
THE NEXT MORNING Saturday....07:24am

Harry got up from the bed and took a bubble bath and brushed his teeth. He blow dried his har and wore a red hoodie and a pair of cargo shorts with black slides


Jacob just got up from bed and he entered his shower and took a bath and brushed his teeth, he wore a black T-shirt and a black Jean with a pair of white socks. He went downstairs and he saw his mom making breakfast while Amanda was on the table eating an apple

Isabella: Morning honey....did you sleep well?

Jacob: yea I did, mom

Isabella: You're just in time for breakfast ( she said with a smile).And so she served Jacob and Amanda pancakes for breakfast. When they were done with breakfast, Amanda when back and put on her headset and started listening to "On my way" by Jennifer Lopez. The doorbell rang and Jacob was helping his mom do the dishes so he told Amanda to get the door but she couldn't hear him because of her headsets. So he picked up a towel and threw it at her to get her attention

Amanda: Hey! What's your problem

Jacob: Could you get the door please?

Amanda stood up and got the door, when she opened the door she saw Harry's face. Harry looked at Amy who was wearing a long sleeve pink T-shirt and a fitted black jean and a pair of white socks

Harry: Uhmm... is Jacob in?

Amanda: yea

Harry: okay so...can I come in?

Amanda: ohh... yea sure...sorry

Harry entered their house and Jacob just finished the dishes and his clothes were all wet. He told Harry to wait for him while he goes to change and he went upstairs while Amanda was chatting with Amelia over the phone, Harry stared uncontrollably at her

Harry: So uhm.. Jacob's sister huh?

Amanda:(takes a pause at what she's doing) yeah?

Harry: Right so...uhmm..

Amanda it's Amanda?

Harry: Right... Amanda, how old are you?

Amanda: 19...you?

Harry: Same age

Amanda: Alright

Harry: Do you have a boyfriend?

Amanda: No, why?

Harry: Well I think a beautiful girl like you obviously needs one

Amanda: (smiles) Thanks but I rather stay the way I am

Jacob comes downstairs all changed. He wore a blue shirt and black shorts with black Nike slides

Jacob: Alright, are you ready to head out?

Harry: To where exactly?

Jacob: All I can say is that we're going places!

Harry: Alright...no problem

Jacob:( Turns and looks at Amanda) Hey, Amanda

Amanda: (stops what she's doing and looks up) what?

Jacob: If mom asks about me pls tell her I went out with Harry

Amanda: sure, whatever

The two boys left and began talking and walking on the road until harry begins asking him question

Harry: Dude, your sister is extremely beautiful, you know that right?

Jacob: I don't know what you guys all see in that girl...but you're clearly not the first guy to tell me that

Harry: Wait... really? Am not?

Jacob: Yea, Jimmy said it, Dylan said it, Austin too and like 10 more guys I guess

Harry: Jesus Christ!... then she really much be beautiful

Jacob: And all the guys I've mentioned all liked her but she turned each and everyone down well except Jimmy

Harry: Why just jimmy

Jacob: That's because he hasn't told her yet

Harry: Jimmy likes Amanda?!

Jacob: Yup

Harry: why does she turn down boys who show Interest in her...she isn't gay is she?

Jacob: of course not! Look...maybe she may have her reasons for doing so

Harry: so she hasn't dated any guy?

Jacob: well she has, like 5 I guess

Harry: so why then did she reject the ones that came after her

Jacob: Because she just wants a guy that will understand her. She doesn't want the type of guy that'll shower her with money or make her his side chick or something and she doesn't want a pervert...she hates perverts like literally!

Harry: Hmm...so that's why she hasn't dated yet.

Jacob: Yes, exactly

Harry: But she has only dated five guys?

Jacob: yes cuz they understood her well

Harry keeps calm for a bit until he asks Jacob

Harry: So do you like any girl?

Jacob: Nah

Harry: why? you're good looking

Jacob: Nah, I'd rather pass...what 'bout you?

Harry: uhh...no one

Jacob: Lies

Harry: I'm serious bro...no one

Jacob: Harry, stop lying

Harry: I'm not

Jacob: Harry!

Harry: what?!

Jacob: ( looks over at him) tell me the truth I promise not to spill

Harry: you promise?

Jacob: sure

Harry:(sighs) it's Amanda

Jacob: I knew it....imma tell her

Harry: you promised you wouldn't

Jacob: I have to

Harry: No!

Jacob: why?

Harry: cuz I don't wanna get rejected okay?

Jacob: Fine , fine I won't say shit...but you have to tell her yourself

Harry: I know...in due time

The two guys continue talking and walking on the streets. They reached a food truck and decide to get food. Harry got a burrito while Jacob got a veggie burger and a vanilla smoothie. They began walking on the side walks and later sat on a bench and ate their food


Amanda's mom came in and asked for Jacob

Amanda: He's out with a friend

Isabella: Alright honey, tell him to clean up when he's back

Amanda: okay mom

She leaves her daughter, later on the food Amanda ordered arrived. She raced to the door and took the guy and tipped him before he left. She ate and ate and was stuffed.

Back at the street, harry and Jacob went to an amusement park and rode rollercoasters

and many other rides. They got some cotton candy and won some games and they were given stuffed bears. Jacob's bear was a panda bear while Harry's bear was a polar bear. Finally they decided to go home. Harry got to his apartment and kept all his stuff on the couch. He went ahead to microwave some chinese food and began slurping down on it...until he heard a knock at the door.

Harry: I'm coming!

He opens the door and sees no one

Harry: huh?

He was about going inside when his toe hit a cartoon box

Harry: what the....

He looks at it and picked it up and when inside

He kept it on the center table. He picked up the chinese food and kept eating while mysteriously looking at the box. He saw a little card on top the box. There was a writing on it...it said

"I am Leon Maximus, the co founder of the public health society...you might be wondering why I sent you this package...well it's because I'm offering you a Job or rather a mission. I need you to help me get the lost treasure...I know you might ask what is in for you well if you help me I'll reward you with a million dollars, if you're able to find it and bring it to me that is...."

Harry was in total shock and started thinking of what to do

Harry: Maybe I should just open the box and see what's inside

He opened it and there were puzzle pieces that needed to be solved



Jacob was upstairs when he heard a knock at the door. He hurried down to check but didn't see anyone...what he could only see what the same box that was given to Harry.

He picked it up and went in. He saw a letter on the box and it said the same thing as Harry's

Jacob: Uhh.. Amanda

Amanda: yeah?

Jacob: Did you order anything

Amanda: no?

Jacob: Then who did?

He slowly opened up the box and saw that there were puzzle pieces that needed to be solved

Jacob: Amanda?

Amanda: Yes Jacob?

Jacob: come here real quick

Amanda: ugh! what!

Jacob: look.... ( as he points into the box)

Amanda: why are there puzzle pieces in a box?

Jacob: I don't know I heard a knock but when I got to the door there wasn't anyone there and all that was there was just this box

Amanda: And you brought it in? what if it's a wrong package? does it have any tag or something to show who it belongs to?

Jacob: No, nothing

Amanda: Hmm...that's weird

Jacob: Look and it came with this ( he gives her the letter)

" I am Leon Maximus, the co founder of public health society....." and she reads it till the end

Amanda: so thus Maximus guy wants you to find a lost treasure

Jacob: Not me? Us!

Amanda: Us?! there's no "us" in this situation Mr

Jacob: come on please...I need you to come with me

Amanda: why?

Jacob: Because you're my sister and you love me? and it's an adventure...come on plss!

Amanda:( sighs) I'll come but I don't love you

Jacob: Thank you!

Amanda: but first we need to arrange the puzzles

Jacob: How it's too complex

Amanda: call that friend of yours... what's his name again?

Jacob: Harry?

Amanda: yea him...maybe he could help

Jacob get his phone and calls harry, harry picks up

Jacob: hey, Harry I need a help with something

Harry: sorry but I'm kinda busy with something

Jacob: Doing what exactly

Harry: trying to solve a damn puzzle..... shit! no this piece doesn't go here....it goes here? noo it's all wrong...

Jacob: Really? cuz I also need help with a puzzle...A weird box just popped up at my front door and now there are puzzles I need to fix

Harry: Wait really? did the box come with a letter?

Jacob: yea from this guys called...

And they said in unison

Harry and Jacob: Leon Maximus!

Harry: wow...this is really weird

Jacob: Yea no kidding...so have you solved the puzzles yet?

Harry: Almost there just need some more clues

Jacob looks down at the puzzles and tries to fix them.."roses are red , violets are blue... what's the city with a lost treasure"

Jacob: Harry...you still there?

Harry: yea

Jacob: what's the city with a lost treasure....it's Belgium

Jacob tries to fix the puzzle....

Jacob: Didn't work

Harry: Then I don't know

Amanda: It's rayo

Jacob inputted it and the clock in the box clocked 1:30



Jacob: Harry the answer is rayo

Harry: Rayo? alright then

Harry did same and the clock reached 1:30

Jacob: okay another riddle has come up. it says" what animal comes in pack to kill"

Harry: Uhm...lions?

Jacob inputs it and the clock changed from 1:30 to 3:54pm same as Harry's clock

Harry: it says here "by what time did the legend juice wrld get killed" ugh ...this one should be tough I never really liked juice wrld

Jacob: okay, the lyrics said" it's a twenty seven clock oh oh oh he didn't make it passed 21" okay twenty seven clock that's uhmm...3am? turn the hands of the clock to 3am

The two boys did it and the puzzle opened up and the see a red but that said"Go". The two boys slam the button and a projector comes up and projects a map. They were both amazed of what they saw. Amanda grabs her phone and takes pictures of the map

Jacob: I take it that this map leads to this treasure?

Harry: yeaa, but isn't it lost?

Jacob: yes but it can still be found..

immediately harry gets a text from a gurl names Iris about a list treasure and he also gets a text from Dylan who also reports the same thing and he change the call setting from voice call to Facetime...he added iris and Dylan... Dylan added jimmy too cuz jimmy had the same info

Dylan: so y'all received a puzzle

Jacob: yup

Iris: sure

Jimmy: yh

Harry: uh-huh

Amanda is seated besides Jacob who's also in the call

Jimmy: oh, Amanda you're here

Amanda: yes jimmy I am...( she says coldly)

Dylan: so what's going to happen now

Jimmy: well we just have to follow the directions on the map

Iris: yeaa so when do we start

Harry: we start tomorrow...it's already late

Jimmy: and who are you to tell us that

Dylan: Jimmy, must you make a fuss out of everything

Jacob: yea bro what exactly is wrong with you

Amanda: Jimmy why would you say something like that...

Jimmy: I'm sorry Amanda

Amanda: don't apologize to me, apologize to him( she points at Harry)

Jimmy: Sorry Harry I didn't mean to...

Jacob: okay, uhm I'll have to end this call now

Jacob ends the call and goes to meet Amanda who walked away earlier

Jacob: Hey Amanda

Amanda: yea?

Jacob: You mad at Jimmy?

Amanda: No, I can't be mad at Jimmy he's not relevant

Jacob: okay, well he likes you

Amanda: (looks up at Jacob) who told you that?

Jacob: Jimmy did and he wants to ask you out too

Amanda: oh, no no no....not gonna happen okay?( she keeps a weird facial expression)

Jacob laughed at her facial expression

Amanda: Then I guess I have to do what I do best

Jacob: And that is?

Amanda: I'll turn him down of course

Jacob: why?

Amanda: Because Jacob, I don't like him!

Jacob: You never like anybody Amanda....so then who do you like

Amanda: I've told you time without number nobody....period

Jacob: But if you were to date someone, who would you date?

Amanda: Nobody obviously

Jacob: So you wouldn't even date harry?

Amanda: No

Jacob: And why?

Amanda: Because I barely know him

Jacob: But if you were to know him better would you?

Amanda: still no

Jacob: And what if I told you that he likes you? hm?

Amanda: He doesn't...

Jacob: True, I'm just joking

Amanda: Hmm...

Jacob: what?! I'm joking okay?

Amanda: Hm... alright

Jacob: Night, Amy

Amanda: Night, Jay

Jacob leaves her room and goes to his and sleeps off