
The Lost Tales of Sinners

Short stories of a young man discovering about his dormant lust. No story had any kind of connection with the other.

Fethmelle · ファンタジー
215 Chs

You saw mine, so I can see yours...

For a moment, Albart's crossbreed was still. Your mind desperately trying to process what you just heard. No matter how hard he tried, he just kept shorting out like a computer that just had a bucket of water soaked. Unable to calculate the order - no, more like a demand - for the blonde with short hair.

Certainly, there was no way he had heard right ... He had to have heard wrong and imagined her saying that ...

"There is?" It was all that came out of the boy dumbfounded. Her mind was confused, hoping that what she had heard was just her imagination.

Kyouka's face remained as red as a freshly grown tomato. Her embarrassment peaked with his stupid answer, while her eyes briefly shifted to his groin again before going back to meet his eyes. "Yo-you heard me! II want to see ... II want to see your penis!" She stammered a little louder than she intended.

With her confirmation that it was indeed what he had heard, Nokiaki's brain promptly malfunctioned and shut down before restarting. Then it shut down again shortly thereafter, before slowly restarting a second time after a few seconds.

When her mental faculties finally returned to normal, with no risk of impending malfunction again, Nokiaki then fully processed what she said to him. What she wanted in exchange for that setback with him entering the school greenhouse and accidentally seeing her relieve herself.

And he still couldn't believe she had just said that, even then ...

The boy felt his cheeks go almost as red as her face. "W-are you sure about that? W-isn't there anything else you can ask me to make up for?" He stammered. Given the treatment she gave the other boys, he wouldn't be surprised and, honestly, he expected something like her asking to hit him to make up for it. Use it as your own punching bag until she is satisfied. This he could have dealt with, as he could easily harden his skin just a little bit so that it wouldn't do any real damage, and then he would pretend that she was really hurting him to make her feel better. This was easily done.

Hell, he would even be willing to leave his skin compared to that of a normal human so that she could genuinely kick the shit out of him, if necessary. He would heal very quickly anyway, and there would be no "crime" on his back. He had seen how violent she could be, after all. Retribution like that he could understand and see coming.

However, this? Seeing your penis? Did he find his way to one of the erotic manga or something?

"I do not want anything else." She bit her lip anxiously. "Y-you saw my private parts ... Y-so it's only natural that I should see yours back ..."

Nokiaki shrank visibly. To be fair, in a way that would be a fair exchange. The old saying "you saw mine, so I can see yours" was in full force. Okay, it was all kind of wrong, hence her shudder, but the logic behind it was solid.

I mean, of course, he had been totally naked many times in the mountains during bath time in the bathtub, where his little brother and mother had seen his penis several times. But that was the thing ... it was comfortable to do that around them, since they were a family. There was nothing strange about that.

But here? In front of a girl he recently met, and barely knew anything but her name? You can also increase the strangeness from zero to eleven in the blink of an eye.

Pushing the bathroom door with her hand outstretched, Kyouka managed to force her to blush and look him in the eye with an immobile look. Biting the embarrassed stutter that threatened to surface. "We're doing this. You're here with me now, so you might as well go ahead. It can't be more embarrassing than what you put me through." With that said, she came in the door.

Honestly, what was his problem? He saw her pee and all she wanted to do was see her genitals in return. It's not like she asked him to pee in front of her to be quiet, as she initially thought about doing. He was the one who was wrong and she made him pay for it! Clear and simple!

So why did she feel so strange inside ...?

Letting out a low moan of defeat, seeing that she was determined to do so and would take no further revenge, he reluctantly followed her.

Once inside, the door closed behind him when he entered the locker room. She kept walking, however, and he followed her tense when she opened the door that led to the bath area itself and stepped to the side, waving him in first.

"A-are you absolutely sure that there's nothing else I can do to show that I'm sorry?" Once again, he stammered. He had to be sure, hoping inwardly that she would change her mind, even when they were so close. He had a feeling that once he got there, there was no going back.

"No, there is not." She cut it off. His tone became worse. "Stop trying to get out of this! Y-you saw mine, so now I can see yours!"

Well, that solved it then. Nokiaki groaned inwardly, this school was really becoming more of a madhouse the longer he stayed here. "Okay ..." He came in shaking his head. Entering the bath area that smelled of perfume and shampoo. The door closed behind him not a second later.

When he turned to face her, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck nervously, he had to ask. "Y-so uhh, this is going to be quick, right? You just need to see and then we're done, right?"

She met his gaze with narrowed eyes. Lips curving down in a frown. "No. You won't be leaving until I'm satisfied. I'll tell you when you can keep it." He saw her pee, after all. It was only right that she could see her genitals for herself as long as she needed to.

Everything to get revenge, of course.

"Oh come on! ... Is she for real ...? Until she is satisfied? How long will this take ...?" He groaned inside. Was that really necessary? It was just a penis. YOUR PENIS. He doubted there was anything special about him compared to any other guy, so why would she need to look at him for a long period of time?

This was ridiculously bizarre. All he wanted when he came to this school was a relatively normal experience at school, like any other boy. Maybe learn some things he didn't know yet, make some friends and maybe get a girlfriend at some point, to see what it was like to be in a relationship. What did he get instead? Five boys who join him who were depraved perverts at a comic level, a school that had an underground dungeon that belonged to the school run by, which he was sure was at least a somewhat sadistic senior woman, staying with him until the others get out of prison. Watching how the boys somehow enjoyed being whipped and beaten by the busty girl. He had accidentally found Kyouka urinating in the greenhouse, and now, he was about to show off in front of the girl, as it was according to the blonde, "the only way to make it up to her".

How long has he been here again? Less than a week? And it all happened, in just a few days here ...

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kyouka asked, pulling him out of his thoughts when she bent her knees and crouched at eye level with his groin. Her face was only inches away from him now, as she propped her elbows on her bent legs, placed her palms under her chin, fingers resting on her cheeks as she looked expectantly at her prey.

Norkiaki felt his face contort with a grimace when he looked at her. "Am I really doing this now? This is absurd ..." Could it be that it was just a dream? No. He knew it wasn't. This was something Roshi would have dreamed of, not him. He would never have a dream like this. This was irrefutably real, however much he wished it were not.

He knew now that it would be a long time before anyone else came around, which meant that when she said she would let him go when he was satisfied, it might take too long ...

He could always just get out of here and now, and say screw it. However, something told him that if he did this and denied Kyouka here, she would chase him relentlessly until he inevitably showed it to her. He had seen that look in his eyes when he tried to see if there was anything else he could do. She was adamant about it, and he had seen that look in his own mother before.

Not for something like that, obviously. But whenever she got that look, she didn't rest until everything she was planning to do was done and she got what she wanted. Be it the easiest way or the hardest way.

Which meant that unless he wanted Kyouka to constantly breathe on his neck to see his family's jewelry, he would have to show her here and now, and accept her terms to avoid such madness.

Oh Kami, this was going to be weird as hell ...

At the very least, as she said, they were alone and no one else would see. This did not make the situation any less ridiculous and strangely obscene, but it did offer privacy. Whatever happened here, stayed here.

Bringing his hands to the front of his pants, one holding the zipper and the other the hem of his pants, Nokiaki let out a breath. "I can't believe I'm really doing this right now ..."

Slowly, he pulled the zipper down, and before long, his pants dropped to his ankles, leaving the only thing that covered his manhood being his black underwear. Nokiaki closed his eyes for a second, just to suppress the strange and bizarre feeling in his stomach from actually doing this.

If he had kept his eyes open, he would have seen Kyouka swallow a ball in his throat in anticipation, while waiting for the final obstacle to be removed. The strange sensation inside her grew, as her eyes focused on the bulge in the center of his pelvis.

When Nokiaki reopened his eyes and grabbed the sides of his underwear, he took one last look at the girl before exposing himself, seeing her intrude on his bound masculinity with a little too much interest, to be honest. He shook his head at the thought, since it wouldn't do him any good. Furthermore, he saw no real depravity in his eyes, as he saw the boys. It was more of a peculiar and innocent interest than anything else.

And yet, somehow ... he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else lurking behind that overly focused and innocent look. Something that made him think of another red flag in this situation.

"I'm going to get this over with, and when we're done here, I'm going to leave and forget that it happened ..." Putting his discomfort aside, he prepared himself as best he could for what came next.

The grip on the sides of his underwear increased, and with a last breath to prepare, he gave a good pull down. The pitch-black material reached his ankles next to his pants not even a second later.

Freed from her limits, Kyouka had to tilt her head away to avoid contact, when she was introduced to the organ she wanted to see. The sexual organ swaying before her. The blonde's eyes focused like a hawk's when his head came dangerously close to her chin, even though she leaned back just a few inches, the flabby phallus about six inches long. Her cheeks darkened as she wandered over him with her gaze, that peculiar sensation inside her bubbling up and making her feel a strange heat in her core.

"Y-so this is what a penis looks like ..." She thought to herself, her lips trembling a little while she felt like her face had caught fire. With the proximity of her proximity, her nose was able to smell the strange, musky scent it gave off, which for a reason she was unable to discern made the strange sensation inside her intensify. Strangely, making his mouth water, and a peculiar warmth began to form near his groin while his nose wrinkled. Feeling a stronger smell of the organ odor.

In all honesty, despite how excited she was about it, Kyouka had obviously never seen a man's penis before. Sure, she knew about the male genitalia of biology class, but the most she had ever seen in a book was an outline that outlined the different parts. Innocently, even then, she always wondered what his physical appearance would be like and what it would be like for her to see him in person.

Now, she was finally having that opportunity, because she was right in front of her. To be honest, she didn't know what she was feeling right now. The reaction her body was having now was something she had never felt before. And it only grew the more she scanned the boy's penis.

At this point, Nokiaki could not stand the strong lust she was giving her manhood, so she turned her head up and fixed her eyes on the ceiling. The strange feeling that he had become so potent when he saw her look with what he believed to be very interesting for even the moment, that he had to look away. Kami, this was even more difficult than he expected. If it lasted for a while, he needed something to get his mind off this madness while he waited for this madness to end.

And it was then that he remembered something AdAstra had taught him years ago, about how to numb his senses to the outside world. It was something that his longtime friend and teacher had developed and often used during meditation to meditate in peace, without being disturbed by outside influences ... Or when there was a lot of noise around him, or someone was bothering him and trying to call his attention through physical contact. Usually nudging him until he was agitated enough to stop what he was doing and look at them, usually angry at what he said to him.

If he remembered well, it involved focusing a little bit of his Ki inside the body, specifically around the brain, almost as if you were putting a blanket over him and using it to focus on the parts of the brain that control the senses, and numb reduce them to what you wish, given enough practice in this state. From there, it was easy to leave her mind blank, as her emotions had much less force on her and allowed her body to relax away from any negative feelings. Most predominantly stress.

You didn't even need to be meditating to do that, if he remembered it well. Just have adequate control over your Ki and be aware of what you are doing.

The only downside, according to the Stoic Eldorakian, is that you cannot completely block your senses, and if a feeling caused by a disturbance is strong enough, the technique will fail completely. In addition, adding to that, although he may be able to numb them, it did not happen his body would still not be susceptible to external stimuli as normal.

This weakness did not concern him. It was not as if things were going to escalate further than the absurd given the current situation. Also, given how close she was, he would still be able to hear her when she said it was over, even if it sounded like a whisper at best.

Mind made, closing his eyes once again, Nokiaki let a breath open through his lips as he focused his Ki internally, and did exactly as AdAstra had instructed. With his Ki molding around his brain, the boy could already feel his senses and, by proxy, the strange sensation in his gut of being exposed considerably numb. "Now, all that remains is to wait until she is satisfied ..." He thought with an inner sigh, now more and more calm, as the technique took effect. Dulling your senses as much as you could, and letting your mind sit and wait in relative peace for this to end.

While Albart's half-breed did this, Kyouka's wandering gaze finally fell and focused on the head of his manhood. His eyes blinked for the first time since he whipped his cock for her to see.

"Wait ..." Tilting your head a little more to get a better look. Your face is now just inches away from the top. "The head ... E-looks like a mushroom ..." She thought with growing curiosity, confused by the same mysterious sensation that now made her feel tingling inside. She cast a quick look at Nokiaki and saw that her head was tilted towards the ceiling with her eyes closed. "He's not paying attention ..." She noticed, seeing that he seemed to be in his own little world at the moment, given the distant look she could see on his face.

Surely, he wouldn't mind if she moved him around to get a better look, right? After all, that should make them even, and all she would do was hold it up to get a proper view of everything ... Yes ... there was nothing wrong with that. She just needed a better view, and that was the best way to do that. That simple.

With this rationalization in print, his eyes went back to his bulbous head, while his hands left his face. Leaving his left arm crossed on his lap, Kyouka tilted his head back a little while slowly moving his other arm, his hand coming close to the hanging shaft, his fingertips close to brushing the surface of the foreskin. After a brief moment of hesitation, her fingers timidly encircled the upper half of his penis and curled up to hold it lightly, before lifting it up to where the head pointed right between her eyes.

Ignoring how she was starting to feel a little dizzy holding a boy's penis, even if it was just to get a better view of the head, she quickly remembered, Kyouka's eyes looked over her head. Her cheeks burned like a furnace, despite her best efforts to calm down. A drop of sweat appeared on his temple as his lips pursed nervously. "S-it really looks like a mushroom ..." The only real difference was the slit at the top. Other than that, it was identical in shape and appearance to some of the mushrooms she picked up in her parents' garden around the house when she was younger.

That should have been the end of it. She got her answer and was right about the peculiar shape of her little head. She could go back now, with her curiosity sated, there was no reason to hold on anymore ...

But she didn't ... Instead, she stayed in place, with the stem in her hand, and her mushroom-shaped head looking back up and reflected in her brown pools, causing a very dangerous thought in her mind as to the more she looked back.

"I ... I wonder if it tastes like a mushroom ..." It was a thought she really shouldn't have entertained. A thought she should have crushed as soon as it popped into her head, leaving him to die in the back of her mind.

And yet it persisted. Refusing to leave, even when she tried to make it go away. The feeling of dizziness practically tripled, while the thought continued to rot in his mind. Kyouka bit her lower lip when she felt a shiver, although not because it was cold. Quite the contrary, in fact, she was feeling even hotter now. That bizarre sensation of diffuse heat in your core reaching higher and higher.

"W-well, we're alone ... e-and he didn't react when I grabbed ..." No matter how much he had an impartial look, there was no way he couldn't feel her grabbing. No matter how out of it she might have been, if she had been in his position, she would definitely have felt someone touch her private parts, and would have reacted now, being against that kind of contact. However, he did not react at all. He has let her do this until now without complaint. Didn't that mean he was okay with that? If he ever let her touch his penis, and remained silent, not so much as blinking, or even an inclination of protest ... that meant he was silently giving his consent ...

Yes ... it made sense. After all, he was a boy. He was probably secretly enjoying having a girl hold his dick like that. This would not surprise her, considering how the other boys acted. He was probably as perverted as they were, but he was smart enough to hide his perversion, unlike the other five who became his prisoners.

But then what did that make you? She was doing everything on her own accord, without being forced or requested. She should just look at his penis as long as she needed it, and yet here she was, with that penis in her hand, now wondering if she should feel her head simply out of impulsive curiosity to know whether or not she felt like a mushroom ...

At least ... that's what she told herself ... because there couldn't be any other reason to want to touch and feel that bulbous head ... she just couldn't.

It wasn't like she was a pervert herself. No, she couldn't be ... that would be absurd. Only guys can be filthy perverts. There was no way she could be depraved like that. She was just curious, that's all. The growing warmth in his core, the dizziness, his breathing now strangely heavier to accompany his flushed cheeks were just signs of embarrassment and nausea. After all, she was holding a filthy boy's penis, it was understandable. And the tingling sensation in your groins? Well, she probably just needed to pee, that's all. She certainly couldn't think of any other reason to feel that.

So what if she went to the bathroom and relieved herself less than half an hour ago? There was probably still a little pee that hadn't come out yet. Yes, that had to be it. She would go to the bathroom and let it escape when she was finished here.

With her rationalizations now in place, she let any other thought rest, armed with the belief that he had given his consent, she finally gave in to her impulsive thought. Letting her guide her when her thumb came first and pressed the bottom of the small purple head, just above the bottom edge. The finger continually rubbing its way to the surface, almost reaching the tip and brushing the edge of the small gap at the top, before tracing its way back down.

"And it seems to me one too ..." She thought with mild fascination, among her other emotions at the moment, while her thumb continued. Tracing its way up and down the head of the mushroom, while Kyouka unconsciously gripped the stem with a little more force and raised his hand so that the side of his index finger rested against the lower edge of the head. She noticed that the head began to squirm under her thumb, and she felt the shaft in her reach tighten.

"W-you're reacting to what I'm doing ..." Strangely, she didn't let that stop her. "W-it's probably as I suspected, that he's secretly enjoying it ..." That's what she said to herself, as her thumb pressed harder on the purple head, and her index finger started poking the bottom edge .

"W-wait ... is it ... getting bigger ...!?" With eyes wide, almost out of their sockets, Kyouka's mouth opened in surprise, because in fact, Nokiaki's penis grew in his hand . The head at the mercy of his thumb and finger began to squirm more animatedly when his penis got bigger. Slowly, but eventually becoming as hard as a stick in your hands as its size increased from the first six inches to a colossal ten-inch monstrosity! His fingers, which had previously gripped easily, now struggled to do so, eventually being separated when the shaft widened to the point that his curved fingers were inches away from his palm as his flesh shaft passed little more than a foot. inch wide for a shocking two and a half inches! The entire mass, now intimidating, visibly contracting inside your hand. Veins starting to appear through the huge steed that, for some reason, Kyouka couldn't help but gap with admiration, when his penis became fully erect. Currently unknown to its owner.

"W-what!? It's so big ...!" Closing her mouth open with some effort, the blonde swallowed a particularly strong lump in her throat. His features were flushed with a few extra drops of sweat running down his temple and cheeks. "M-My hand doesn't even fit around him now ... Should-the penis be that big? ... or is he just very well endowed ...?" The latter would not have been surprising to her, considering that her body under the uniform was built like an adonis.

She should have been disgusted with herself for asking such an obscene question, and even more disgusted for dealing with one of the boys' filthy penises, and she was clearly enjoying the attention.

And yet ... she was not. This revelation scared her. Why ... why didn't she feel disgust ...? W-why was she still holding his penis now erect ...? Why did she feel so hot now? Certainly, the bathroom was not so stuffy ...

Not to mention that smell ... why did the musky smell that Nokiaki's huge penis gave off get stronger ... enough to make her nose twist while she inhaled a strong smell from him, making her eyes glaze for a second . Why did it smell so ... so ...

Intoxicating ...

Then, right before Kyouka's eyes, the mushroom-shaped head that his thumb was still stroking up to that point, swelled slightly, the crack opening slightly as something slowly trickled to the surface.

"H-is he starting to pee ...?", Kyouka asked herself with surprise, almost backing away as if she had been scalded until she saw the color rising from the tip. The white liquid falling over the surface of the purple head, right in the direction of his thumb.

"No ... it can't be ..." Pee was yellow or light. He was definitely not white. The urine was also not sticky. As long as the little bubble that dripped from the tip was, she could tell, when she made contact with her thumb. "W-what is that ...?" It looked like milk, but it felt strangely slimy on his thumb, as more began to trickle over his skin.

Judging by what she could see, it was clear that he had been persuaded by her care, which was undoubtedly encouraging him, no matter how much she didn't want to think about it. It was like a girl's nipples, that if stimulated enough, breast milk would come out. The substance that was coming out had a milky appearance ...

Bringing her other hand to grab around the huge python closest to the base to hold it upright, she removed the other hand while bringing the sticky finger with her slimy goo to her eyes. Your index finger curiously pressing before separating. The goo expanding before her eyes as it stretched out, becoming a thin line connecting the two that began to loosen and oscillate as her finger and thumb became, before she brought her fingers together again with a light rub. "It's sticky ..."

Kyouka had a feeling that she knew what these things really were and that she should be disgusted by it, but honestly she couldn't quite define what it was at the moment. If she had heard about it during her brief human biology classes that focused on the man when she was younger, or from somewhere else, then she couldn't remember now. His mind was getting a little confused to remember any details.

While she examined the viscous liquid more than it really should, she ended up smelling a strong smell of it, as she did to the organ from which it came. Once again, for reasons she could not discern, her eyes were glassy with the potent musky scent emanating from him. Making her mind even more confused than before, since she found it impossible to think straight.

It was then that another thought she shouldn't have entertained. One she probably would have fought for, if her mind didn't look like it was swimming now. "I ... wonder what it tastes like ..."

A voice in her head, little more than a whisper, tried to warn her not to do this, while the blonde kept her mouth open and brought her two fingers towards her, as it was totally degenerate to do something like this. That her fellow USC members would be disgusted if they could see what she was doing. The whisper was quickly drowned out by a much louder voice in Kyouka's mind, who rationalized through her foggy and confused thoughts that it was just an innocent curiosity about the milky-looking substance, and that even though Mira and Alice don't see it that way, they wouldn't have to know about it anyway. It was just a taste, that's all. There was nothing perverted about it, no matter how it looked.

In addition, although she had been generous with her demand before, he had seen her pee while seeing her femininity. That would just be an extra compensation for that.

Having rationalized her actions again, her eyes closed when she parted her thumb and forefinger and brought them into her mouth. Her lips closed over them as she sucked on their sticky substance and put it on her tongue, before swallowing. His taste buds absorbing his taste when the viscous fluid started to slide down his throat. It was salty, but somewhat sweet. A strange yet powerful mix that seemed to assault her senses in a way that nothing she had ever tried before. It was so strong that she could still feel it as it went down her throat, sending a shiver down her spine as her core grew hotter than ever.

Idly, she also felt the heat in her lower regions increase as well, becoming like an unbearable itch that could not be ignored. The girl's feet slid to the side when she dropped to her knees, where her thighs began to rub to try to relieve the burning sensation in her lower back.

When her eyes opened again, they fell on his mushroom head, which still had a good portion of the same warm, viscous liquid seeping and running down the back of the purple head. The liquid cradled her back, and this time, her lips parted when her tongue came out. The small, damp pink muscle touching against the lower edge of the mushroom's head, pressing on it as it crawled to the tip, leaving some of its saliva behind as it licked the rest of the white goo.

If it were possible, Kyouka felt his cheeks - no, his whole body - burn even more, since that same sweet and salty taste popped his senses with how strong he was. His eyes went dull, becoming cloudy as he savored the taste that entered his mouth and went down his throat. The goo, she had to admit, in addition to how strong it was, was not bad. In fact, as annoying as it might have sounded to her if her mind wasn't swimming so hard now, the dizziness having reached its highest point, in her current state she found it quite tasty. Almost ... addictive, even ...

Maybe she could have more substance? She had persuaded that part simply through a little ministering, and the lack of any manifestation now said that she would have to stimulate it again to get more out. And if that had just come out of your caress with your thumb and a few touches of your index finger, then naturally it would pass that if she stimulates more strongly, even more would come.

"H-He won't mind ... that's just us getting even ..." Once again, although she hadn't planned it before, seeing him pee was worth more than just seeing his penis. Tasting this liquid even more, which it really was, was on the edge of her mind, ready for her to remember, but still she couldn't. Now, however, she didn't care. All that mattered was getting more of any milky substance.

Again, he clearly didn't care. Otherwise, he would have stopped her now.

With that resolved again, Kyouka briefly considered how she would increase stimulation, so that it would give her more than she wanted.

She wasn't sure why, but as if by instinct, the hand holding near the base of the stem started to move. Subconsciously wrapping his fingers around the large, hard circumference of the shaft, and gripping it in his palm with even more force, his hand began to move. Stroking the huge python up and down, from the base to the bottom edge of the mushroom, before going back down. The movement is constant and repeated.

Kyouka was not sure why her instincts told her to do this, but they never let her down before. Certainly, the head started to squirm again after stroking his penis for a moment and, as before, more creamy and viscous fluid came out.

Seeing her success, Kyouka didn't even try to think of anything other than that nectar, as the pace of her caresses slowly increased, becoming more and more intense as she tilted her head down, and without even thinking about how wrong, he traced his tongue over the bulbous head. The caresses continued while she did this, going from a simple lick to get the nectar she wanted, to swirling her tongue around the vulnerable head to licking the rest of the liquid goo that oozed from the other side. Leaving the whole head wet with your saliva.

It started to decrease further as the intensity and pace of his strokes increased. Her delicate hand pumping up and down his cock with no sharp thought, as she boldly pulled her head down further, opening her lips wide as she brought her head into his hot, tight mouth.

While she did this to greedily suck every drop of dripping nectar, she continued to spin her slippery muscle over the involved head. She knew how sensitive she was now, so doing so would only increase the stimulus. At the same time, the heat between your legs became unbearable. Rubbing the thighs being insufficient to deal with this, Kyouka brought the other hand down, the front of the arm pushing up the hem of the dress while the palm rested above the waist. His index and middle fingers ran over his lower lips and, in an attempt to contain the itchiness caused by the unbearable heat, he pressed and began rubbing several times along the center of the vulva. Unaware of the wet spot slowly appearing over where she rubbed.

"W-what is that feeling ...? Nokiaki thought, as he felt the effect of the technique start to diminish. His face began to contort when he felt a bizarre but pleasant sensation, taking over his masculinity. It wasn't just his manhood. Whatever was causing the pleasurable sensation, the sensation traveled throughout his body. The half-breed almost felt like lightning was going up and down his spine. Not from pain, but from pleasure. "W-What's going on ...? Why is my dick so ... hard now ..." Whatever was going on with him, it was canceling the technique, and he could now feel that his penis was hard, along what it looked like ... being petted? ...

No, it was not only that, it was also as if the head had been placed inside something hot, moist and tight, where something equally damp, but slippery as an eel, played with it.

What the hell was going on with him now? Was all this really coming from Kyouka coveting your manhood for so long ...?

While the demigod questioned what was happening while the technique faltered further, Kyouka redoubled his efforts to extract more of the liquid. Her hand now pumping his naked, erect penis up and down almost happily with intensified vigor. His hand started to get a little cloudy because of the speed with which it went up and down, and an audible sound of skin hitting against skin by the way his palm and fingers rubbed with additional force on the hard shaft. Hitting the bottom edge of the head when it flew upward or the pelvis when it was pumped to the base of the shaft. Her mouth sucked his little head almost like a vacuum cleaner, while her tongue ran perfectly around, poking and making circles around the purple mushroom like a delicious scoop of ice cream.

His other hand had picked up the pace under the skirt as well, his fingers rubbing her leggings at the bottom with reinforced fervor. Not just to get rid of the itch, but also because it felt really good to do so. Her mind failed to register now because of how muddy and one-sided she was now, how sexual the situation had become. Just the fact that she was literally sucking on him, along with the ever-growing wet spot on her leggings that now covered the entire groin area of ​​her incessant friction was proof of that.

Instead, his only focus remained on getting and tasting more of that sticky nectar. Pumping your hand up and down the shaft as if you were zealously shining a stick. The huge penis, under this type of stimulation for the first time, slowly began to squirm with more violence over time. Veins around the powerful organ pulsing and damn close to leaping out of the constant attention of his soft, delicate hand shaking his mass. Reacting more and more as the seconds passed.

"The feeling ... I-It's getting worse ...!" Nokiaki's teeth gritted at whatever was causing it. Feeling the sensation growing in a crescendo, all the time the AdAstra technique was in its last steps at this point. Having steadily decreased as the sensation grew over a few minutes. He felt his eyelids twitch as he made a vain attempt to ignore. As more seconds passed, he felt the attempt subside miserably under the growing sense of pleasure that inexplicably enveloped him. "Damn ... I can't handle the technique anymore ... this feeling is ... strong now ..."

While Nokiaki thought this, his body, or more specifically his erect masculinity, was on the verge of liberation, which was only taken home even further when Kyouka's care reached its peak. Her hand reached as fast and intense as she could fervently caress his penis, which was only exacerbated by her wet cave taking the sensitive purple tip and attacking it with her slippery appendage inside as she sucked it like ice -pop, anxiously waiting for more of that delicious yogurt.

A few seconds later, the effect of the technique on Nokiaki completely collapsed when he felt his balls tighten. His eyes crinkled like crazy when he felt something run over his cock, his senses returning to normal state on high alert with a hiss of pleasure unable to be contained vibrating through his clenched teeth.

Just like that, Kyouka's eyes widened when her head spasmed inside her mouth, her affection ceasing when her hand reached right next to the head trapped inside her lips, while her head released a torrent of sticky and sticky essence. Her cheeks swelled up almost a second later, her mouth totally full as if she had just put a high-powered hose in her mouth in full force! She tried to swallow as much as she could, but the large volume of spouting fluid became too much for her to swallow realistically, leading to a considerable amount starting to leak from her overflowing mouth, dripping down her chin and falling over the breast of her uniform.

Despite how delicious it was, it was still so much then, and Kyouka could feel his throat struggling to swallow everything as he choked, before removing his yellow-orange lips from his resting place around his mushroom and pulling his mouth away when his head threw back.

Of course, she did this while the viscous liquid was still expelling. Kyouka being forced to close her eyes while strings and more strings splashed across her face and hair, along with a few drops splashing all over her uniform, some managing to fall all over her skirt and knees. This went on for a good ten seconds before the proverbial well dried up, with one last rope falling on a little bit of its bangs and temple.

When she finally finished spouting like a geyser, Kyouka was left with her ass firmly planted on the ground, her hands forced behind her on the ground to steady herself, with the entire front of her body covered almost from head to toe in the slimy substance. The white slime that it now covered flowed through his hair like a kind of thick shampoo oozing like slime from his bangs and loose strands of his silky blond hair. The creamy fluid covering her face everywhere, even hitting her lashes with all the strings of their sticky essence clinging like a kind of spoiled facial mask over her open-mouthed face, showing even more the yogurt-like goo inside her. mouth and dripping from the sides of the lips. Her eyes finally reopened, her eyes wide with shock at the ridiculous wave of essence that poured over her.

If one of the boys in prison had seen Kyouka at the time, they would have quickly come to the conclusion that she must have been involved in some orgy involving about a dozen guys who ejaculated on her at exactly the same time with a full load of sperm.

This was the vision with which Nokiaki was greeted while lowering his head and opening his eyes. Coal-black orbs examining Kyouka's sperm-covered form, hovering up to his still erect penis, standing as straight as a skyscraper, with a mixture of saliva and his own seed lining his head, before stepping back to Kyouka , who is wide-eyed, the look seemed completely confused for the world around him. Staying fixed on your erection pointing back on your face.

His mouth opened in shock as he looked at her, only one thought was able to emerge, and it resounded like a booming voice from a megaphone inside a cave, where every word seemed to bounce off the walls echoing just a simple feeling.


Speechless. If there was a word that could describe Nokiaki Manaus right now, it was speechless.

Kyouka was practically in the same boat, sitting on the floor, literally drenched in semen. Although Nokiaki has never seen him personally in real life until now, he has read many textbooks on biology that went in depth with the reproductive cycle and even gave illustrations about things like semen, what it looked like and what it did.

That said ... Nokiaki found that his mind was malfunctioning and repeatedly restarting in a loop like a faulty computer while processing what he was looking at. He knew this was not a dream, because he would never have a dream like this given who he was. Although, at the moment, he really wished it was, because that would at least make it easier for him to explain what the hell had just happened ... he could just ignore it as a marginal dream brought on by his intensified hormones as a young man ...

He knew that his eyes and body were not deceiving him, the evidence was overwhelming and something he was forced to accept. His cock was aching and writhing, standing out as hard as a rock in a total erection he had never had before in his life. The residual saliva and the semen left on the head of his member, along with the way it was pointed at the semen-coated Kyouka, was very explicit and direct ...

He had just ejaculated for the first time in his life ... and Kyouka was clearly the one who did it.

Those sensations he felt when using the AdAstra technique were all she did ... which meant that the blonde ... was caressing him the whole time, until his manhood couldn't take it anymore and just ... threw it at her like a kind of fire hose ...

Nokiaki felt his mouth open in shock when that revelation was established. Her cheeks quickly burst with color, becoming a deep red velvet shade. The boy almost tripped back when the gravity of what had just happened fell on him. His mind started to spin at a thousand miles per minute. "K-Kyouka ... she ... me ... what?"

Totally dumbfounded, Nokiaki could not find his voice, his throat hitched a lot in the growing shock of this sudden change in events he was now in, with only unintelligible sounds reaching the surface through his open mouth.

Without even trying to think about it, in a heartbeat Nokiaki pulled his pants and underwear back, covering his organ while zipping up his pants faster than ever. This did little to hide his huge bulge, which still remained prominent in his person, while his cock pushed out through the tissues trying to hold him down. Jutting out of his pelvis like a rigid tube protruding from a wall.

Nokiaki didn't even notice it, however, his mind still buzzing too fast for him to follow at the moment, when his hand found the door handle behind him, which promptly opened as he staggered almost comically out of the seated blond's room.

Swallowing hard, the boy's head swiveled to the exit that led to the corridor as beads of sweat cascaded down his temple, his body following suit not long after, as he awkwardly tried to make his way through the door and back to the room. down the hall, his legs feeling like gelatin when the door closed behind him. He found his back pressing against the door not a second later, inhaling and exhaling in an attempt to compose himself, before moving away and moving heavily down the corridor from which they came, in order to reach his room with a stunned expression on your red velvet face. "What in the world is wrong with this school ..."

Meanwhile, back in the bathroom, Kyouka still hadn't moved from his place on the floor. The girl took a little longer to recover from the shock than the half-blooded Saiyan. As soon as she did, the cum-soaked blonde tasted the boy's copious amount of seeds, foaming it from head to toe. The viscous liquid also covered the walls of his mouth and ran across his tongue, coloring them with a sticky white as it dripped and slid into his damp cave.

"I-have so much ..." She thought, the heat in her body rising again, the burning sensation in her groin intensifying again as she rolled her tongue over her mouth, spilling the boy's yogurt before finally swallowing with a sip. The taste seemed even better than before, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her as she tasted it. " So tasty! ... "

The girl's eyes noticed how some strands of the same fluid started to run from the fringe of her hair to her face, falling into her lap, where they joined the strings of seeds that stuck to her skirt.

One of her hands went to the section of her skirt with most of the white sticky substance in layers, dipping her index and middle fingers in the warm goo, picking up a little on her fingertips, before bringing it to her lips, where she started to insert her fingers into her waiting mouth. She shivered when she once again felt the sticky, slippery yogurt drip onto her tongue, her lips closing over her sheathed fingers as she sucked on the last drop of the sticky essence, another moan of pleasure following when she felt it slide down her throat.

Through her cloudy and confused mind, a part of Kyouka warned her, incredulous, for what she was doing and what she had done. Yelling at her for doing something so disgusting and perverted, again shouting that her friends would be ashamed if they saw her now. Swallowing something that came out of a boy's dick, of all things!

Again, it was just a whisper to the blonde, while another part of the girl who was much more dominant at the time rationalized that it wasn't her pervert. That she was not a pervert. She was just curious, that's all. Just it. The fact that she was still proving what Nokiaki's cock threw up at her? That's because she liked the taste so much, it had nothing to do with perversion. That burning itch in her groin where she found her other hand hovering back? It was just that, an itch, that she was dealing with rubbing with her fingers. Causing a few more moans as her fingers left her mouth, dripping her saliva as she took another piece of sticky fluid from her skirt and sucked it past her lips with a prolonged moan as well.

Alice and Mira may not agree, but no one was around to see her at the moment. No one else would show up here for a long time. Leaving her alone, in her little world. Neither of them had to know that this happened, as if they didn't have to know that Nokiaki had seen her pissing in the greenhouse. This was between him and her. They were on your mind right now, and that was all that mattered.

She was a mess, though, considering the ungodly amount of this tasty milky fluid that he soaked her. She would have to bathe at some point just to get rid of the musky scent that now permeated her athletic and agile body. Given its strong smell too, it would probably take a while for it to disappear.

Of course ... there was no hurry to do that. Taking a moment to taste the cream, she fished the phone out of her blazer pocket, which remained untouched unlike the rest of her, and quickly wrote down a message to Alice, letting her know that she is Nokiaki would not be available for today. The message dripped, letting her know it had been sent, before she put the phone back in her pocket.

The girl shuddered as she felt her own fingers rub a little harder over her lower regions, her thighs moving closer as she brought her fingers where the sticky yogurt fell from her bangs, letting it drip on her damp fingers before bringing it in. back to your mouth waiting for more.

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