
The Love of the Sky City

What exactly is the love of the sky city, and where does it come from? I can't quite figure it out. Perhaps so-called love is just a colorful butterfly, beautiful to look at, but forever out of reach. If you want to grasp it in your hands, then...

EtherealQuill · 都市
107 Chs

I want to leave with a smile

In the car, Morton Cowper sat in the front passenger seat, while I sat in the back. Throughout the journey, the three of us exchanged only a few words. After a period of silence, Bella finally spoke to me, "Adrian Sterling, Morton Cowper told me about your resignation. He has some misunderstandings about you. There shouldn't be any deal between you and Betsy. The reason you disclosed the high-level conspiracy of Zuo Mei was that you couldn't pass your moral test. Am I right?"

I remained silent for a long time. I hadn't expected Bella, an outsider, to offer me an understanding explanation at this moment of departure. She was right. I wanted to preserve Chen Jingming's future while securing my job, but I couldn't pass my moral test. It had tortured me for several days.

Seeing my silence, Bella softly continued, "Morton Cowper's words about you were indeed inappropriate. But I hope you can understand him. You two, as brothers, shouldn't let this incident sour your relationship. You're both not at fault; it's just a matter of different perspectives."

Bella didn't finish her words this time, and I spoke up, "I understand Morton Cowper, and I hope he won't see me as someone who forgets loyalty for personal gain. Maybe I did something wrong in this matter, but I don't regret it. Subconsciously, I felt it was the right thing to do, whether it was with Betsy or anyone else."

Bella sighed, saying, "Ah, I don't know what else to say. It's just a pity about this job... Oh, by the way, Morton Cowper has already received the appointment notice from higher-ups. He's now the deputy manager of the Bela Planning Department, and Zhao Li is now the team leader of the planning and copywriting team. So, you don't need to worry about Morton Cowper anymore."

This news brought mixed feelings. I was happy for Morton Cowper but felt a sense of loss for myself. However, I didn't let myself dwell on the disappointment. I quickly asked Morton Cowper, "What about Chen Jingming? Did he climb to the higher echelons of the company?"

Morton Cowper shook his head, saying, "No, he didn't. He didn't have a chance to become a core executive in the company."

I could sense the dissatisfaction and disappointment in Morton Cowper's tone. I had ruined Chen Jingming's hard-earned opportunity, and I knew deep down that after losing this chance, given his age, he might not have many opportunities to become a core executive in the company.

Once again, silence enveloped the three of us. In the end, Bella broke the silence, asking me, "Adrian Sterling, did you tell Betsy about this in person?"

I shook my head, saying, "No, I just wrote her an anonymous letter."

"You're silly. At least let Betsy know. She owes you a big favor, and with her position in the business world, the favor she owes you won't be small." Bella shook her head, sighing.

I just smiled and said, "If I had that mindset, wouldn't I become the kind of person Morton Cowper criticizes?"

Surprisingly, this time Morton Cowper took the initiative to respond. In a low voice, he said, "I would truly prefer you to be that kind of person than to see you return to Xuzhou in such a sorry state. Do you fucking know how difficult it is for me?... I'm not happy that you ruined Chen Jingming's chance, but I don't want... I don't want you to leave like this. It feels uncomfortable in my heart, you know?"

Morton Cowper's words brought a warm sensation to my eyes. At this moment, I finally understood that, no matter how much we fought, how little we understood each other, deep down, we were brothers who struggled together in this city.

At that moment, I didn't know how to express myself. I just tilted my head, trying not to let the tears that were swirling in my eyes fall. Bella, who was driving, had already taken out a tissue to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.

As I looked back at the city once again, I realized that I hadn't been able to leave the pain in this city as I had imagined. What I took away was only the gray resentment and unwillingness.

Morton Cowper sighed heavily and took a box from his bag, throwing it to me, saying, "These are lung-cleansing capsules sent by a friend from abroad. I've used them, and they work quite well. Take them back and give them a try. Also, smoke less in the future. When you're done, give me a call, and I'll have my friend send you more."

I just nodded and put the lung-cleansing capsules into my bag. Finally, in silence, we arrived at the train station, marking the moment of parting.

I took my luggage from Morton Cowper and Bella, waved to them, and said, "I'm leaving. Visit me in Xuzhou when you have time."

Bella nodded and said to me, "Yes, we'll miss you. Have a safe journey."

I smiled and asked Morton Cowper, who had been silent, "What about it? Don't you want to wish your bro a safe journey?"

Unexpectedly, Morton Cowper took the initiative to respond this time. He hugged me, his voice choked, patting my back heavily, saying, "Say hello to the old man for me... and... don't fucking mess up your life. Get your shit together soon. Don't let Bella and me worry... Understand?"

This moment stirred my emotions deeply. I bit my lip, swallowing the tears, and remembered our graduation when we pledged with such determination to root ourselves in this city. Now, after struggling for more than two years, Morton Cowper had settled down, and married the person he loved, and I had to leave with a body full of turmoil.

I took a deep breath and finally smiled at Morton Cowper, saying, "Don't worry, bro. I'll be fine. Maybe not long from now, you and Bella will receive my wedding invitation."

"Work hard. When you get married, Bella and I will give you a big gift." Morton Cowper hugged me tightly again and said.

Bella also came to my side, pushing away Morton Cowper, who was hugging me and said tearfully, "Go for it, Adrian Sterling. We'll find time to visit you in Xuzhou! And, when you're in a relationship, make sure to show her to us first. We'll help you evaluate."

I was moved, but I pushed away Bella, forced a smile, and said, "...You two lovebirds, don't be so sentimental. I'm a manly man of seven feet, and I'm almost overwhelmed! Don't make me cry; I don't want to cry. I want to leave with a smile."

Bella, smiling through tears, patted me and said, "Alright, let's make you leave with a smile. After a while, when we have a holiday, we'll go to Xuzhou to see you."

"Please, this is the third time you've said you'll come to see me!... But if you come, I'll welcome you warmly."

Bella nodded, straightened my clothes that were disheveled from the embrace, and said, "Give us a call when you're home."

"Got it. If you keep talking like this, I might end up calling you 'mom'... Just kidding. You guys take care and go back."

Morton Cowper hugged Bella, and the two of them waved to me. Once again, I looked back at the city, strapped the guitar to my back, and carried my luggage without looking back, heading towards the train station. But I felt that the guitar on my back was becoming heavier and heavier.


Fifteen minutes after bidding farewell to Morton Cowper and Bella, I boarded the train bound for Xuzhou. Watching the increasingly unfamiliar scenery outside the window, I finally felt that I had truly left. But what kind of life awaited me?

I hoped that Dad would arrange a stable job for me in their state-owned enterprise, that Mom would introduce me to a beautiful girl through her connections, and that I would work diligently in the job arranged by Dad, eventually falling in love with the beautiful girl introduced by Mom. Life would start anew, and as for the old past, let it be blown away by the wind!