
Chapter 1

Chiang mai. Doi pui hmong village,Thailand.

The view of the setting sun always takes my breath away, no matter how many times I have seen it.

Nature,always has a way of healing you ,if you could just sit and enjoy it.

the sounds of the waterfall and birds against the slow murmur of human voices, just lulls you into serene calmness.

My name is phayu which means storm in thai.i think my mother named me wrong cause unlike my name sake,I'm somewhat of a calm person, what my uncle Ren call as an old soul .

Despite being a werewolf,I don't act on my impulses.maybe it's my thai gene ingraved in me.i always believe that, only animals act on their impulses without care for the consequences and humans should restrain themselves in order to avoid the trouble that comes with our recklessness. But even I seem to be in a bit of a trouble to control feeling what I'm feeling right now.all because of a phone call from my father.

To heed into his wishes means to go back to all things I left behind .all the things I swore I will not let myself to go through again.but staying means putting financial pressure on my uncle.

that or not going to college at all.

finding a boring job to make day to days ends meet,which is not the life me or my uncle envision for me.

Uncle did say that he would support me but with his family of his own and elderly parents In law to look after,I couldn't bring myself to put pressure on him.

Of course I could ask my mum for help but with her new family and all that,even the phone calls become far and few .so there's no going there.

See, up until 5years ago I was living with my parents in the u.s ,c city .

life was not bad ,up until I was deferentiated into an omega.

my dad wanted a alpha son ,one who will carry on his business legacy .with the problems in the marriage.we decided to move to s city with all its beautiful mountains and wide rivers .

closer to the nature my mom said.,so that my father could recuperate and slow down the pace of life to give more family time.

since my mother isn't a werewolf and being gentle by nature ,my mom always follows whatever my dad says.

So, there we were trying to save our family away from the busy life by shifting to the moon stone pack,not knowing that the very decision will be the reason that will make our famiy break.

For lo and behold that bastard father of mine found his true mate in moon stone pack.

that one year of my life was a nightmare that I don't want to remember. The pain,the uncertainty ,the heart wrenching feeling .I don't want to feel like that ever again.