


THE ROOM WAS IN THE SHAPE of an oblong square, half a perfect square, the other half a circle, in the center an immense brazier. Dressed in a scarlet robe, the priestess was seated on a silver throne, in front of the brazier. Around him were eleven men in black robes. One of the men walked away from the group towards what looked like an altar, on which the book was placed.

Taking it reverently, he returned, kneeling before the priestess, who opened it.

— Oh thou great and terrible lord, whose heart is over the center of the Earth! — He said reading the unknown words.

— To you we give worship and praise! — Said the others in chorus.

— Oh you, who sit on a throne of ruby and lapis lazuli!

— To you, only to you, be our soul!

— Oh you, who make your passage through the air!

— Glorious prince of the center of the Earth!

— Oh great prince of the air!

— Who accompanies the coffin to the house of neglect!

Raising the left hand towards the fire. With an iron dagger brought by another man in black robes, the priest made a small cut on his arm. A few drops of his blood fell on the fire.

— Oh you, who use the disc of flaming light on your source encircled by the emerald serpent!

— Take the blood and prepare the way for your chosen one — they said in unison.

The priestess raised the dagger, now holding it with both hands, and plunged it into the chest of the girl who had Enlil's cross burned on her chest. Blood oozed out and stained the pages of the three books that had been assembled.

At last it started...