

Lucinda fought long and hard for her happiness before she finally threw in the cold towel, she gave up when her father left her in the cold and dirty world to strive and survive on her own. He had been her sole protector and fighter, especially against the harsh treatment from her step mother and sister, but when he died few weeks to her mating ceremony she lost interest In life generally, knowing fully well That her step mother and step older sister had every chance and power to frustrate her excessively, now that no one is around to protect her. Although it’s not like anyone had been there to protect her generally from them, her father was always outdoors to fend for them, but at least he came home most times to yell and warn them to stay away from her. It felt like hey planned his death, instantly they took her mate from her on the mating ceremony by turning him against her before she even met him, they had taken space in his life and in her presence he announced her step sister as his queen and rejected her ridiculously in public, turning her into an ordinary maid. “You are a whore and you can never be my queen, a hag like you is tainted and wretched! ..Get her out of my sight!!” Her mate's furious and bitter voice filled her dreams every night, his tune as he bellowed at her on the first night of their meeting took on a life of its own and turned into a daily nightmare for her. She wondered how gullible he must be to easily take the words of her step mother and sister for it, without bothering to hear from her, she was so sad and dissapionted in him. The one person she thought would carry her on his shoulder and carry her to safety away from her enemies. Lucinda closed her heart to any form of love or freedom but when a knight in shining armour came in the form of her prisoner and buyer, the scary, crazily wealthy and famous hybrid king with the vampire and werewolf breed, Lucinda almost didn’t believe it. From buying her to be an ordinary sex slave and blood bag where he could feed from and satisfy his pleasures in his bed, she became his queen and wife embedded with wealth and authority. What will happen along the way and how will her step mother and sister take the news of her new found luck and love? Will Lucinda give in to her prisoner and allow the raging wind of love and attraction between them break the barrier of coldness, fear and heartbreak in her heart? Will she go back to her mate when he comes running and begging her for forgiveness? Can she and the hybrid king find a happy ever after or will his coldness and superiority scare her away and deny the intense attraction and pure raging romance between them?

Daoist4rnkPX · ファンタジー
10 Chs



The moment I set my eyes on her disturbed and teary face I knew I wouldn't let her out of my sight ever, something shifted deep within my cold and unfeeling heart and I couldn't sit still, my mixed feeling was instantly supported with my throbbing cock under my designer jeans.

For the first time in a long while myself and my wolf were both excited about something, nothing has changed x cited us in years now, until we saw her.

"You will obey me and listen to everything I say.. this place is your apartment and I don't want to see you with my other whores… you stay here and your maid will attend to all your needs until I call For you".

"I have warned them to stay away from you and nobody will dare to bully you here" I informed Lucinda, trying to keep my voice and desire in check.

"But … but why me.. what do you want from me?, I'm just an omega .. please let me go" she repeated the same thing she had been singing since her arrival, like a broken record.

I closed my fist immediately in a bid to keep my anger from blowing out, because once it comes I won't be able to control it and I'm a wrecking ball whenever my darkness takes charge.

" you can't leave me Lucinda … you are mine now … I bought you… I paid for you… ask your step sister and mother!" I reminded her but her next reaction made me realise that she didn't know she had been sold.

She burst into Another long round of tears and I almost clutched my chest to reprimand myself, the anger I felt toward her trying to leave me directed itself to the people who were making her so sad and heartbroken. "You've been crying since you got here …

"At least give me a chance to … to show you my real self, I'm crazy …and can be destructive, I know that but I can be soft towards you…. I will learn… I need you Lucinda … I have never felt this way…I…" I stopped talking when I realised she was glaring at me in confusion.

Of course she thought I had gone mad, my sister ; Sarah asked me the same question when I told her about my new feelings, how I can't think straight or stop thinking about my new blood bag.

"You've never felt like this toward any of your blood bag, you know it's unhealthy to have feelings for someone who you suck blood from, it could kill the person…" my sister's worried voice had warned me.

I smiled as I remembered the way her eyes popped open as she tried to advise me on guarding my feelings but I wasn't listening because I know it won't work, my cock never throbbing like the way it did for any of my other blood bags.

Lucinda controls my inner desire, at the mere sight of her my cock twitches and turns, my heart racing like never before and I feel like a young teenager in love, I wanting to mark her and make her only mine.

"You can never be my blood bag alone … we have more to do together" I muttered to her, sauntering toward her briskly with quick strides, my voice low and menacing, she took Some steps away from me, i chuckled knowing that she can never escape from me unless I allow it, my reflexes are as fast as a vampire breed.

"That won't save you from me…. You know that right?" I asked her and she shook her head in agreement, I grinned again at her innocence, wondering why her mate was foolish enough in the first place to ever let her out of his sight.

"Lucinda … sit down…" I ordered her but my voice was soft and kind. She opened her mouth to say something to me but shook her head slowly and sat back on one of the soft red couches in her inner room.

I smiled lustfully at her and reached for her hands but she jerked them away as soon as my hand made contact with hers, I withdrew my hand and let it be. As expected my wolf was angry that she didn't want us close to her but I shunned him, at least for now.

Let me try again, I will try to reason with her… although I have never allowed myself to reason with anyone but I found myself wanting to do that for Lucinda, I want her to understand and accept me.

"I don't want to ever have to force or compel you into doing things you won't like … but you don't like my guts ,so I don't think I will be able to keep that promise … I'm not as bad as you think and I don't see myself hurting you…" I almost stuttered, trying so much to focus on what I was saying seemed difficult around her.

known by my women to love sex, I never get satisfied easily by women, my loin is always ready to have any woman anytime and I know nothing about caring for or loving someone except for my little sister.

But now, with Lucinda, I sensed it would change soon, because as much as I wanted to plunge my cock into Lucinda until she lost her senses and screamed my name, I also wanted to please her and make her happy.

"You … you kill the women who give you blood, you are cold blooded with no emotions, and I understand because you can't help it but please don't drag me into

It…" her soft shaky voice reached my gut.

Like I suspected, it made my cock heavy with desire instead, "my popular identity is the fact that I kill my whores and blood bags but that's not true Lucinda.." I said to her, trying to clarify my name.

But she looked away and started to sob quietly, I breathed out in frustration and almost pushed her television out of its hinges due to the incoming raging anger but I pushed the fury down.

"You should rest and get ready to give me blood tonight … I won't touch you until you want me to, I promise you" I added , she cleaned her tears with beautiful and small hands, stareing at me as if I had thousands of horns on my head.

I was shocked at myself too, being so considerate towards an ordinary omega. The moon goddess must be pulling my legs… I thought she said I had no Mate due to my excessive power and she feared I might end up killing my mate because I will love her too much and I won't be able to stop myself from sucking her blood until I lynch her to death.

So why is she giving me one now, not my mate but someone I'm attracted to and obsessed with? The emotions were making me feeble and confused as I have never felt like this before in my entire life.

Even as I closed the door of her apartment behind me? Her sad eyes kept reaching deep into my heart, I kept worrying about how to control my yearning for and desire for her, I have never had to do that for anyone.

Right now for the first time, I'm so scared that I would kill her like the moon goddess warned, my demons and dark sexual urge will finally kill her. My promises of keeping her safe was a bluff.

The realisation almost forced me to double over in agony. I don't want to lose Lucinda … "never!", but saying it alone wouldn't guarantee her safety from my darkness and demons when they come,

"This time we have to fight with ourselves, I can finally feel the life stirring back to me, with Lucinda I can be happy again, I can feel it"muttered to my elated wolf, this time loud and clear with so much determination .

I know exactly what to do to make her accept me and to keep her safe and that's exactly what I will do. This time I will make things right, but will it work? Can I keep my demons away from Lucinda?.