
The Love Letter [Levi x Reader]

It all started and ended with a single piece of paper. ----------- Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan: the characters and the pictures. ~~~~~~~~~ Originated by: Leviaddict

Gabbi_L · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Episode 2

"Finally!" You sighed while stretching. The stables were spotless clean now that you cleaned it all morning.

"Y/n! What are you doing there?" You looked at the source of the voice and saw Armin.

"The short corporal made me clean." You said while rolling your eyes.

"Who are you calling short, brat?" Someone said behind your back and you saw Armin saluting.

'Levi is behind me, isn't he?'

You turned around and saluted too, sighing in the process.

"I see that you already cleaned here. You've done quite a good job but still not good enough. And you two, there is training going on, what are you still standing here for?" Levi states with the flat tone that you got used to.

"Yeah, yeah." You said and tried to wave him off.

"I see that you still have no respect. Arlert, proceed to the training as I talk to her."

"Yes sir!" Armin said and ran off.

"What do you mean talk? Why would you want to talk to me?" You said while staring at the corporal.

"What were you doing with Arlert?" He asked.

"We were just talking. Why are you asking about that Corporal?" You asked back.

"It's-" He said but cut his self off. "It's because you should be doing more important things rather than talking with people that are irrelevant." He stared at you for a moment and left without saying another word.

Your eyes filled with curiosity while you stared off at the vastly wide space he had walked upon.

'Maybe he did forget about you giving him a letter. Well maybe that's good then, it won't make things more awkward than it already is.'

You remembered the training and started to go there too. When you arrived, they were already starting to hand combat.

For all the students that don't know what their squad is, please step forward."

You saw Mikasa, Reiner, and other people go to the front along with you.

'Is this what Commander Erwin talked about earlier?'

"Your strength will be tested by having a hand to hand combat with elite members or leaders. This will help us decide which squad you will be in."

They started calling names and calling the opponent of each one. All you can think about was how horrible the situation will be if you paired up with Levi.

'Please don't be Levi, please, please don't be-'

"Y/n L/n and Corporal Levi."

You cursed under your breath because of the situation. 'What a coincidence indeed.'

You looked at the short man who was staring at you too. You two had a staring contest, waiting for someone to look away. You heard him sigh and say 'tch' while he started walking towards you. You had a little victory dance in your head.

"So :/n, it seems like I will be the one to test your strength. Are you ready?"

"No. How can I beat Humanity's Strongest soldier?" You said.

"Tch. Don't give me that." The corporal said as he got into a fighting stance, you proceeding into one as well.

Your heart started to beat faster again but you decide to not bother about it.

He suddenly raised his leg, kicking yours and making you trip in the process. You stood up and tried to punch him but he ducked.

"Are you taking your height to your advantage?" You tried to joke but he got angry because of that.

In a flash, you were under him as he pinned you to the ground. You were one inch away from him, your noses touching.

'This is too close.'

You pushed him and put him in a headlock position, flipping his body and smashing him to the ground. Well at least you tried to smash him to the ground but he caught your arms just in time.

"Not bad." He said.


In the end, Levi still won. As expected of course. But you still had some moments where you were close to beating him, at least you think you did. Your arms hurt and you smelled of first. You decided to take a shower before eating dinner.

After the long shower, you finally felt refreshed and comfortable without the sticky sweat you had earlier. You dressed quickly and was about to open the door when someone opened it for you.

"What is taking you so long?" Levi said as he looked at you angry that you haven't arrived on time.

"Why are you even here?' You asked.

"Some of us were assigned to check if the new kids were already there. And you were not." Levi said. "Stop asking stupid questions and wasting my damn time."

"But I was just going to." You defended.

Levi glanced at you and his eyes lingered upwards. "With that hair? It looks like a bird's nest. It's a mess." Levi said as he stared at your hair.

You stared at him as he entered your room and got your hairbrush. "What are you doing?" You asked curiously.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?" He asked irritatedly.

"Why would you even want to fix my hair?"

"I don't like messes." He said. "Now stop asking fucking questions and just sit." He said while motioning at the wooden chair in the room.

You looked at him weirdly but you still obeyed nonetheless. When you sat down, he instantly started to brush your hair. You looked at him in the mirror and he looked so serious which made you giggle.

"What are you giggling about?"

"Nothing." You said with a smile on your face.

In a matter of seconds he was done and what he made was a messy ponytail.

"You're horrible at this. I thought you didn't like messes." You told him.

"Well, it's my first time doing this so stop complaining." He groaned.

"Here I'll teach you." You said and got his hand. You caressed his head as you made a ponytail with the rubber band you two were holding.

"There! It's done! Much better, right?"

"Y-yeah," Levi said. "Let's go to the dining room. They must be wondering where we are right now."


"So where were you all this time Levi?" You heard Hange say at their table.

"Shut up four-eyes."

As he got bombarded with questions, you were being harassed with questions too.

"Y/n? What took you so long?" Eren asked.

"And why did you arrive with the Corporal?" Jean was the one to ask this time.

"Were you two perhaps doing something?' Another one asked.

You just ignored all of them and started to eat your soup.

"Hey, Y/n. Are you eating that potato?" Sasha asked.

You remembered the day she stole your potato so you wanted to take revenge. "Yes, I am." You said and ate it in front of her, acting like you savored each bite.

Sasha stared at you, drool escaping from her mouth. All your friends laughed at you two, making you join them. As you were laughing, you managed to hear a conversation again and this time, you heard your name.

"Hey, Levi! Why were you just staring at Y/n while she was eating a potato?' Hange asked.

"I wasn't staring at all." Levi defended. "And may I have a potato please."