
The Love of The Demon Queen

For the sake of a job, Michael comes to a country which turns out to be the target country of the Devil Queen to rule. The beautiful and alluring Queen of the Devil wants to seduce humans to a real, sinful delusion. She was assigned by her father who is a member of Hell to bring all humans who live on earth to eternity in Hell and defeat the beauty of Heaven. But this time, the Queen had to lose when she faced Michael, who is the incarnation of the Angel of the highest heaven.

Vbeytha · ファンタジー
29 Chs

I'm Just a Friend

Romeda is happy because her body is back to being as smooth as before. The Mermaid skin and scales that Greila brought made the burns on her body disappear in a few minutes.

Her hand, which had a hole in it, had returned to normal and had flesh because the mucus from Mermaid regenerated her skin quickly. Romeda laughed happily in front of the mirror, her body spinning happily accompanied by her echoing laughter. Now she is confident again as the devil queen who is famous for being beautiful and charming.

"Your Majesty The Queen, your servant in charge of influencing Michael wishes to appear." Romeda turned to look at her bodyguard and walked immediately out of the room.

She always looked forward to news about Michael. Her followers never wanted to come forward to say anything. If there is something, it means it is good news that she is looking forward to.

"Tell me what good news you want to convey." The two demons fought over each other to say first until finally Romeda hissed in annoyance and one of them explained.

"Your Majesty The Queen, the angel child likes you. He is captivated by the smoothness of your body."

Romeda smiled lowly, her eyes sparkled brightly but her aura weakened a little because human nature had risen. Her heart beat fast and her body felt shivering because the human soul cells suddenly became active.

"Then, what should I do, if he threatened me earlier."

"It seems he would like it if you were human, you two would make love, touching each other without hesitation under the bright moonlight." Romeda's body writhed as if dancing on the spot. She was confused, what should she do? Become a weak human who can't do anything or remain a devil but can't feel the warm kiss of Michael's lips.

"I'm confused, how to be a human being who doesn't have a house and dress."

"We can steal it, Your Majesty, Queen. We will always help you achieve what you want to destroy this country."

As long as the main goal is destruction then all the devils call and support it. Romeda was very enthusiastic about imitating how to be a human. She already had some dresses used by humans. But when she transformed into a human, her beautiful, seductively sparkling face suddenly became pale and not attractive at all.

"Why does my face look like this?"

"You need powder and lip color, Your Majesty the Queen, we will ask a human to do your make-up, don't worry. Humans always need a process to get better."


Five angels who were transformed into handsome young men now met the Elf King who was in the holy bathing pool. Seeing the tortured face of this handsome creature, the five angels grimaced as they watched.

"Welcome, residents of heaven, guardians of the sky, I'm sorry I couldn't welcome you with a good attitude." Said the Elf King who felt uncomfortable with his naked state in the water.

The problem part of his body still felt hot and burning. Even though the water in the pool was cold, it couldn't reduce the pain.

"You should be more careful when facing her, it seems like half your soul has been taken by her, isn't that right Ax?" asked Lexus, who continued to pay attention to Elf's face, which occasionally showed a black aura.

"Yes, her desire has wrapped half of Elf's body and the effective way for him is just to skin the burn"

Elf's face suddenly tensed, he felt horrified by the simile. Is it the same as his thought that skinning his own consciously?

"Come out of the water, we will cleanse you." Each angel carried several items, there was a knife that looked bent and had a shiny sharp tip. Some carry wide leaves colored purple mixed with gold. Some carry fruit shaped like male genitalia. Meanwhile, two other people brought feather fans from heaven.

The elf, who was embarrassed, walked slowly while covering her swollen breasts while the angels acted relaxed without feeling anything. They have no other feeling in themselves except to help for good and obey the commands of their Lord.

"Lie down and don't cover up the source of sin that will make you fall into hell if you don't get treated."With a sad face, the Elf King lay down in front of 5 angels who would heal him. His face suddenly tensed and when the tip of the knife touched his skin, so did his voice screaming. "Aa—"

The mighty mountains shook from his screams. Even Michael, who was still on the road, could hear the groans of pain.

Michael gulped his saliva, a little afraid of what consequences he would have to face when influenced by Romeda's desires.

He had to be ready because he had made the demons possibly lure Romeda to approach him. Michael said that on purpose even though it hurt V's feelings, who always hoped for him.

On the way home, Michael's eyes fell on the large forest he passed. Still connected to the forest inhabited by Romeda. Previously the forest was dark and dark because of the shady trees. But now the forest was shining slightly as if the sun was shining its rays on every point of the dense trees.

'What, she's turned into a human?'

"V, if I love Romeda who becomes human. Can you wait so that love might fade?"

"What nonsense, Michael. I'm tired of getting your love. Just let me love you without asking you to reciprocate it. Let me stay by your side, this is much better. Not a lover, not a wife, and not an affair, I'm just a friend."

The sincerity of V's love adds to the positive aura she radiates towards Michael. It is very profitable for Michael because V will always be by his side.

Facing Romeda, who is full of devilish deception, cannot be done with courage alone. Michael also had to be able to trick her.

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