
The Lost Curiosity

The world has proved those who dared to dream will have no end. In this world more than people , their dreams collide. Witness the journey of the person with overwhelming curiosity toward each and everything, the person who suffered from this uncontrollable curiosity begins his adventure once again with strong determination forged in the darkest times ------------------ writing is not one of my strong points, i am a common anime/manga/manhua/lightnovel/webnovel fan and years of watching this contents, there is a story developing inside my mind, and i here i am trying to present it. please do give it a try and if you find something worth criticizing for feel free to express you opinion

night_fisherman · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Moon Rise

Chapter 01–Moon Rise

Have the universe traveled far enough for it to cease its existence?

What is living among non-living?

Dead are immortal.

Do non-living things have immortality?

Can living achieve it?


Nothing can have immortality.

But what about existence that does not exist in time?

What about time itself, does time exist forever?

What is the meaning of forever?

Is there time within time?

Why am I thinking this?


What is existence?

What maintains existence?

What defends existence?

What can anything that exists can do to not exist?

Stop thinking this


What is destruction?

What is creation?

Will the universe end?

Yes, it will.

Why do I think so?



Bring war

Bring the clouds of destruction

Erase in your mind

Dark, lonely path

I am lost.

Why am I thinking this?

Do not succumb to your thoughts.



"What a beautiful sunset, don't you think so Avatar".

At this moment the sound reached his ears, the avatar turned his head and saw a boy sitting right beside him looking at him.

The name of the boy is Karna. 

Words of Karna stopped the running mind of the avatar. Stopping him from his chaotic thoughts, leaving his mind blank again.

He took a deep breath, vanishing the ringing in his ears, he looked toward the sun setting over the sea horizon.

But remained silent.

Karna laughed and again started scratching the neck of the cat sitting on his lap.

He is a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and deep red eyes. He looked like a gentle and calm boy.

Avatar has long black hair, deep black eyes like an abyss, and an expressionless face. Karna never saw any emotions on the face of this man who was sitting beside him. But the most peculiar thing about the appearance of the avatar is his missing left arm hidden in the swinging long sleeve of the shirt.

"Meow meow meow"

"I know I know, you like me more than him and I like you more than him too, Asha" Karna smiled saying this to the brown cat named Asha sitting on his lap.

"Meow meow"

"Yeah we both are a team that protests against his deadpan straight face, we don't like it at all"

"Meow" Asha meowed softly then turned and looked toward the avatar and meowed with aggression showing her canine teeth, as if saying yeah we don't like that blank face.

Karna laughed hard, petting the head of Asha, and again looked toward the sky.

Both were sitting in front of a small hut, feeling the cool breeze in the air, soothing.

In front of them is the vast sea and above it is the orange sun almost disappearing over the horizon.

All watched silently until the sun disappeared and darkness covered everything but they were silent as if they were waiting for something.

  A couple of minutes later, they saw over the horizon, where the sun had just disappeared, something was rising containing a green glow. 

When it completely revealed itself, it was a circular object the size of the sun but green in color.

It did not eliminate the darkness of night but it provided a significant light making things slightly visible again.

It was the moon.

When the sun sets, the moon rises. Trying to illuminate the world again, making the night green.

"It is always beautiful to watch the moon rise, reminding me how the world is so different," Karna said admiring the rising moon.

This time the avatar looked at the karna but did not say anything.

Karna could never know why this grown man was looking at him.

Karna was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth again

"Do you know why I am so different, why I am so different from my parents, from all other villagers, why I look different from them?".

Avatar again turned his face and looked at the Karna and then turned his head straight again and said


"But I think I know why am i different

Karna paused for a moment and said


  Avatar asked immediately

"What is a transmigration"

Karna paused for a long time, he never told this to someone else so he had no clue how to explain such a thing to someone.

"I am from a different world called Earth, I lived there for many years, and one day I died and when I opened my eyes again I was here, born as a child"

"So you concluded you are in a different world from this" Avatar looked at the green moon that was slowly ascending from the horizon to the top of the sky.

"Yes, in my world there is no such thing as the moon rising in the evening  or moon set in the morning."

"So earth did not have a moon!"

"Earth had a moon, white in color with some dark spots, it looked beautiful in the night sky and together with countless stars it formed a breathtaking view"

Karna looked up at the sky that contained no stars, just a green moon alone shining in green light.

Karna was not feeling disappointed that there were no stars in the sky but was thinking why there are no stars in the sky, there are no clouds, nothing that is blocking their view, so why can't we see the stars?

Suddenly Karna realized something,

"You believed in my story!"

He asked the avatar, looking confused as to why he was taking this otherworldly story as a truth without any doubts.

"I believe you, when did you ever tell a lie to me"

Karna was confused as to what to say after this so he remained silent.

The next moment avatar spoke

"What is it you want now for you to tell me your secret huh?"

Karna sighed feeling his motives understood, he looked at the face of Avatar deeply and said

"Chief Kata asked me to bring you to the village no matter what today, he said today is a very critical day for us"

"Why today?" avatar asked 

"I don't know, it is not like the chief always tells me everything"

"I am not coming there, all they have is just curiosity" Avatar replied without any trace of emotions on his face.

"Curiosity !! , is what you call just a curiosity, we owe our lives to you 

Why don't you come just once, all they want is to express their gratitude to someone who saved them"

Karna said agitated and picked Asha from his lap and placed her near Avatar and stood up and walked some distance away from Hut and stopped

"We all are waiting for you"

And continued walking toward the village until his silhouette disappeared from the avatar's view in darkness.

Avatar kepting toward the disappearing figure for a long time, until he stood up and walked inside his little home.

Once he entered inside he saw a broken blade, the fractured remnant of what was once a long greatsword. The break occurred just below where the guard once protected the wielder's hand, leaving the once mighty weapon as nothing more than an incomplete relic.

Without a handle and guard, now a long strip of crimson cloth is tightly bound around the fractured end of the blade. Roughly half of the cloth wraps around the blade, while the other half dangles down.

The way it's wrapped suggests that even in its broken incomplete state, one could grasp the hilt and with a swift motion, unleash the blade to cut down the enemies.

Avatar approached towards the blade, its pointed end driven into the earth, offering support to its weary form.

He extended his hand toward it slowly, to touch it but as the hand reached near the blade, he pulled it back and looked toward the asha standing beside him,

"Let's go"