide himself. Hearing that laughter Lenly was baffled, Sasori gave a slight smile. The story he heard of halflings were cold, murderous, and cruel yet here stood a laughing halfling. Could they even smile with their sad history. Aego stopped laughing as he slowly started running as the mob was still chasing them.

Reaching the seventh floor Sasori was no longer able to maintain her speed allowing Lenly to finally claim his first blood after entering the dungeon. Feeling the clean cut vibrate through his hands invoked his blood lust. With his wide swings he cleaved every goblin in his path in half. With his wide swings he left himself open to attacks. He could only hear clinking noises as the goblin weapons were crude and poorly made. Not even a scratch on the armor made him feel indestructible like a god of war he continued his rampage venting out his previous embarrassment. Sasori who was tired finally eased off and let Lenly take charge.

With Lenly in front Sasori was in the middle with her back to Lenly she skipped playfully while running backwards with her demanding voice are you not taking it off? Helpless Aego took of his hoodie and eye patch revealing his elven charm. Don't trip, Lenly who was sensitive to those words perked up while Sasori jumped into a princess carrying pose as Aego caught her. With her arms wrapped around Aego's neck she looked at his ears tempted she bit the ear tip. Elves were sensitive on the ears as well Aego not being an exception was thunderstruck by the sudden bite he nearly tripped himself with one foot still on the ground he gathered mana to the foot disappearing and reappearing a few feet ahead he landed on his other foot. Looking at Sasori who had an innocent smile on her face as she stared back at Aego.

Softening his eyes he lifted his arms up to readjust the positioning of his hands. With his right hand lowered on her back he slowed down to distance himself a bit from Lenly's charge. Sasori who was still gazing at Aego saw him leaning in for a kiss. Closing her eyes she leaned in only to feel a shock of pleasure causing her to open her eyes while slipping out a quiet moan. Flustered with a blushing face she couldn't believe he was stroking her tail that was very sensitive. Charmed beyond control he let her go and sped up distancing himself. Sasori who was still weak in the knees fell behind still recovering from her arousal. Hearing an odd noise among the battle Lenly turned around to see Aego nearby and Sasori who was rather far behind. Seeing that everything was okay he continued his onlsaught.

Thinking back to the time he first caressed her tail he remembered how dangerous it was. How he lost himself to his desire his uncontrollable lust to her. He was a man with a woman he loved, she was within grasping range yet he couldn't carelessly touch her. She was close yet so far. They both yearned for skinship. Yet one didn't want to become a man, an animal to his desires. The other thought she was unworthy. One who fought internally to remain in control, the other hurt with each failed attempt after gathering the courage to be intimate. His control grew stronger over time and she became more resilient.

Sasori sped up catching up to Aego with her face still flushed red she remained behind Aego as they continued running through the seventh floor to the eighth, ninth and tenth floor.

Well this chapter turned out a little funny. My sense of humor is weird so bear with me. People say I'm funny but whatever.

kosamecreators' thoughts