
The Love of the Sky City

What exactly is the love of the sky city, and where does it come from? I can't quite figure it out. Perhaps so-called love is just a colorful butterfly, beautiful to look at, but forever out of reach. If you want to grasp it in your hands, then...

EtherealQuill · 都市
107 Chs

Go straight to spring

After watching a movie, Li Xiaoyun and I walked on the road. She still held a bucket of unfinished popcorn in her hands, while I had a can of cola.

Sipping cola, Li Xiaoyun ate popcorn, and we chatted as we walked.

I asked Li Xiaoyun, "Do you think it would violate your company's rules if we both work at the same company with a couple status?"

Li Xiaoyun shook her head and said, "No, we work at an advertising company, which is more open-minded. There are several couples in the company!"

I grabbed Li Xiaoyun, who was walking ahead, and she looked at me in confusion. With a "serious" expression, I asked, "Xiaoyun, can I understand that we are officially a couple now?"

Li Xiaoyun was puzzled for a moment before saying, "Adrian Sterling, were you intentionally asking like that just now?"

"Yes, this matter can't be too straightforward. If you're not willing, I'll have no way out."

"You handle things very tactfully. You're a good material for planning!" Li Xiaoyun laughed.

"You're good at diverting the topic, too. A good material for business!" I responded with a smile.

But Li Xiaoyun's expression became serious. She asked, "Adrian Sterling, do you think we can be together, spend our lives together, and get married?"

I remained silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, at least I'm willing to try, to strive... And this desire to strive is something I haven't had in the more than 20 years of my life."

Li Xiaoyun nodded and said, "Actually, after all these blind dates, I'm tired too. I also hope to break free from the single life. Your appearance was unexpected, but if you expect me to like you after just a few meetings, that's not realistic... Since our parents both have the idea of us being together, I'm willing to consider our meeting as arranged by fate, so..."

"So, can we officially start dating, right?"

Li Xiaoyun smiled and said, "Yes... but it depends on your future behavior. After all, I'm entrusting my whole life to you."

"I'm worthy of having your whole life. Watch my performance." I said with joy.

Li Xiaoyun nodded, and we continued walking forward. I held her hand with a bit of nervousness and anticipation. In the autumn evening with falling leaves, I held Li Xiaoyun's hand, reminiscent of the innocence of first love.

Li Xiaoyun instinctively pulled her hand back, but I held it even tighter. Seeing her uneasy expression, I slightly loosened my grip, giving her a comfortable and non-intrusive hold. Li Xiaoyun's expression finally relaxed a bit.

I smiled and said, "Let's keep walking. Maybe we'll reach the end of this street, and who knows, spring may blossom."

"But it's still winter."

"Let's skip winter and head straight for spring."

Li Xiaoyun smiled at me and said, "Sure."

So we walked along the street under the streetlights in the night, and the lights cast a gentle, faint yellow glow on our faces.


Back home, Stepdad and Mom were still sitting in the living room, watching a TV series.

I was changing my shoes when Mom lowered the volume of the TV and asked me, "Adrian Sterling, how are things going with Xiaoyun?"

I smiled and said, "Not bad."

Mom was happy to hear that and said, "That's good. Xiaoyun's family is nice and reasonable, and you should get along well with Xiaoyun. Understand?"

"Mom, you can rest assured."

After I finished talking to Mom, I looked at Stepdad, but his attention was still on the TV series. It wasn't until I walked past him that he called out to me and asked, "Have you sorted out your job situation?"

"I'm still looking, but Xiaoyun mentioned that their advertising company is hiring planners. She has already submitted my resume to their planning director, so I should hear back soon."

Stepdad nodded and said, "A man should prioritize his work."

"Stepdad, you're right. I'll keep it in mind."

"Don't just say it, remember it in your heart."

I smiled, indicating that I had taken his words to heart, and then walked to my room.

This night brought me a sense of joy. Everything that had happened so far made me feel that returning to Xuzhou was the right choice. Everything was going smoothly, and once the job situation was settled, I would truly feel at ease. This sense of fulfillment and anticipation for the future was something I had never experienced during my time in Suzhou.

After finishing a cup of hot tea, I went to the bathroom to wash up and then lay back in bed, quickly drifting into sleep.


I didn't know what time it was when my phone, which I had forgotten to set to silent, suddenly rang. The ringtone woke me up, and I complained before answering the call.

With a sleepy "hello," I waited for the other person to speak.

"Adrian Sterling, have you already gone to bed?"

Suddenly, I felt awake. This voice was unexpected, and with just one sentence, I recognized it was Betsy.

I rubbed my face, sat up from the bed, and turned on the light to check the clock on the wall. It was already half past midnight.

I yawned and asked Betsy, "You haven't gone to bed yet?"

"I just got off work."

"At this hour?!" I exclaimed. However, I felt a strange discomfort in my heart, probably because of sympathy for Betsy living alone.

"The company has been busy recently. It should ease up in a while," Betsy said in a calm tone.

After a moment of silence, I finally said, "Okay, take care of yourself, especially pay attention to your diet. You can make some millet porridge, it's nourishing."

"Thank you for your concern."

"Don't say thank you between us. It feels awkward!"

Betsy laughed but didn't say anything. Perhaps she also realized that saying "thank you" between us, who were once enemies, felt awkward.

After a short silence, I finally asked, "Is there a reason you called me so late?"

"My room's light seems to be broken, and I don't know how to fix it," Betsy said with a hint of embarrassment.

"It's already so late. How about using a desk lamp for the night?"

The embarrassment in Betsy's voice increased, and she said, "The desk lamp broke a few days ago. I've been busy and forgot to replace it."

I sighed internally. "Well, okay. Changing a light bulb is quite simple. Just use a floor lamp for tonight."

Betsy said even more awkwardly, "The floor lamp also broke recently. I've been busy and forgot to buy a new one."

I was speechless for a moment and then said, "Alright, changing the light is very simple. But you have to be careful."

"Yes, you can guide me. I'll do it right away."

"Go to the east corner of the balcony. There's a storage box with a light inside and an emergency flashlight. Next to the storage box is a double-sided ladder. Climb up with the ladder, remove the lampshade first, and then the lamp is screw-in. Just screw it in like you're tightening a screw."


"Cut off the power first, for safety."

"Got it."

Betsy seemed to have prepared everything. I felt nervous, fearing she might accidentally fall from the ladder. Constantly asking her over the phone, she didn't respond, probably because she had put down the phone without turning off the speaker.

In suspense, Betsy's relieved voice finally sounded in my ear, "It's done. The light is on."

The tension in my heart finally dissipated. I then said, "Get some rest soon. It's late!"

"Yeah, I'll rest soon... By the way, how's your job search going?"

Betsy's sudden concern made my emotions complicated. After a brief contemplation, I decided to tell her that things were going well in Xuzhou. This way, she wouldn't feel too guilty towards me.