
The Love Letter [Levi x Reader]

It all started and ended with a single piece of paper. ----------- Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan: the characters and the pictures. ~~~~~~~~~ Originated by: Leviaddict

Gabbi_L · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Episode 3

After a long day of cleaning the whole headquarters, you were all finally finished. Apparently, Levi was a clean freak and he makes everyone clean or ran laps as punishment. That explains the cleaning the stables thing.

Your friends and the other people you still don't know were huddled up into a circle. They decided to have fun after all the stress of cleaning caused. They decided to play truth or dare. You tried to escape because you know that they will ask about the Levi thing again. But you had no luck, seeing Jean and Reiner beside the door.

"I'll spin it," Christa said and spun the bottle.

Because of your horrible luck, you managed to have the bottle point at you.

"I'm outta here!" You said and ran to another exit but just about as you were going to escape, someone caught your arm.

"That's not at all fair Y/n, don't you think," Jean said as he gripped your arm. He dragged you to the spot you were before. 'Way being a gentleman, Jean.'

"Fine, fine.�� You said as you gave in.

"Truth or dare?" Jean asked.

"Wait! Why are you the one who's going to ask or dare me something?" You asked irritatedly.

"Well, just because I was the one who caught you. So truth or dare, Y/n?" Jean said with an irritating smile.

"Truth." Hah! In your face Jean!

The last time you choose dare, he made you bathe the horses. What a bother.

"What happened that day when you arrived with the Corporal?"

'I completely forgot about that.'

"Nothing! Stop asking about that already! We just arrived at the same time." You defended.

"You should tell the truth, Y/n. It's not called truth for nothing." Christa lectured you.

You looked at her and just couldn't resist the feeling of guiltiness because of telling a lie in front of a human-angel. "Fine… He helped me with my hair, okay? Maybe it's just because of his OCD and stuff like that. Are you all satisfied now?" You glared at Jean.

"You do like the Corporal, huh?" Connie teased.

"I didn't even say that!"

"It's written all over your face, Y/n." Eren laughed and handed you a spoon that was nearby. You saw the reflection, and you were red.

When you looked back at all of them, they were all wearing mischievous smiles.

'Oh no…'


You were walking down the hallway of the headquarters on the way to your room but it's oddly quiet.

After the truth or dare that happened, you just went outside and stared at the night sky, this being your hobby.

You looked around and saw a shadow but it disappeared almost immediately. Footsteps were heard around and you became aware of your surroundings and got ready to fight. In a flash, a sack was placed over your head. You tried to kick the shadows that you still managed to see but there were too many of them. After that, you were dragged to a place that had too little space. The sack was gotten rid of and when your eyes adjusted, a figure closed the opening.

You were strangely in a closet.

Before you can even process what was happening, there was someone thrown in the small space too, making them land above you.


After you heard that, goosebumps appeared almost everywhere.

Corporal was there, above you.

'Wait… That sounded so wrong.'

"Move kid, are you just going to stare?" Shorty asked.

"I'm s-sorry sir." You said and tried to move but you didn't make any progress at all. Levi is short but his weight is not as small as his height and not to mention the space.

Levi managed to sit up and you did as well. "Do you know anything about this?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.

"No sir. I was just going to my room because I was sleepy." You said and yawned to add effect so he will believe what you're saying.

"Is that so? It may be a few hours before Hange finds out that we're here. This is her record closet anyway. So in the meantime, you should sleep." Levi said as if it was a command.

"How can I sleep here, Sir?" You inquired as you looked at him.

He suddenly placed his hand on your head and made you lie on his lap. "Don't think of this as a special treatment. I'm doing this because I would be really pissed if I saw you not fully functioning tomorrow just because of your sleepiness."

"Yes sir." You said.

Minutes passed and you were still awake. You can't fall asleep. Considering the uncomfortable position, the lack of space, and the thumping on your chest, it's only natural that your eyes are still wide open.

"Are you even sleeping?" Levi asked.

"I strangely can't sir." You admitted. "What about you sir? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I'm used to not sleeping at all because of all the paperwork I got this past few days." He stated flatly.

This made you sit straight and look at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Then you should be the one sleeping, not me!" You said and did the same thing he did to you, putting your hand on his head and making him lie on your lap.

"Hey, I told you! I'm used to not sleep-," He cut his sentence off because you started stroking his hair slowly.

Your mother always did this when you were still a kid.

After minutes of silence and you still stroking his hair, you decided to break the silence.

"Hey Corporal, what shampoo do you use?" You asked because you can't think of anything else to say.

You waited for a reply but got no answer. You glanced at the guy laying on your lap and realized he was asleep.


You woke up on your bed, all tired and confused. A pain straining on your neck because of the position- 'Wait… was that just a dream or-?'

You saw a shadow beside your door so you stood up to see who it was.

"Oh, you're awake." A voice said.

"C-corporal?" You were confused.

"So Cadet L/n, are you still interested in my squad?"

"But I never said-" You tried to say.

"It's settled then." He stated with an expressionless face.

Suddenly Hange came running to Levi.

"Shorty! There was someone who broke into my closet! Was it you? You were the only one who I gave a duplicate of the key and-"

Before Hange can finish, Levi clamped his hands on Hange's mouth.

'Wait what? He has a duplicate of the key to the record closet?'

'Then, why didn't he-?'

"Shut up four eyes, you're irritating me."

For the ones who are confused...

Levi wasn't the one who put Y/n in a closet, it was her friends. Levi was casually looking through Hanji's closet and someone pushed him into that. Why the setting is in a closet? Because the friends of Y/n know that they can't move Levi to another room because he can easily fight them lol. He had the choice to open the closet because he has a key but he chose to stay.

Gabbi_Lcreators' thoughts