
The Lost Memory by Jacqueline N Cortez

Her life is not as easy as it was. Or was it never easy? She is getting older, Gwen Rio, a Brazilian Hispanic, now age 32, time is not relevant. Time doesn't make sense for time-travelers anyways. She doesn't have a family with her, a friend that's leaving. Is her life going to fall apart more than it is now? He grew up in prestige family with high standards for everything to wanting to live his own life as a person in New York City, Alejandro Park, a Korean Hispanic guy, ran away from his family at the age of 18, now 23, a scarred guy. As Gwen and Alejandro meet, will they know...no... Do they know each other? What would happen if Gwen has no one else to lean on and rely on? Why did Alejandro run from his family all of a sudden? What is the secret he knows? Is it true? Despite how the dramas, love and, comedy in their life develop, finding out secrets that have been kept away from them, Will they ever have a happy ending?

Jacqueline_Cortez · SF
30 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: Rosaline

It all started when I got that one call.

January 3rd, 2021

"Hello, This is Rosaline Palay, owner of Skies, how may I help you?"

"Hello, This is Jeong-Jin Park of Park Group. I am Alejandro's father." Why is Alejandro's father calling me? "I am calling because I heard you want your company to go international and I can help you do that," He pauses, "There is a catch...You have to find out information about Gwen" Gwen?

"What type of information?" I asked, confused.

"Everything. What she does during the day. What she likes to do. Who she likes. Her goals in life. Her life in general." I think about it for a second. I know Gwen is supposedly my best friend. But the truth is I don't like her at all. I would rather have a long-term company than a long-term friend. I only became friends with her because I wanted to be close with Ross. Her friendship means nothing to me.

"Yes, sir"

"I am counting on you"

"I will make sure it happens"

"You are sure? You can betray your best friend?"

"Yes, sir, do not worry"

"Look through her things, her closets, her paper, clothes, and if she has a diary"

"Yes, I will make sure I can do it"

"I will pay you 5 million dollars for each detail you find and slowly your company will go international with my help so don't worry about that part"

"When do you want me to start?"


"Ok, sir anything else?

"No. Thank you and Goodbye." Conceited guy. I am only doing this for the money. I never knew I would do this to Gwen but I felt as if I had to do something for myself for a change. The next few days after that I try to look for things but I can't find anything but one day I find a little secret place under Gwen's bed with a little book. I open the book and it has 'logs.' She would have each one numbered. I read the one I open to.

Log 35

Today I was not feeling well. I don't know what it is but when I am with Alejandro I get energy taken. I am not sure what it is. Now that I think about it. It's been happening since I met him. Our eyes glow and it is weird like we have some sort of connection. It's as if we have known each other for a long time. I have to find out more. Maybe if I travel to the past but if I do that I hurt other people like I did Bo-A. I have the future. Maybe I can find something there...

Gwen is a Time-traveler? Did she kill someone too? This makes it even easier to hate her. Who does she think she is talking about how she has a connection with Alejandro. That is Ann-Marie's man. I take pictures of the diary and what's inside. President Park would be satisfied with this. That same week President Park invites me to Australia to discuss why he is asking me to do all of this to Gwen. I arrive at a billion-dollar house. This thing is huge. I would love to get one of these when I get paid more for what I am doing. I am going to be officially International in a few years so why not start thinking about what I am going to buy with that money. I enter through these huge doors. The inside is humungous.

"Welcome Ms. Palay," A butler-looking guy says, "Please come this way."

"President Park is waiting for you in his office, "I follow him up the shiny stairs. When the butler opens the door. There, President Park is sitting. The butler leaves the room.

"Please sit Ms. Palay or should I say future Mrs. Redd"

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything about everyone I work with. I know everything about their family, life, and jobs." This guy is a creep. "The reason why I called you is to tell you a story"

"I love stories," I laugh. He keeps a straight face causing me to stop laughing.

"A long while ago...my late wife had something to do with Gwen. This made Gwen and Alejandro become close for a few days"

"She never told me she already knew Alejandro"

"See, there is another way I grow suspicious of her"

"What is?"

"Let me continue. One day, Gwen disappeared from a car cr- I don't know how she did but she did. I don't know what she was in my son's life when he was younger. I love my son. However, when I found out Gwen was associated with my son. I became worried that she would take revenge on my son for what my wife did to her. I thought she would try to overthrow or take over the company. My family and I for generations have been working hard to get this company where it is now. I have been through a lot, where people or friends have been trying to take over the company by becoming close to my family. I am a very protective person understand?" I nod my head yes. "That is why I am trying to protect my son, my only son"

"You seem to really care for your son"

"I do, but I surely don't show it. I am harsh on him but that is because he is always doing things on his own and I should let him but I still view him as my little son. More like tough love. I want to work on it but It's difficult to"

"I understand"

"So, therefore, take care of my son and do not let him become close to Gwen"

"Yes, sir"

"You may stay for today and I can introduce you to my family or you can go home and start with watching Alejandro and Gwen?" This is a trick question.

"Watching Alejandro and Gwen?"

"Good choice," I leave the house and there is a car waiting to take me to the airport.


As I am on the plane, I think about my choices in life. I feel just a little bad that I am in some way sabotaging Gwen. I think I exaggerated it a bit. She is caring and all. We are very alike. But I think I started disliking her the most is when I started dating Ross. I knew they were each other's, first love. The way they would look at each other would tell all. At the time, I wasn't dating him but they would always spend together but none of them would confess. I remember this one time in high school they almost confessed but then someone who liked Ross confessed to him.

Spring of 1994

I went to the same high school Gwen and Ross went to. This year, I am in my senior year. There was going to be a field day with relay races, tug-of-war, and many games like that. I am a senior so I only get to watch because field day is only for sophomores today. The games are about to start. I sit at the bleachers. I see Gwen and Ross twin like they always do. I am pretending to befriend Gwen for Ross. I think Ross is handsome and sweet. They are best friends but I can tell they like each other. A girl and a guy can never be friends. That's a fact. I start to get tired and decided to take a nap.

When I wake up, it's the last part of field day. The last thing game is called T.R.U.E. Jenical chairs. This stands for 'To Really Utter Everything' with a mix of Jenga and Musical Chairs. I move to the seats in front of the stage. This game is the only game that sophomores can decide if they want to participate.

"Ok, all participants come up to the stage. Up to 12," The teacher announces. 1 by 1, participants go up including Gwen and Ross. They sit in the chairs, "Here are the rules. There will be 12 chairs and every round a chair gets removed. You will walk around and dance as the music plays but when it stops you have to get a seat. Then you will pull a piece of the Jenga. Each side of the Jenga will be labeled by your chair and you have to pull from that side. Then you will answer the question truthfully, utter everything. Alright everyone let us start," The music starts and everyone starts. The game goes by quickly and then the game changes to two pull the block, not just one. Gwen and Ross are chosen. Gwen read her block out loud first.

"Tell the person in front of you who you like," Gwen says looking at Ross, "I like y-" A girl yells stop.

"Ross, I like you!" This random girl yells to Ross interrupting Gwen's confession.

"Gwen, you were saying?" Ross ignores the girl.

"Uh, uh, I don't like anyone," Gwen nervously says. Why did she do that?

"Oh," Ross says. He looks disappointed. Look, Gwen, you hurt his feelings. I like him but if they both like each other, I can't get in the way. She walks away from Ross without saying anything. I run after her to tell her what I want. She lost her chance, it is my turn.

"Gwen," She stops and turns back at me. "Ross is definitely the type I decided, please hook me up with him," She looks at me as if she wants to cry.

"Sure I will find out a time this week if I can," She continues to run. That is when I decided to take Ross and make him love me. That same week she invited me to her house because her other friend couldn't come and she officially introduced us.

Sooner than she knew it. He was mine. I loved him and he loved me. I found the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have to thank Gwen for that one.

The day before the wedding

"Rosaline! It's the day before the wedding! Bachelorette party with the two of us! Girl's day!" Gwen yells as I grab a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, we should," I give her a fake smile like I always do.

"Let's go to times square to eat, shop, and walk around. What you think?"

"Yeah, sounds good," I look at my phone for restaurants and places to shop. "E.A.K. Ramen!" I say.

"You read my mind"

"Then we should go to the Disney store"

"You like Disney now?"

"Yeah, Ross got me into it. You know I have to remember he is younger than me"

"True. It's still morning so maybe we can decide on makeup for you or little details left like what you are going to say but I need to call Jane to see how she is. I don't know if you heard but a chandelier fell on her," I look down at my phone as if I am not listening. I did not know Jane was going to fall if I pulled the rope. I just did what President said 'Ruin Alejandro's plan.' I was only able to hear Jane and Ann-Marie's job so I thought that would be the easiest way to ruin Alejandro's plan. I didn't know the chandelier would fall with her. No one suspected me at all except Alejandro. He may be young but he's a smart cookie. Ann-Marie didn't suspect anything even though I pushed her. I told her it was an accident and she automatically believed me. I felt just a little guilty about lying in the beginning but then it became easier. Is it wrong for me to say that? Gwen and I look at little details for the wedding. I pretend to take her suggestion. I choose my own. After we finish we headed to Times Square. On our way there, we played Spanish music. Once we get to the Disney store, we walk around for hours. I choose pajamas for Ross and me along with stuffed animals. Gwen doesn't choose anything. She is not into Disney at all. Instead, she paid for my things. Then we go to the restaurant I found online. On Instagram, this restaurant is famous. As we walk in, the place looks full. But Gwen sees a table for two and we sit down. A waiter comes. He is tall, has black hair, a sharp chin, fox-like eyes, with a cute nose.

"Hi, my name is Nam-Joon. I will be your um siver?" He stops and hands us the menus, nervously.

"Server," Gwen corrects him and he smiles revealing his deep dimples. She starts talking to him in Korean, " Then you say...what would you like to drink," They practice pronouncing. Both of them are blushing.

"Coke," I say.

"Water for me."

"Ok I will be back," Nam-Joon says in an accent smiling directly at Gwen.

"What did you say to him?" I ask Gwen.

"I explained to him how to pronounce the words and what he has to say"

"Oh, you were speaking so fast. I did not understand what was English and what was Korean," I laugh, "I saw how you two were looking at each other"

"What you talking about?" Gwen rolls her eyes. Nam-Joon comes back with the drinks.

"What do you want to eat?" He struggles to say. I look at the menu realizing I did not choose what I want yet.

"Tokyo Chicken Ramen"

"Same here"

Nam-Joon writes it down on his notepad. He leaves and we wait a little while until our food comes and we eat. When we finish, I tell Gwen I want to pay but she doesn't let me. She paid for the food before we came. She said that she knew what I would order so she knew how much to pay. The nicer she is to me, the worst I feel.

We go to the huge screen in the middle of Times Square. I am surprised by how fast it became night. We take plenty of pictures. I have to somehow still act like her best friend. I can't blow my cover. Taking pictures will definitely help me. After we just stare at the different ads and commercials on the screen.

"Rosaline," Gwen calls me.


"I am going to miss you. The loft is going to feel empty without you. I turn to look at her and I see Alejandro standing right next to her. I become shocked causing my eyes to open wide.

How can this be a coincidence?

They don't know they are next to each other.

"I have lost people in my life, close friends but I never imagined I would feel alone in this world when you were going to get married," I start to cry. I wipe the tears off my face before she sees them. She has so many friends and has never lost a family member. That's why I started seeing, she is selfish. She has everything she needs. She is the one who makes her friends leave her. I noticed how Alejandro turned out after he never saw Gwen again. Seeing him now, he is broken and he can only express it with coldness. I become angry inside. Gwen's eyes begin to water and I slowly turn my head to Alejandro and his eyes are filled with water. "Rosa, you have been such a great best friend throughout these years. I thank you for that. I mean it with my whole heart," Alejandro turns his head and quickly I pull Gwen in a hug. He can't see her.

"We should go now. I have to leave in the morning for the new makeup line next season," In reality, I have to go to a meeting with President Park. He has something he has to tell me. Right after I saw this, we head home.

The next morning

"Nice to see you again Ms. Rosaline," I bow down in respect.

"Hello, President Park"

"I forgot to tell you but I am not President Park anymore. That title belongs to my son"

"I can still call you that because it makes me feel more comfortable," Calling him something else now will make me feel uncomfortable.

"You know that Alejandro and Gwen knew each other since they were younger," I nod my head, "I will let you know one more thing. They both have memory loss. They don't remember that they have known each other since they have been kids," My heart drops, "They were in a dramatic experience"


"I can't reveal those details for personal reasons," What are these personal reasons? "How is Gwen doing?"

"She has been having nightmares but she doesn't want to tell me about them. In her little diary, she wrote nothing about them because she has stopped writing in her diary"

"Well, find out. I am telling you now, she can't remember her past," President Park exits the room stomping furiously. What is he hiding? I leave walking to my makeup shop where I have all my things for my wedding. After I get my makeup done, I head to the Botanic Garden where my dress is. I run to the changing room hoping not to be late. I slip the dress on with help from the hairstylists. I can't wait until the wedding. I have my vows memorized, makeup by my company, perfectly done. My dress with roses, check! I run to the wedding. I hear the music start to play, I am right on time. I walk down the aisle slowly. When I reach Ross, I feel like I am in a complete dream. We say our vows and I dos. Then our first kiss in front of everyone. I feel so embarrassed that I tell Ross, let's run to the reception area. The reception area venue picked by me. Ross designed the venue. Who could have ever thought he had the talent? No offense, babe. We sit down at the bride and groom table. I am becoming impatient, I want to have the first dance with Ross already. 30 minutes pass and we are announced for our first dance. We decided that other couples can dance with us too. We don't want to draw attention. However, I do love attention.

"Rosaline you look so gorgeous today like always"

"Stop," I blush.

"So, where do you think our honeymoon is going to be?" I notice Gwen and Alejandro dancing together when Ross asks this question. I can't answer the question because of this distraction. President Park is going to kill me if he sees this. Ross calls my name, "Hello. I am right here," He waves his hand.

"Oh yeah, yeah um..." I turn my head slighty back to see Gwen and Alejandro. But when I do, they are not there anymore. What should I do?

"What's wrong? Your face looks worried"

"Um, I think Paris?"

"Yup! The place you always wanted to go," He remembers even the little things. I become so excited that I forget about Alejandro and Gwen.

"For how long?"

"You can decide"

"A month?" I say unsure of what he would say. He has a job and I don't know if he would be able to stay long. I was thinking I should build a building for my company in Paris. I have to talk to President Park about it.

"Sure. I had a feeling you would say that. Don't worry. The company has headquarters in Paris"

"Great. I want to make a company there too," I smile.

"Also, how did you afford the whole Botanic Garden for the afternoon. That is really expensive. Where did you get the money?"

"I have a company and I have this side job," I mumble.

"Huh?" I notice President Park in the back signaling me to come to where he is.

"Hubby," Ross blushes, "I will be right back"

"Ok, Wifey," I love hearing the name. I kiss him and head to the back room. I feel as if he saw Alejandro and Gwen.

"Rosaline what did I tell you about keeping Gwen and Alejandro apart?"

"What do you mean?" I play dumb.

"Whatever. Find them now," He grows aggressive.

"But I wanted to talk to you about something"

"What is it?"

"I want to build a building for my company in Paris"

"Ok. I will get my secretary to buy the building and get you the papers"

"Thank you. What you want me to do with Gwen? Since you saw her with Alejandro. You think she is trying to take over the company again?"

"She was in Australia with my wife. She is up to something"

"She does have a diary saying she is a time traveler and she never lies. It's true."

"It is ridiculous to me but I have a question for you. Why are you doing this? She is your best friend"

"I have been doing this for a long time. The money is all I need," I say confidently. I notice someone's hair similar to Gwen's at the side of the door.

"The smart thing for you to do now is to find out how she time travels," Gwen's face appears. She barges into the room with Alejandro. She must have heard the whole conversation.

"Is that true?" She rushes up to me.

"No, it isn't," I say.

"I heard the whole conversation. How is it nothing?" I knew she heard everything. She must have super hearing. I laugh hysterically.

"So what. I exposed your little secret. You deserve it. You..." Am I really going to reveal my true self to her? "...all you do is play Ms. Perfect but in real life, you are just someone who doesn't care about anyone but yourself. I only wanted to lobe in with you because at the time. I did not want to spend my money. I needed a place to crash so I would start my company. I have all I need from you," She starts to sob.

"That is not true..." She looks as if she is going to faint, "How could you do that? I trusted you" She runs out of the room leaving President Park, Alejandro, and me alone.

"Father wh- Are you really spying on Gwen?" I never noticed how much Alejandro grew. His dad used to be 6'5 but since he is getting old he is only 6'2. Alejandro looks 6'5 now.

"I am not," President Park points at me with his eyes. Alejandro moves my way. I back up.

"I knew you were up to no good after the Masquerade incident. You are the one who told my father about this." I become afraid. Why am I? Alejandro is the younger one here. I think it is because he has become cold as ice.

"I- Wh"

"I don't want to hear you. I know that call of 'business' wasn't actually business" He knows about that? "Have you been doing this to her since then?"


"Wow," He scoffs putting his hand over his mouth. His father moves closer to him.

"She's dangerous, Son," He grabs Alejandro's arm.

"Let go!" His father's arm slides off in one pull. "What would you know? You are the dangerous one," He looks at his father, "Don't ever speak of Gwen that way"

"Don't go near Gwen again," He stares at me, I can see the anger in his eyes. His eyes begin to glow blue like electricity. This is what Gwen's diary mentioned. President Park's eyes are wide open. The reflection of his glowing eyes is on mine. I know President Park can see it. I become scared, my heart speeds up. Alejandro leaves making the room feel like it has no oxygen left. The room is silent.

"Is that what the diary said?" He asks.

"I-I think it is..." I gulp. I return to Ross. At this point, I become curious about what happened to Gwen and Alejandro. What is this memory that is kept a secret? Will they ever remember this lost memory? And if they do, will their world fall apart?