


















Here is a book that summarize young people's love life....in this book you will learn the principles of love


This book introduce to us how young people love life looks like and the reason for falling in love .Nancy was carried away  with sweet words to the extent of giving her body to the one he loves dearly.but what happened after???      TINUKE literarily want to be in love just to feel among,but thank God she later  came to her senses,jimmy was jumping from one relationship to another till she get worthless.…..hmmm what will happen at last


(Ola was scrolling along the school road and he saw this preery girl)

OLA:hi pretty

NANCY:how may I help you

OLA::sorry for taking your time

NANCY::ohk no problem

OLA ::sorry pls can we be friends?

NANCY::friends? Hmm,,Ohkay

OLA::thanks ,so can I have your contact,so I can get in touch with you

NANCY::alright then...  070....(Nancy calling out her contact)

OLA::alright pretty,I will give you a call

NANCY::Okay bye

               (LIGHT FADE OUT)

(This is Ola in his friends place, playing game)

ADE::ola do you think you can defeat me?

OLA::the game is not over yet 🌚,so chill bro

ADE::it's better you surrender now

TAYO::kuku kuku(he smiled...)you should know ola,he will never accept defeat

                   (They all laughed)

OLA::hmm hmm(he cleared his throat)guys let me give you an hint

TAYO::what again,,,,dont interrupt this game

GOKE::let's hear him out first ,who knows;I guess he won that two odds game

TAYO::guy,guy,,do you?(he smiled)

OLA::mtcheeeew.....(he hissed)you guys are bad when it comes to guessing

   (TAYO and Goke both stared at him)

OLA::Do you know that Nancy girl?

GOKE::hmmm,yes we did;what happened,gist us

TAYO::my guy ,wetin dey xup?

OLA::do you know that girl is such a beautiful girl? Her beauty,her shape captured my heart..so I met her today and she gave me her contact

GOKE &TAYO::hmmm,baddest guy

TAYO:::it's  a process stuff,I have not woo her anyways

GOKE:::what's the time there??

TAYO::it's 3:00 clock already

GOKE::let me be going ,am having class


                  (LIGHT FADE OUT)

               CHAPTER 2::::::THE FIRST CARE

(This is Nancy in her hostel gisting with her friends)

NANCY::TINUKE have you done your gst assignment?

TINUKE:::Am not done with it yet

NANCY:::what about jimmy?

JIMMY:am done with mine

FOLU:::that's our scholar(talking to jimmy)

JIMMY::baby naaaw,stop whining me

TINUKE::am sure FOLU has not done hers,brain girl

FOLU:::tinu anything for me

TINU:::your boyfriend just bought you gift ,and you are asking me anything for you,is that an oppression

NANCY::babes guess what?

JIMMY:::what's popping my love?

NANCY::Do you know that cute tall guy called ola in lovilogy department??

JIMMY ,TINU,FOLU:::(echoes)yeeeeees

NANCY::so he walked up to me today and he was like we should be friends,so I gave him my contact anyways,Soo...

                              (Her phone ranged)

JIMMY::::picked up your call

TINU:::Nancy ,who is that calling

NANCY::keep quiet girls(she smiled)It's ola

TINUKE::hmmm hmmm

OLA::hello Nancy

NANCY::hi good afternoon

OLA::how are you doing

NANCY::am fine

OLA::have you eaten??

NANCY:::yeee..s(she smiled)

OLA::so are you less busy??

NANCY::yes I guess

OLA:::I don't know if we can see today

NANCY::let me see if I can

OLA::ok then,take care


             (phone call end)


TINUKE::hmm hmmm(she smiled staring at Nancy)

NANCY::you guys should stop now

           (They all laughed)

                          (  LIGHT  FADE  OUT)


{Nancy and ola are now in a serious relationship.....this is Nancy in ola's place}



OLA::Do you know I really love you more than you think

NANCY::I love you more than you do babe

OLA::but am not sure you did ,,

NANCY:::what's going on babe ,why do you say so ??

OLA:::can you prove to me you truly love me

NANCY::why will you be saying this ,I love you and you know that...what do you want me to prove again

OLA:::,you are my world ,my life ,my breath,....like I....hmm

NANCY:::tell me ,I will do anything,just for you to believe me

OLA:::can we..like can we have...hmmm...s...ex,so I can be rest assure you did truly.....

NANCY:::sex??? Bet ola...see I have to go ....maybe I will call you later

OLA:::he pecked her....bye my love ,,,take care

NANCY::okay darling


                     {LIGHT FADE OUT}

               {SCENE TWO}

[This is Nancy in olufunke hostel]

FUNKE::Nancy whatsupp,you are looking so stressed

NANCY::am fine my friend

OLUFUNKE::is there anything bothering  you

               {JIMMY and TINUKE walks in}

NANCY::olufunke I will be fine

OLUFUNKE::how far babes, jimmy , TINU, what do you brings for us

JIMMY::what do you cooked???

TINUKE::why is Nancy looking so bored,, what's going on?

OLUFUNKE::same thing have been asking her

NANCY:::it's all about my boyfriend

JIMMY:::ola ??

NANCY::yes, he knows am not the cheating type, but he insist I should prove to her that I love him the same way he did

TINUKE:::as how ,, prove ?? In what way

JIMMY::is this guy crazy or something,we all know you love this guy

TINUKE::so....what's the prove??


OLUFUNKE:::what..?  "" Don't ever try that,prove love?who does that,"" sex?? ''dont ever try it"" obviously he is after your body.

JIMMY::mtcheeew...see Nancy...there is nothing bad in you guys having sex,he is your babe,if you don't,who else would give him that..that's another avenue for you to hold him tight

OLUFUNKE::jimmy who told you sex would hold him ,he would rather run after sex.dont try it...if possible I will advice you to run from that toxic relationship

JIMMY::then if he go after sex,life goes on,there are many guys outside there ,another relationship will definitely come,that's not the end

OLUFUNKE::really?.....is this  how you guys want to spend your life,jumping from one relationship to another,giving out your body,crying around with broken hearts..and to you Nancy *a word is enough for the wise*

JIMMY::and we you now keep quiet ,thank you and mind your own business

NANCY::will you guys just keep quiet(she yelled)

TINUKE::the decision is yours Nancy,but remember this guy is so caring....jimmy let's go

                                  {They went out}

           {LIGHT FADE OUT}

(Scene two)[Nancy in olatech house ]


NANCY::yes love

OLA::how about our last discussion,,believe me I won't hurt you


OLATECH::you are my world,my love ,my life ,my source,don't be scared dear,I will always stand by you...just gave me a prove that you love me,so I can be at peace

NANCY::::hmm,,,,okayed ...agreed

{They both have sexual intercourse....and Nancy went back to her hostel}

                               (LIGHT FADE OUT)


JIMMY::Nancy...you keep glowing...ahnn ahnn

NANCY::it's ola ooo,am deeply in love with this guy,I get more attached to him,I so much love him


JIMMY::olufunke what's that

OLUFUNKE:nothing much, it was this movie am watching

TINUKE::that will be better

JIMMY;so what's popping now

NANCY:jimmy... Will you please, don't stress someone's queen(she smiled)

TINUKE::awwwn awwwn

              (They all laughed)

JIMMY:call ola to come and take us out Nancy

NANCY::he is a little bit busy these days..

       (OLUFUNKE laughed,and they all stared at him)

JIMMY::mtcheeeew, so Nancy, even on weekend???

NANCY::I don't know, like very busy to even pick my calls sometimes

OLUFUNKE::''obedience is better than sacriffice''its a movie girls,before you all we yell at me

JIMMY::mtcheeeew..,..NANCY maybe I will call my babe then to take us out during the weekend..... What about you TINUKE

TINUKE::then let weekend come first naaaw

   JIMMY&Nancy::TINUKE we are coming we will soon be back(they went out)

       {TINUKE soliloquizing}

TINUKE::hmmm... My friends are really glowing, they always say sweet things about this relationship of a thing... But here am I, I have no babe... Hmmmm(she keep repositioning herself, and deeply lost in thought)orrh should I fall in love?, I also want to feel among, I want to be involved , I think it's high time to taste what this relationship looks like, I want to feel among... (She pour out the last sentence out of her mouth thinking she was still talking to herself, and OLUFUNKE overheard her)

OLUFUNKE::like really.....'' You want to feel among that's why you want to be in a relationship..,.and why will you even fall in love without a specific purpose but to be in vogue,   TINUKE, is that not a useless decision???... We are all young for this, we just 17 years old, and cam your heart hold the split??

TINUKE::hmmm... So you heard me,.... But wait... What if the person is not aftery body??..... What if he is ready to wait for me.... What if he loves me genuinely at this age,,.... I mean true love..

OLUFUNKE:::then you can(smiles)yes babe, you can... But note this... ''if he is not talking about the future, how to attain success, if he is not building your carrier with you... Then the relationship is not guaranteed'

TINUKE::hmmmm,,, thanks babe



(Nancy was going to the relaxation centre to relax after she has been stressed In school and she met ola and his friends at the centre)

NANCY:ohh, babe you are here

OLA::yes, how far

NANCY::am fine bby

                      {She greetedOla friends}

NANCY:::babe... You told me you are busy ,,, how come you are here with your friends

OLA::Am I the one you are questioning that way??....

NANCY:::No babe, I was just asking, bec..... (OLA interrupt)

OLA:::Because what????... I don't seems to understand you again this days, you are stressing me a lot,,, you know what ,, it's over between us

NANCY::ahhh, ola please, (she started crying)

OLA::can you just walk out of my sight?? And stop embarrassing yourself

NANCY::(with tears In her eyes)ola you know how much I love you, please don't do this to me... You told me you love me

OLA::and that was then, not now

                       (Nancy went home crying)

GOKE::ola , what just happen here now

TAYO::ola the baddest boy

OLA::I actually has someone else I love now

GOKE::hmmm(they all laughed)

TAYO::Gist us....

OLA::actually you see that Nancy girl,I don't have anything to do.with her again....and after all I don't loose,at least.....

GOKE::hmmmm....at least what...finish your words

TAYO::there's no need to finish your word ,I understand already,ola (ekun)

{Nancy in her room crying and Jimmy,tinu&OLUFUNKE walks in}

OLUFUNKE::Nancy why are you crying

TINUKE::what's going on Nancy

JIMMY::Nancy can't you talk

NANCY::(crying)Hun..Hun.ola..broke up with me...right now..I feel like..my world is coming to.am end

JIMMY::you mean ola can do this to you,hmmm,be strong babe ,life goes on....hand ola over to God

TINUKE::sorry my friend.....move on with your life

OLUFUNKE::nice one ola...NANCY I told you the other day  ''never prove love with your body'' your body is ot the prove of love,love is not blind to that extend,what do you even expect,,hw has gotten what he want I guess...let me even ask you,,has ola ever for once talked about ur future,did he ever talked about your carrier ..No.and you are expecting him to be true,love is not blind we are the one blinding love with our emotions

JIMMY::the deed is done already,,my friend move on

NANCY::OLUFUNKE had I know ,I would yield to your advice,,come to think of it,,,am just17,and my heart is broken into pieces already

OLUFUNKE::pick up the pieces my dear and replanned your life in a way that suite dignity,its never too late.....you were just carried away by his appearance,you was controlled by your emotion to the extend of giving out your body

NANCY::ola why me(she cried)you told me am the most beautiful,you told me you will gave me the world,you said you will stay in time of trouble ,,,where are those promises,

OLUFUNKE::And so...he told you you are beautiful...yes of course you are,because you are specially Made by God,and you dont need any man to tell you that,he said he will gave you the world,so you know jesus has already put the whole world in your hands.....he said he will stay in days of trouble...where is he now.....''.lying lips''dont be carried away by sweet words,it's just a statement....pickup the pieces babe and stay strong.i.will nw going now

NANCY:alright thank you my friend(OLUFUNKE walks out)

{Nancy alone in her room talking to herself and weeping🥹}

NANCY::I got broken,and this brings headache which is chronic

My heart tears apart

And the pain I can't avert🥹

Days of adversity you promised to stay😔

But now you are staying away🥲

Here am I awaiting you🥺

Where are those memories of ours😔

The smile we shared....the love❣️

Or is it not genuine??🥺

Genuinely I love

And from the bottom of my heart😔

Will this love be renew??

Painful NO🥹💫

(She was still busy crying)

Ohhh,I got it wrong🥺

I create wrong memories

And the memories of us keep sticking🙍

Is it sympathy ??I did that😫

First you made me therapeutic😔

But right now ,I need a therapy💔🥹

My heart got broken again 💔💔

Till I couldn't regain those beautiful momemt

Those moment we stare at the moon

Those moment we climbs onountain

And in the rain we exclaim

I think I will hold you tight🥹

Thinking I will got it right

But you bring up a fight💔🥺

A fight I couldn't highlight

Hmmm.....joy in my heart

When I met you

I think I have found me right

But am not right

You hurt

Despite my worth🥹

My heart is falling apart🥺

I couldn't comprehend🥹

OLA is this the end💔😭

My heart couldn't hold the split anylonger🥹💔💔😭

                 (She cried all day )



(This is funke gisting with her friends)

TINU::(pressing phone)smiles.....wow

NANCY::mtcheeew....they've started deceiving you

TINU::(laughed)Nancy naaaaw

NANCY::ok ooo

OLUFUNKE::ehn girls,,who heard from Jimmy,,,it's been a while have seen her

TINU::that's true,I guess she will be at her babe place

NANCY::babe?....are you talking about  jimmy or someone else,jimmy and kunle has broke up long time ago,,,,I guess this is herFourth relationship after he broke up with kunle


NANCY::seriously,that girl is something else

TINUKE::when this love go find.me self(she smiled)

NANCY::fuck love.....love is blind🥲

OLUFUNKE::you are wrong Nancy

Love is not blind,lust does

Love is beautiful

Love is kind,love is sweet

Love is peaceful,love is joy

Love!!!the comfort zone

Love!!atmosphere of peace

Love is never blind

But beautiful🥰

Love is fat beyond amazing

Love!!the root of peace

Nancy love is never blind

You blindfold love

TINUKE::which side are you supporting now OLUFUNKE,??if love is not blind then men are animals

NANCY::you don't have to doubt that::allen are the same and they are as wicked as snake,callous

OLUFUNKE::(smiled)stop that Nancy

Men are not wicked nor callous

And men are not the same moreover

Let true love visit ,,then you will know.all.men are not the same

Men are kind ,caring

Let true love visit,then you will know

Men are not callous

TINUKE::OLUFUNKE .....hmmm,I know you will have something to say

NANCY::anyone OLUFUNKE says,but at this point that I am.....don't let me talk

TINUKE::my friend my friend

OLUFUNKE::Nancy,tinu,it's time,,let's go for class

                  {They all went out)

               {Light FADE out}

(So after the class,Nancy,tinu,and funke met jimmy with some of her friends on their way back home)

OLUFUNKE::ahhnn ahnnn,jimmy wassup

JIMMY::am fine oo babe

TINUKE::longest time,we don't even see your face at all  through yesterday

JIMMY::actually I travelled ,I just came back this morning

TINUKE::hmm ,Jim Jim

JIMMY::stop teasing me naaw,girls let's sit under that shield

            (They sat)

JIMMY::Nancy.....you are not talking since

NANCY::ohh sorry...good afternoon Jim

JIMMY::ohk oo....afternoon,soooo girls meet my friends,benedicta and Jennifer,and Ben and Jenny meet my own personal people Nancy,tinu,OLUFUNKE

Benedicta and Jennifer::hi


Benedicta::girls don't mind jimmy,let me introduce myself better,I am benedictta by name....but people call me dicta d baddie


JENNIFER::am Jennifer by name but people call me jenny

OLUFUNKE::wow,that's good

JIMMY:so we are one now

JIMMY::Nancy so.how are you coping now,gist us,are you in any relationship again

NANCY::no..no..no..And I don't think I will

OLUFUNKE::stop saying that Nancy

JIMMY::ahh ahhh,Nancy,,,life goes on

NANCY::thanks ,I don't think I will need your advice this time around

JIMMY::ok ooo

TINUKE::jimmy,dicta d baddie,jenny...will you guys come to our area this weekend??..

JENNY::sure ,we will

TINUKE::nice....we will be expecting you

               (Funke,TINU,Nancy stands up)

OLUFUNKE::alright girl,we are going already ,bye

JIMMY::alright ,take care

                               (LIGHT FADE OUT)

(This is Benedict,jimmy and Jenny in TINUKE hostel)

JENNY::wow....,your rooms is well arranged and beautiful


NANCY::what do you guys want to eat

BENEDICTA::we are fine for now

OLUFUNKE::you guys will eat ooo

JIMMY::maybe they are shy(she laughed)

TINUKE::jimmy we don't always see you again these days .hope nothing?

JIMMY::hmm....nothing much....you know we are now in our final year...so we need flex at least for our university days to be memorable


BENEDICTA::yep yep...guys we gat to had funs

JENNY::bene d baddie

OLUFUNKE:: hmmm.....

TINUKE::girls,my friend victor just call me now.he said he will want us to attend his birthday party tomorrow by 10:00 am.should.we go?

JIMMY::why not ,lets go party mehn


OLUFUNKE::yes sure

                             (Light FADE out)

(This is TINUKE and her friends at victor birthday party)

VICTOR::TINUKE thanks for coming

TINUKE::you are welcome,what are friends for

VICTOR::jimmy ,jenny,ben,and sisters(he smiled)I really appreciate you for celebrating with me

NANCY::don't mention

VICTOR::let me go get you guys some whine

          (He left )

JIMMY::TINUKE is this not the guy you met recently

TINUkE::yes he is,he is a good friend of my e now

                   (The party continues)

M.C::I will like to call on the celebrant for his speech,let's call on victor Richard

                (They all clapped)

VICTOR::I thank everyone present here today...and I will like to officially call someone whom I cherished..my long time dream,the person of TINUKE abiodun,..

TINUKE::(she was shocked)what..??whats going on...I didn't understand

NANCY::wow!!! Wow!!...victor is something else

OLUFUNKE::just go on stage and honour him

                         (TINUkE step on stage )

VICTOR::sorry I know you never expect this,but pls I apologise(he kneels down in front  of tinuke and everybody were starring at them,he brought out a ring)

VICTOR::tinuke ,will you marry me

TINUKE::(she was perplexed)ehn....ehmmm

The crowd::say yes!! Say yes!! Say yes!!!!

TINUKE::ye...y...ye.....y ...yes

CROWD:::oooo,,,hoo ,hoo,uhn uhn(they were clapping)

            CHAPTER 7

(A month after the proposal)

TINUKE::guys what are we eating

NANCY::call victor don't ask me

OLUFUNKE::Nancy Nancy! Jealous type

                   (They all laughed)

TINUKE::if I call him, he will definitely do that, I trust him

NANCY::awwwn awwwn.... God when?

TINUKE::let me gives you an hint about this guy, he is so caring, loving, he is so much concerned about me, let me now shock you, victor agreed with me that nothing will come in between us, untill when am ready, he is just after my peace, this guy loves me unconditionally..... I never regret anything about him, and I never regret keeping myself for him

OLUFUNKE::awwwn awwwn... Am happy for you guys..... Thank God you do listen to advice😁

NANCY::so true love still exist... And real men are still out there... Hmmm..... The rest is in our hands...

               (TINUKE PHONE RANG)


VICTOR::my love.... How are you, I believe you are fine

TINUKE::yes dear..... Uhm... do you have anything for me

VICTOR::yes sure... Let's hangout at ur favourite place

TINUKE::(she smiled)awwwn awwwn

VICTOR::hope you attended class today

TINUKE::no... The class was cancelled

VICTOR::okay love, make sure you are reading.... Will you do that for me

TINUKE::sure babe , I will

VICTOR::I would call you later, give me a seconds

TINUKE::are you busy??..

VICTOR::busy for others, free for you

TINUKE::(smiling)babe naaw

TINUKE::alright dear , take care

VICTOR::I love you.... Be safe for me

                    (PHONE CONVERSATION ENDED)

OLUFUNKE::awwwn.... Awwwn.... God abeg

NANCY::wow.... Indeed love is not a scam..... We are the one scamming love

OLUFUNKE::that's just it, love is clear enough that you can see all of it, but most time we were blind by our emotions and we now cast it on love that love is blind

                (Light FADE)


NANCY::wow.... Indeed love is kind, but most of us were blinded by appearance, and couldn't see whats coming after all... Hmmmm.... (She was busy talking to herself)

When love visit again... May it be re assuring

When love visit again

May it be peaceful

When this love visit again, may it worth the wait

The wait is dignity, the wait is honour

The wait , the wait is a brave step

The wait is the unending peace

Unending peace got from the wait

May it last

When love visit again

May it comes with atmosphere of comfort

The wait is the coming Weather for Peace

The wait is the awesome impact of love

Yep... I will wait

Until this live arrive

Love when you visit again🥲

May you be true🥺

The trueness if this love has no comparison, has no. Envy

True love , it's true and the love is pure forever

Visitation of love is Liking loosing control

But when this true love visit.it is...

Dimension of peace ,dimension of smile

Yes it is...feeling safed in arms

Connection of inner beauty in eyes

Unflattering words in lips

Just the real word🥺

Perfect in heart,flexible in type

Yet never get broken

Loving!loving! And loving!

So lovely and getting loved

When this love visit again

May it stays forever🥹❣️

                     [LIGHT FADE]

(Scene :2)

[Two years after,everyone has gone to their different destination,tinuke and victor got married,they were both living happily as a legally wedded couples .Nancy got married to a caring ,handsome and responsible God fearing man..same as OLUFUNKE....but jimmy,jenny and dicta d baddie ends their lifeiserably;all in the name of feeling among,they were busy entering different relationship and even call theirself  baddie..And now they have badluck in marriage,no one want them

OLUFUNKE ended up with one of a guy called Enoch...Enoch was a responsible,loving,caring and God fearing guy}


ENOCH:::yours is the kind of love ,I will never  wake up from babe

My love for you is like a shadow of peace overwhelming the earth

Traveling around to the east,north,west,south,and I always want you by my side🥰

You.are my dream,and I always wish the night never comes to an end

If write up can describe you,then I will become a writter,seek more knowledge and never stop writting

If I have to assign a beautiful name that suit you,it will coste a lot of research and sleepless night Just to create you one

Be my world,

Rule it,cause you owns my heart😘

And my heart captures every images of you😊

You are the sweetner sweetening my life🤗

The real source of my smile

The expression of my smile😊try calling out your name😊

And looking into your eye👁️👀

I saw affection

You alone is my heart desire💫

Let's yatch to Places, where we cam only see through ourselves

Let's yelp of our joy

And talk till we yarn🥱

Hmm..... Let's whoop at ourselves

And let this union be like a welded metals

My violin is dedicated , to bring a peaceful sound to comfort your soul🫣

What's your love language??... Am here for communication

Communication that has no vacation

And the interpretation, the inspiration of your heart

This love is deep, am I really lost in love🥰

Or Is  just a  dimension of true affection

Ur speech I cherished💫❣️

The dancing trees speaks of our love

Flowers in the garden couldn't rate the beauty of this love

My heart beat at your voice 😊

My voice cool your tense

A day without your voice is like a day without a plan

Your alluring smile I will never Stop thinking of

In an amiable way ... You walked into my life

And in out love life we have ample time for ourselves


OLUFUNKE::hmm yes.... S

ENOCH::do you have a map? Because I keep Getting lost in your eyes.

You make my heart soar

You are my joygiver, smile booster, my pleasant falling places, best of all, gift from God,... Am happy to be yours

OLUFUNKE::hmmm..... Am blushing already🥹😊.... Crown🙇❣️💫you are the best thing that ever happened to me

You are what I called everything I prayed for

Angel in disguise🥹❣️,I bless the day we crossed path

(Enoch and his wife were both gisting , smiling, playing)

                  (LIGHT FADE)

BENEDICTA::hmm... My mates are now happily married , here am I, I have not seen someone who suite Me. I need a good man.... But I couldn't get one 🥺(she was soliloquizing and weeping alone )

I think I got it wrong... A whole me ... Dicta d baddie.... Hmmm....

My youthful age is now affecting my present life... OLUFUNKE has once told me about this 🥲but I declined my ear😭

(JIMMY soliloquizing )

JIMMY:;hmmm.. what a life... I heard OLUFUNKE and d rest are happily married... Even Nancy

I was told bit I didn't listen

Hmmm.... So jumping around into relationship with different guys is not pleasure🥺at first I loose my worth

And dignity, I thought in my own mind , I was the hottest and the most beautiful

But no... 🥲Am just cheap

A mistake I will never made again in my life is calling myself a baddie. Now the badluck has come

How I wish I Amend my life early.... And understand what OLUFUNKE mean by ''the outcome will worth the wait''

Hmmm.... There is more in the diary of our  love life..... The diary of our youthful love life contains a lot

Only the wise ,  those who follow the principle and those. Who knows the concept has a beautiful home

What a pain?..

With all what it takes , I will make sure I revealed unto my children the DIARY OF LOVE.... .. it contains a lot..... They have to know for them not to make mistake😭



Know the concept of love before falling in love, build yourself and don't depend on your guys for anything, that same love they takes away Nancy purity and broken her into pieces is that same love that gives tinuke comfort and shoulder to lean on.

Nancy rushed love and TINUKE was not even expecting it, but it came and it was true..... TINUkE knows the concept and what it entails already while Nancy was controlled by her emotion and was carried away with sweet words

                           MORAL LESSON

1.know your emotional capacity before falling in love

2.dont lust but love

3.know true love definition by act

4.dont be deceived by cuteness

5.build yourself

6.dont chase love,if you chase love it's called lust but if love chase you thats true love

7.avoid jumping from one relationship to another

8.avoid negative advice and bad influence

9.even though you are going to be in love at young age .....let it be true,and never give out your body

10.set boundaries


1.never play with someones feeling

2.never hurt a soul that truly loves you


My dear💫❣️,Healing from the pain is not easy I understand 🥲heartbreak is a response to the loss of a beautiful relationship🥹experiencing the pain maybe inevitable🥲but then

. Practice self-care: rest, exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques,stay busy,it helps the pain to heal easily

Identify the lessons learned from the relationship.

. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses

Focus on personal growth: new hobbies, skills, or interests.

Cultivate self-love and self-worth.

. Build a support network: friends, family, or a community group.let go of the past and focus on the future,take up the pieces💔and build it back❣️💫.

To Avoid Heartbreak Again🥹💔create:

1. *Self-awareness*: Understand your emotional needs, boundaries, and values.

2. *Healthy communication*: Practice active listening, assertiveness, and vulnerability.

3. *Emotional intelligence*: Recognize and manage your emotions.

4. *Red flags*: Identify and address toxic behaviors or patterns.

5. *Self-care*: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

6. *Boundaries*: Establish and maintain healthy limits.

7. *Forgiveness*: Let go of grudges and resentments.

8. *Patience*: Take time to heal and reflect before entering a new relationship.but God's pet will advice you not to enter another relationship🥹🙏till it's time😂

9. *Self-love*: Prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment.

10. *Gratitude*: Focus on the present and appreciate the good things in your life


A. B OLUFUNKE was born July 26 year----, at Ondo state, ikale land, okitipupa local government, she went to promise college , and presently studying at federal university oye ekiti, she started her writting skills by writting short short slang,and motivational words,she later improved ,she wrote a poet in S S. S 2 ,titled: death, erratum you made , this is a short poet she dedicated to her loving grandma after her death🥹.... From then she started writing short short unfiction stories.... Which she gave to her literature teacher to read and he encourages her to do more... Even do more .. she is from a christian background and a proudly LOVER  OF CHRIST🔥


Appreciation to my world and my king🥹❣️💫@ Mr & Mrs Arowosomo🙇... Appreciation also goes to my   hero@fire mide😁@com.kowe daniel... Thanks to Ramat, for contributing to the success of diary of love🙏thanks to nemtsa team for being In haste to read😂and this make me take it serious if when I wanted to give up, thanks to everyone around 🥹❣️I love you all🙇


Phone no:08114126568


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