
The Lost World ( Book 1)

Hey, I never signed up for this. I swear i would have moved to Korea if someone told me the world was gonna end and I had to save it. But nobody told me. Which brings us all to this story............

magi0216 · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter Four

Shinya's POV

I slammed the door to my house. Of course, it's not like they noticed that I left, they were too busy screaming at each other's faces for that. I put on my headsets; at least loud music would block them out. I didn't feel like going so I went to our usual hangout. Maybe I would finally be able to get some sleep, the dreams were getting more intense by the day. It was getting irritating, I didn't even know those people yet they appeared every single day in my dreams. But that part wasn't even the strangest thing, I looked at my hands. They looked normal now but just the other day, they were on fire. Perhaps it was my hallucination, but it felt way too real for that. I sighed and turned in the opposite direction to my school. The teachers will probably notice but it's not like my parents will do anything about it. They've always been like that. They stay out of my business and I'll stay out of theirs.

"Shinya!" I stopped and rolled my eyes. Just the idiots I need to run into early in the morning. "What do you guys want?" I asked. "Well good morning to you too." Taki laughs while ruffling up my blonde hair. "Aren't you coming to school?" Mira asks, "We saw you going in the opposite direction."

"Yeah, I need time to cool off. See you guys later." I said while walking past them. "Are you sure about going in that direction? Apparently, there's some strange guy hanging around." Taki said. "Whatever man." I waved. Part of me wishes I looked back at them. I didn't know that our time was limited, that I would never get to see them again.

I walked into the alley, I didn't anyone would come bother me there. I sat on some stairs and sighed. I really needed to catch up on my sleep, this wasn't like me. But I knew if I closed my eyes, I would have the same dreams again. "Is it some kind of sleeping disorder?" I wondered out loud.

"There's an easier solution." The voice startled me and I stood up. There wasn't anyone there, am I hallucinating again? "I'm over here." This time the voice came from behind me so I took a step down and turned around. The man I saw was very strange from his appearance. His hair was so white and he wore some sort of robes you wouldn't find anyone wearing in this age.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable, there's something off about him. I couldn't describe the feeling, but he felt fake, if I could say. "Hello there, Shinya. We finally meet." The man smiled. "Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"You need to come with me, Member of the Seven."


No fair. How come this guy gets a cool intro? I'm filing a complaint. Remi's mouth was wide open. "You're making a really stupid facial right now." I whispered to her. "Shut up." She replied. "Um, let's see. Remi. Arthur." He said pointing at us in turn, "So you are real." That took me aback for a second, why did he know our names? I understood the fact that he was one of us but wasn't he a little bit too well informed? Maybe I'm the only ignorant one. Not only that, he managed to take on that shadow creature with an ability.

"It looks like our search is over." Remi said. We fell into an awkward silence with all of us simply standing there. He came in so unexpectedly that it ruined the entire speech I planned on giving him. I sighed, "I don't think we need to explain anything…..but what's your name?"

"Kaito, no last name."

"What kind of name is Kaito No-last-name?" Remi smacked me. "Ouch." Kaito tilted his head to the side. "I don't see the others with you, the ones I saw in my dream." Remi and I shared a look. "What?" He already knows how the others look like. "Yes, I mean Shinya and the others." He probably deduced our answer from our facial expressions. "I see." He looked deep in thought for a second before turning to us again. "So where are we going?"

Kaito was a mysterious guy. He didn't tell us much about himself just that he developed his powers at a young age. Some days ago he started seeing visions of us and concluded that we were heroes like him. Kaito was an orphan, well I guess we have that in common. Apparently, he could decay things he touched as long as they were weaker than him. This is big, I thought to myself.

Remi stopped to take a glance at me. But I already knew what she was going to say, she thought I was the special one according to Alabaster. I was supposed to be some kind of leader but I didn't even know my ability. Well, none of that mattered to me. I didn't want to be some sort of hero, I wasn't that good a person. What I wanted was the head of the murderer of my parents. That was the only reason I went along with this charade. Once all this was over, I would take Usagi and go live in a quiet place. I clenched my fists, all I needed was his head.

We didn't find Alabaster when we returned to the mansion. He didn't show up for the next three days either. That meant the only company I had was Remi and Kaito who both had decided to stay in their rooms. It was finally Friday and I was bored out of my mind. I threw the softball at the wall for the 99th time and waited for it to bounce back.

Usagi was still asleep. I was getting worried but she still looked healthy and peaceful. Alabaster sure was taking his time. I clicked my tongue. "How annoying." My mind was already made up, I didn't want Usagi to remember those painful memories. It was better for me to bear them alone. I couldn't help but remember the day my parents brought Usagi home.

"What?!! I have a little sister!!" My eight year old self exclaimed. "That's right Arthur, so make sure you protect her." My dad said kneeling down so we could see eye-to-eye. My dad and I looked alike, like me, he had blonde hair and emerald eyes. He took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom. My mother was sitting buy the balcony outside the room; she was wearing a white robe and cradling a baby in her arms. I hid behind my dad's leg. He smiled down at me and gave me a small push forward. I moved closer and put my hands on my mom's laps. "Her name is Usagi." Mom said. Usagi looked at me with bright eyes and reached out to me. "Mom, can I?" I held her in my arms until she fell asleep. "Dad," I said looking at him, "I want to be a cool big brother Usagi looks up to."

"You've been staring at the wall for quite some time now." I expected to find Remi leaning by the wall but was mistaken. "Oh, it's you." I threw my ball at the wall again watching it bounce off. "Yes, it's me or you could call me by my name." Kaito said making himself comfortable by jumping on my bed. "Please, make yourself comfortable." I said while rolling my eyes. Why is he here after staying in his room for so long?

"Don't worry, I'll tell you the reason why I'm here." He said catching the ball. Did he read my mind or something? "No, I didn't read your mind." He threw the ball back at me as I looked at him suspiciously. I don't feel all that comfortable being in the same room as this guy. "Your face gave it all away." I seriously have to work on my blank expression. "Okay then, say what you want to say so we can get it over with." I said.

"From my understanding, you were having strange dreams too, right?" I nodded in response and Kaito continued. "Then did you see him too? The guy with long black hair? He said his name was Jun….but he's different from us." I sighed and put my head in my hands. "Sorry, but I can't help you. Sure, I have those dreams too…..but I can never remember them." It seemed like there was another thing that I didn't know how to do.

"I was hoping we could come to an understanding." Kaito mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I said.


I don't know what came over me in that moment but it was just a nagging feeling I had. "Hey, Kaito. Don't tell Alabaster about that when you meet him." He looked surprised for minute but saw how serious I was. He simply nodded and before I could blink , he was already by the door.

I sighed. Nice going Arthur, you just had to plant suspicion in one of your comrades. But what he said caught my attention. I don't think I've ever met a person in any of my dreams, it felt like a story was being narrated to me though I could never remember the story. I doubted that Alabaster knew about it and for some reason I wanted to keep it that way. The bedroom door opened again. "Kaito if you're here-

I stopped mid sentence. "Oh, Remi. What's up?"

"Alabaster is back."