
The Love Letter [Levi x Reader]

It all started and ended with a single piece of paper. ----------- Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan: the characters and the pictures. ~~~~~~~~~ Originated by: Leviaddict

Gabbi_L · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


(Y/n) - Your first name

(L/n) - Your last name


"(Y/n), where are you going?" Your father asked you as you walked to the door, with a piece of paper held tightly in your hand.

"Just out dad." You told him and gave a small smile.

You glanced at his feet and frowned. His feet were worse than before because of the very fact that you were living underground. Your mom is working, finding a stable job at a bakery.

"Okay, just be safe." He said and started to browse the newspaper that he was holding.

You turned the knob of the door and went outside. You looked up and just saw the dirt above you, but it was okay, you were used to it. You were born here so you never really saw the sky. You can only just wonder what everything looks like above.

After a minute of walking, your hands started to shake. You tried to calm down but it was no use. The nearer you get to your destination, the tranquility that you always had slowly flowed out of your system and was replaced by anxiousness. But you didn't let it get to you.

This time for sure.

You forced your already shaking legs to walk the remaining steps to a door.

"H-hello?" You said as you knocked at the door, the paper on your other hand.

You heard shuffling inside and heard a girl talking.

"Big bro, should we open it? It might be anyone."

You heard more shuffling and suddenly the door opened. Shockingly, you saw a knife in front of you. A guy with blonde hair was standing with a knife aiming at your face.

"And you are?" The guy asked.

You started to think who he was. 'His name is Farfan, right? He was the other rumored guy beside Levi.'

"I-i'm Y/n." You stuttered.

"State your business Y/n," Farfan said.

"I wanted to talk to L-Levi. I wanted to give this to him."

He glanced down at what you're holding. It was evident that it was a love letter because of the heart drawn at the front. You suddenly regretted even drawing a heart there.

You blushed furiously as he looked at you and back to the letter and back at you again. Maybe he realized just now that you liked Levi.

Is it that weird? Well, you knew that he's a criminal or something. Maybe it is weird because you barely even knew him, but it was something about his eyes. Something you saw in them that made you want to cry, whether it be out of happiness or sadness, you didn't know.

You wanted to know more about him. You knew that if you just talked to him, you would be a stuttering mess so you decided to write a letter.

Farfan dropped his hand to his side, not aiming at you anymore. "Levi! Someone is looking for you!"

Your eyes widened and your heart started to beat faster if that was even possible.

You heard footsteps and were expecting to see Levi but a girl appeared instead. So this is the girl named Isabel? She had green eyes and brown hair just as the rumor said.

"You wanted to speak to big bro? Why?" She asked with curious eyes.

"I'm sorry to bother you Isabel and Farfan but could you just give this to him instead?" You asked while closing your eyes. You knew that you couldn't face Levi because you were afraid to be rejected.

"FARFAN!" Isabel pointed at Farfan and snorted while trying to cover her mouth. "Oh my God. Farfan." She said in between laughs.

"My name isn't Farfan! It's Farl---" Farfan tried to say but was cut off by Isabel.

"No. His name is definitely Farfan," Isabel said while laughing again.

"What's this commotion?" Someone said and you instantly knew who it was.

You froze for a moment, conflicted if you should just run and hide or face him.

"Who is this?" He said while nodding his head at you.

"I-i'm Y/n. I just wanted to give this-"

"I don't want it." Levi coldly stated.

"W-what?" You unbelievably asked.

"I said I don't want it. Are you deaf? Now come Isabel and Farlan. It's getting dark." He shut the door on your face, not even caring that you were there.

You stood there shocked. You tried to process what happened. That was just too fast.

"That was a too harsh big bro," Isabel said on the other side of the door.

A 'tch' was heard after that.

You stared at your letter and realized that your hands were shaking. It was getting wet with tears coming out of your eyes. The letter that you tried to take care of so much instantly got ruined.

'What a douche.'