
The Lost Returned

A mess of a story, just something I'm writing to see what I can do as I reshape my other fanfics. "Who am I, to ask for more than I deserve, good wine, a mouth to warm my co*k, and the free skies.. what do you say, brothers?" I own nothing. Tags = #2loveinterest #tragedy #action #non-powerseekingMc #strongfromstart

CrazyDemon23 · テレビ
53 Chs

Chapter 36 - Lust...

"Why are you so angry, little flower.." Hearing Alicent's words, I could only shake my head in my mind, I knew she would question why I was gone long hours into the night, but it was still a sight to see her act like a wife even before we were wed.

"No, instead of loving words, tell me what it is you were doing? The guards said you were seen within a pleasure house, so, do you vent your lust while I sit worrying why you have not returned." Alicent said in a small voice, the tone of it changing over time as she backed away, pulling her cheek from my hand that was placed on it, her eyes looking at me with a sidelong look. It's almost as if looking at the floor as she picked at her nails harder than usual.

"Your pretty hands will be ruined if you continue. If you wanted an answer, you merely needed to ask." I said as I moved forward, trying to grab her hand gently, yet as I stepped forward, she stepped back out of my grasp. With a sigh, I shook my head, walking over to the bed as I laid my cloak down. My hand placed back my claymore before I took the skin of wine and poured.

"Truly, knights talk just as much as flowering maidens do, so much for code of conduct, or keeping understanding that royalties movement should not be monitored." I said, my wine glass getting pulled away from me, my eyes looking at Allison who threw it to the floor as it splashed along the ground.

"I care not for your fancy words, tell me what you were doing.." Alicent said with her eyes full of questions, while speaking harsh words full of ridicule, her soft green shoes being splashed by the red wine as she looked at me with doubts.

"Alicent, that is enough, I merely said words of comfort only to make your worries lesson, I did not come back from looking for my brother just to be shadowed by your eyes." looking down at the wine glass I could not blame myself for getting angry for a second, my eyes seem to blur as I felt I've heard the speaking before, yet as soon as the words left my lips I regretted it.

"I am to be your wife, if I do not worry for you than who will, days I've sat in this room worried for your safety, worried if you were hurt, or wronged. I merely want answers for why you were in the pleasure District.." Alicent did not back down as she usually did, her words fierce, and her eyes held a saddened light in them as I looked at her beautiful face.

"Did I not say, I was there to see my brother, he has been known to frequent the pleasure house as of recent, in lou of a w**** he has taken fancy too." My tone returned to as it was before, her saddened look reminding me of long ago, I did not want to break her down and use her, this was merely for my own gain at first, but I came to fancy her.

"Spending hours upon hours within the pleasure District, do you truly wish me to believe it was only that, you vented Your Lust on me..." Alicent continue to say with the frustrated voice, her hands shaking as she picked at them fiercely, still as she spoke I stood up towering over her as I gripped her hands.

"Do you, Do you think I truly lusted after you? a little girl nothing more than left the womb a few years ago? what pleasure would I have in this, tell me! what pleasure would I find in such a suckling Maiden.." without knowing I stood up abruptly, gripping her hands as if not in control of myself, my eyes roaming her body, while I felt my tongue calm for a moment.

"Do not touch me, let go.. now!.." Alicent cried out, feeling the strength of my grip, her arm struggling for a moment as I pulled her face to look at me, her calm eyes fluctuating as I looked into them within the ever receding moonlight of this dark room.

"You say these words, yet your strength lessons more and more, is that what it is you want?" I spoke softly, my words mixing in with the slight wind from the open window seals, filling her strength become less and less as I held her tight, my eyes looking into her beautiful emeralds as I thought why she didn't struggle more.

"Because.. Because.." Alicent spoke out shy words, her mouth trembling as she did so, the warm tears running down her face as I watch them drip along her soft lips. my thumb rubbed to feel the warmth of her tears, tracing the lines along her lips, feeling the salty sweetness of them as I watched her stutter even more.

"I told you before, if you want something, you need merely only to ask, and it will be yours, so tell me Little Flower, what is it that you want. I do not wish to speak more words of nothing, that mean only nothing to anyone else, what I want to hear is what your heart wants." I could feel my eyes grow colder, my hand tracing down her soft cheeks, falling to the middle of her neck, going to pass the crevice between her collarbones as I felt her heartbeat wildly.

The room sat and complete silence for a moment, the wind from the night kicking up slowly, as I watched the trickles of wine seep into the cracks of the floor. my eyes roaming over every part of her body, feeling the soft cacophony within my heart, I could see her tremble, watching ass she struggled to find words, her mouth opening many times only to close to not say a word. it seemed like a lifetime past as the world began to slow, only wishing this moment would last a little longer as I watched her tremble underneath my control.

"What, what.. I want, it's for you to be only mine, what I want is you, I want it so bad that it hurts, I want it so bad that I forget even the teachings of everything I was ever told.." Allison's words cracked the surface of my mind, my heart began to beat, the heat rising from my chest, it has been a long time since I've heard words of such fancy in this manner. Yet even, now even a lifetime away, I still have no idea how to answer.

it seems like she felt my hesitation, our words becoming nothing more than a myriad of Silent winds floating along the air, yet each breath I took, I can feel her warmth against my skin. her soft hands reaching up to my face, feeling the roughness of the ring that I've given her a little while ago, only to see her emerald eyes look deeply into mine. The world seemed to stand still for another moment. It seemed like the echoing sounds of each corner of the silent keep. reverberated out within my ears, only to frozen in time, but I could feel her warmth wash your face, only to feel us grow ever closer.

"What I want is you, all of you, the light.. and whatever else you wish not to show me," Alicent said in a calm voice, her hand gently rubbing the ring around her finger as she looked to my eyes.

little did I know a flower, I have loved for a long time waiting outside the door, her ear pressing against it for a moment, the fluctuating in her heart reverberating through the wood for no one to hear.

"How I like this sweeting.."