


Harry gets up from the bed, and proceeds to have a shower. After that he blow dried his hair, but he wasn't putting on his shirt, he was only putting on a black jean. His chest and abs were visible. His door bell rings and he goes to open it and he sees Jacob and Amanda, when he saw Amanda he was really shy then he welcomed them in

Jacob: You're jacked

Harry: I know

Harry goes to wear a black singlet and a pair of black slides. He looked at Amanda who was casually on her phone, she didn't care to look back

Harry: so why are you guys here

Jacob: Because of that treasure hunt thing?

Harry: oh, right...I kinda forgot

Jacob: so are we going now or...

Harry: Yea let's go

They all left the apartment, meanwhile Amanda was still busy with her phone

Harry: ( whispers to Jacob) Is she always like this?

Jacob: Yes...all the time..why?

Harry: Oh.. never mind

They finally reached Iris's house and they called her down by throwing a rock at her window. She looked out the window and saw Jacob, Harry and the girl she saw on the video call last night. She came downstairs and left her house. Iris had dark long hair and dark eyes, she was putting on an white t-shirt with fitted black jean and black sneakers

Jacob: Hey, Iris how are you?

Harry: yea how have you been it's been a long time tho

Iris: Oh, I'm good I was just outta town for a while....uhm who is she( points over to Amanda)

Jacob: My sister

Iris: oh really? she looks alot like you and she's pretty too

Jacob: yup...she's my identical twin

Iris: you had a twin and you didn't tell me? what's her name

Jacob: Amanda but I call her Amy

Iris looks over to Amanda and puts her hand over her shoulder

Iris: Hey there Amy

Amanda: Uhhh hey.....(To Jacob) uhhh who is she?

Jacob: That's Iris...we met back at high school

Amanda: Ohh... right

Iris then turned her direction to Amanda

Iris: You know your cute right?

Amanda: (Smiles) Yeah I know and people keep telling me that